Speculation on Pawlenty; But Been There Done That
The talking heads and bloggers are abuzz over the soon to be known Vice Presidential pick for GOP candidate John McCain and the focus is on Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota. Fueling the fire is the fact that reports say Pawlenty's schedule for today and tomorrow has been cleared. Additional rumors say the speculation is designed to upstage Democratic candidate Barack Obama's coronation in front of his Greco-Roman temple in Denver this evening.
I am not so sure it's Pawlenty, but he's a good choice. It seems to me we had a pretty good head fake like this about a week ago.
So I'll wait and see.
Update: Rumors that Secret Service has inspected Mitt Romney's sister's home (not sure how many she owns).
I am not so sure it's Pawlenty, but he's a good choice. It seems to me we had a pretty good head fake like this about a week ago.
So I'll wait and see.
Update: Rumors that Secret Service has inspected Mitt Romney's sister's home (not sure how many she owns).
Labels: Barack Obama, john mccain, tim pawlenty
So I'll wait and see (he sez).
NO YOU WON'T, Higby, you'll just keep re-posting every useless, unfounded, made-up rumor out there. Like the ridiculous fake "Obama/Bayh" bumper stickers and the "let's pick Bush's congressman - to EMBARRASS him" (like Bush is the F-ing candidate again - don't they wish).
Why will you keep posting drivel?
Because THAT's what bloggers do. They create nothing of their own - they sit in a blind box, and regurgitate old news, and then say "someone else made THIS crap up! Let's SEE if it comes true."
It's a low-risk, even-lower credibility threshold. Anywhere but on the Internet, it'd be called plagiarism.
There's really no "Web Logging" (the origin of the term) going on. You ought to be called "Full-Loggers" for being full of you-know-what.
For cryin' out loud at least make up something of your OWN, if you're going to post stuff for which there's no real sources.
The preceding message was brought to you by LAObserved.
Sacro Bee
...Much has changed this year. Newsom has been everywhere in Denver this week, boosting his national profile with a bottomless list of stop-bys and featured appearances. Within 36 hours, he was being vetted/honored by the Washington media elite, toasted by California's gay and lesbian caucus, and interviewing top Facebook and YouTube officials on his local talk show.
Before he was scheduled to go to his concert to "celebrate generation Obama," he was interviewed by top Newsweek editors and PBS, and stopped by a party thrown by Voto Latino, an organization trying to connect young Latinos through new media. A writer from Elle magazine has been trailing him for a forthcoming profile and the Sept. 1 issue of Time magazine lists Newsom as one of its five "hotshots to watch" Democrats
Haikula was not head faked by the Biden pick; I did predicted it 5 days prior, right here on MS.
One thing is, if the other commentors haven't mentioned it is that HUCKABEE will NOT be a pick, so says his office.
I say it won't be Romney. I'm hoping for Condoleeza Rice. If he's smart, he'll choose a woman. Carly Fiorina will be a knockout second choice.
Condy. Carly. Colin. And no one will be talking about Obama if he does go this way.
"I did predicted it"? What foo' wrote this?
Told you - head fake.
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