Zuma Dogg vs. Tom LaBonge
Zuma Dogg and Matt Dowd have a run in with Councilmember Tom LaBonge at City Hall. Here are Zuma's comments on the incident:
"LA City Councilmember Tom LaBong is the kinda guy you WANNA love and you SHOULD love. Like the popular football captain that everyone likes. But Tom has a controlling, bullyish streak that always gets in the way. All Matt and Zuma want is for Tom to let the Council President and Sergeant at Arms run and control the meeting. Tom is a more disruptive figure than any one else in chambers, most days. Hey Tom, hit the La Bong and chill out my man! You're supposed to be the fun, cheerleader CM that everyone loves."
Labels: matt dowd, tom labonge, zuma dogg
Great story in Daily News about all city employees making over $100,000. Isn't surprising that Villaraigosa's staff alone there are 24 people making over $100,000. And this asshole cholo mayor wants to tax the hard working "real" people of this city because he has screwed up worst then any other Mayor in the history of Los Angeles. Leave it to the first stupid, dumb Latino Mayor to ruin our city. And yes, I'm a Latino.
....city leaders were approving the deal, however.. were receiving reports of a looming budget deficit and economic downturn.. six months before Villaraigosa and the council granted the Coalition of L.A. City Unions the five-year deal worth raises of 23 percent for its 22,000 workers in October, local economists said they had warned city officials of a deteriorating local economy.
Meanwhile, also in October, city budget analysts were predicting a $295 million deficit.
Tom is an old-style disciplinarian who doesn't hesitate to yell at obnoxious kids or punks, unlike Eric and Wendy who are more P C and under the current generation's discipline "edicts," like using your calm indoor voice to talk to kids throwing a tantrum, don't yell back...
Zuma was an obnoxious ass as usual -- he might start normal for 5 seconds then start screaming and ordering the Council around and batmouthing people == and Tom yelled at him to learn decorum, like at any Catholic School probably, good for Tom.
And one of the more disturbing features about him is that he doesn't listen to anyone. You simply can't have a conversation with him to discuss anything. He has the attention span of a 6 year old, so whatever point you need to get across to him, it has to be done in first 30 seconds. You can't use big words or have complex thoughts.
There are hundreds of people in the airport alone making over a hundred thousand, but moron first poster can only worry about the Mayor's staff, what a continuing fixation we've heard over and over.
Even the DN can see this is an issue that's broader than just the mayor, and look at how Alarcon and Hahn and Rosendahl are even now more obsessed wtih hammering raises for illegals in a misguided socialist rant that that's how to "create" middle class, what fools. While they tax and tax and drive out middle class and small business like with Rosendahl's four dollar an hour parking meters -- which will drive everyone to the malls.
Look at county failures and wastes, where the supes have drivers as does that useless LAUSD Brewer, and the county hospitals, clinics and jails are all failing -- Mayor's Hahn's raises to prison guards sucking up most of the jail money, their pensions, etc.
What city needs to do as even that fool Rosendahl suggested (but was shot down) is stop offering lifetime pensions to new city hires which come to virtual full salary and health benefits with as little as ten years work history, retirement at age 50.
The dept. that's refused to cut at all -- city councils have cut 6% -- is the stupidest, City Attorney's office. Idiot Rocktard is fighting it.
Then there's state, the biggest waste of all. So everyone at all levels was asleep at the switch.
As for keeping money for public safety and cops, DA Steve Cooley was with Laurel Erickson this a.m. (after she talked to the Mayor) and agreed that hiring cops can't be cut -- but the city is instituting ideas to cut overtime, which adds a lot, e.g. by emailing cops to show up at court just as their cases come up so they don't get to sit there all day in basically a paid holiday/
Cooley's DA office and attorneys have just gotten pay raises too, which he justifies as needed to keep up with other depts., and still less than private sector. And he's a Republican.
Yeah, good for Tom, he's violating the Brown Act by interrupting me. There's a reason why the President and City Attorney are not saying anything to me, or cutting me off...but they are monitoring the situation (by the law) and frequently warn me, or let me know that is not on topic, or please refrain from phrasing a question -- or speaking directly to CMs.
I don't need that dummy Tom The Bong to tell me what time it is. But I'll be glad to sit down with Tom and explain a few things about the way things work. TRUST ME, HE DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE IF IT DOESN'T INVOLVE A BALL.
And thanks to the staffer who stopped me in front of City Hall last week and told me that I "am their hero". THAT'S RIGHT SORRY ASS BITCH, COUNCIL STAFFERS STOP ME AND TELL ME I AM THEIR HERO.
I'll be glad to teach La Bong a thing or two about leadership and what it takes to have strangers stop you on the street to say these things.
The proposed City Council's budget is 6% cut? From what?
It's close to that if you measure it from the amount that was allocated for the City Council in the current year's budget a year ago. But obviously they didn't need that much, so if you look at page 63 in the Mayor's proposed city budget, you will see how much less it is projected that the City Council will spend this year, which is over in 2 months.
The proposed city budget allocates $24,224,781 for next year. It is projected that they will spend $23,235,000 this year. So that's a 4% increase!
Also, if you look at the budget page, the Council was allocated $42,456 for travel in the current budget, but is projected to spend $128,000. Where do they go and what do they do?
zuma, you're an attention-whore psycho, your threads only further prove it. We're all TREMBLING here.
Too bad you never had a daddy whack you on the butt -- you're the best argument for corporal punishment.
12:00: What a lame-ass tedious reply steeped in more of your irrelevant minutae, aimed squarely at the City Council instead of the hundreds of employees in depts. who don't do anything, the power of the unions, the kinds of waste Zine pointed out on Friday -- where the CRA hired a firm to do road repair, who ripped up several blocks for months, turned out they never had the material or abiliy to stamp concrete, so they just buried it all up with asphalt...
cost, over $300,000.
Your heroine of babbling, smugness and serious waste, Janice Hahn, called the question on him before he was done, forcing an end to the discussion because she was bored.
You sound like her, a middle aged woman or older who's showing her age and tendency to be annoyingly self-important, bitter and irrelevant. TRY to focus on the big picture, the billions...
The old Zuma Dogg never left. He's still the same spoiled child he always was.
How long has Zuma Dog been doing this, confronting government employees and such?
What has he accomplished? Are the streets safer? Schools safer?
If he's not getting the results he is after, why does he continue the same old same old?
Laws that were not being followed are now being followed -- and there have been numerous victories, now too numerous to mention for a quick comment to some anonymous loser. But, just ask Antonio or any Councilmember.
If I didn't feel the time spent was worth it, I would have stopped a long time ago, but people keep telling me it's working. And all the awareness I have created in the community and in the city. ARE YOU KIDDING ME...the first time I posted a YouTube video in a blog thread, no one had ever even seen that before. YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YouTube was when ZD and Dowd started posting. (Think about it, y'all...)
But since I haven't been effective yet, I better double up my efforts!
Don't try to reason with Homeless Dave. He's a smelly useless fool.
Tom LaBonge is a strange bird. He is sometimes manic, as if he were on drugs. He is the most gifted politician, yet he exhibits no ambition. He is secure in his district, yet so insecure that he hires an idiotic staff. He is a plodding big white dude, yet he has no balls. He's never been in front of any issue. Anyone having fun at his expense, is A-OK by me.
7:32 - Now that's what I call reason.
Zuma Dogg is a poser. The fool doesn't even surf.
It doesn't matter whether or not LAX employees are making over $100,000 some of those are FEDERAL who pick up the bill. The Mayor is the one who got this city in the worst shape in the history of the city and it all stems from the top. He wants to tax the residents but why doesn't he cut his staff or their salaries? He should be setting an example but of course he's so greedy and insecure he needs all that attention. I heard he had something like 15 just for press.
Hey first poster who is Latino. Do you have to call him an asshole cholo? You name call and we tune out. Good debaters don't have to name call.
When did Zuma claim to be a surfer? He's no poser. He's an exposer. He exposes the truth.
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