That's what Walter Moore needs to get to the magical six figure mark of having received $100,000 in contributions to his Mayoral campaign. Can we do it before this week is over?
If you want to send a message to the power elites - even as they fly out of the country on yet another junket - drop a few Federal Reserve Notes to Walter.
Even if you don't ultimately plan to vote for him consider it an investment in letting Mayor Villaraigosa and the do-nothing City Clowncil know we're really getting a little pissed out here.
I can promise you Walter will spend it wisely to get the word out about the issues that matter and hopefully get a real dialog going in the next campaign.
If you want to send a message to the power elites - even as they fly out of the country on yet another junket - drop a few Federal Reserve Notes to Walter.
Even if you don't ultimately plan to vote for him consider it an investment in letting Mayor Villaraigosa and the do-nothing City Clowncil know we're really getting a little pissed out here.
I can promise you Walter will spend it wisely to get the word out about the issues that matter and hopefully get a real dialog going in the next campaign.
Labels: 2009 mayoral election, mayor antonio villaraigosa, walter moore
Anyone who is struggling to raise $100,000 isn't a serious candidate.
Anyone who is struggling to raise $100,000 is a grassroots candidate, not beholden to any special interests!
^^^^^Ah shut up! What are you both fighting about.
I, for one, am very impressed that Walter raised this much money. 2:27, you're just an asshole who is undoubtedly a City Haller who thinks the Villar-Raigosa days will go on forever.
Getting a bit nervous? Indeed you are. Otherwise, why in the world wouldn't you just say, "Hey, good job, Walter." Your need to put him down is a sign of your suck-ass soul.
"Hey, good job, Wacko Walter!"
(I doubt anyone in city hall is getting nervous in any way, since Tony V. can raise that without getting out of the limo). But, I'd bet EXACTLY $1,375.00 to the penny that IF they ever did -- five days before any election, Parke Skelton would have a slick mailer ready to fly with Moore's head photo-shopped over a cartoon figure of the Warner Brothers Animaniac character "Wakko". It would be accompanied by a twisted list of Moore's outlandish proposals (the way they state them), and sit over a caption saying:
"Maybe that's why in the last mayoral election, even a Republican blog like Mayor Sam's took to calling Walter Moore "Wacko Walter".
(Remember the Alvin "Doh" Parra/Homer Simpson ads from CD14!)
Of course if I lose the bet, you have to give me 30-60 days to sell all my worldly possessions in order to pay up.
2:27 p.m.
I challenge you to find anyone outside of a lobbyist who would contribute one red cent to your boss, Tony Villar!
I can hardly wait to watch the debate between Moore and Villar...it will be a TKO in the first round!
We, the People, hire and fire...and I guarantee you Villar will be out on his ugly ass next year!
Is $1,375.00 what Trujillo gets each month to drive the Limo?
Being a serious grassroots candidate should mean more than that the guy can't raise money from the grass-roots and can't drum up voters.
When he ran last time, Moore raised $103,000, but $97,000 of that was either a contribution or loan from himself. Does that translate into a grassroots campaign, or a dead in the water campaign?
Since running last time, you would expect that as a grassroots candidate he would have worked on building up a list of supporters that would overcome the money that other candidate(s) have.
Since we know that he doesn't have the money or the voter support, can someone design a plan through which Moore could win?
And you can bet that AV will never spend a penny doing attack pieces on him because (1) he will never be a viable candidate, and (2) that would be most advertising he'd ever get.
walter moore has so much going for him:
He has made a name for himself arguing against the eruv that orthodox jews want
He has sided with jamiel's law even though moore probably does not have any african american friends
He looks like a raving lunatic.
Yep, dislike for jews, a lack of african americans going anywhere near him, and his psycho looks make him a rising star. The guy is a total subyahoo chigger - how can you not make money as a lawyer - it is a license to print cash - any smart one can easily crank out 300K a year, and save 100K a year to run a campaign. But this guy dresses like someone who could get an extra cup of soup at the mission and generally takes positions on issues where he is alone with himself and his pud.
MECHA mayor can raise all the $$$$
he wants ,but nothing,nothing
can stop something whose time has come and I mean the crash and burn of Tony Villar. Loved by some and detested
by the rest!
Walter Moore would crush Villar in an open debate!
I think you're wrong, 9:02 p.m.
Pakre, for Huizar, nailed Parra with a mutilation mailer about Homer Simson, even though there was no chance he (parra) was even going to get close in the election.
They do it to embarrass people who aren't really a threat, but are an annoyance, to shut them up the next time around, and get them to go away and stop flailing about as if they could finish in the top 2 or 3.
It worked with Parra.
I'll bet the "Wacko Walter" ads are on the drawing board right now.
Yo-- Anonymous 6:19AM-- why does one have to meet a certain quota of black friends in order to sympathize w/ the Shaw family and see that all this molly-coddling of the illegal alien gangbangers (by the Mayor, Bratton, City Council, special interest Latino activist groups, the ACLU, etc.)is wrong? Are you some MS 13gangbanger blogging on a stolen computer or something? (Si, Li'l Cholo, I'm trying to piss you off.)
Walter Moore came off like a simpleton in his debate with the Times' Op Ed Editor Jim Newton, over SP40. Whatever one thinks about the Order (and Newton's leaving the Times too, as Zell/ Hiller and gang consolidate and pare down), it's HOW dumb Walter Moore sounded that lost it for him before he could get going.
And on various Daily News comments he accuses the whole Council and Mayor of supporting gangs, even blasts Zine for trying to ride on HIS sand Shaw's coattails. Smart to blast even his one potential ally and ignore Smith. Dummy.
Such things don't happen in a mayoral campaign. If it's only Moore running against AV, AV would spend his money promoting himself in way that sets himself up for governor.
Also, AV would be insane to have a debate with a minor candidate. There is nothing for AV to gain. The only gain goes to the minor candidates. Also, nobody votes for mayoral candidates based upon debates, assuming that there will be any. Name ID, ethicity, religion, and general perceptions all trump issues.
5:51/ previous poster: Your claiming that religion, ethnicity, "perception" and name recognition all "trump issues," is really pathetic.
If that's the best you can do spinning for the Mayor's re-election, he sure deserves to lose.
But he's claiming the opposite, that he's not just the pawn of the Mexicans who share his "religion and ethnicity, and perceptions," but of all the people. That's what he's trying to convince the Jews of, and why he runs around the city to every ethnic photo op -- but he's done nothing to reign in the abuses and ethnic pandering of the Eastside Latino Machine. (Which is trying to spread like a cancer into the Westside and West and Central valleys.)
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