The Nanny State, Reloaded
Comedienne Fran Drescher and Assemblywoman Sally Leiber had this to say today to those who use the term "The Nanny State" derisively:
California should become a "nanny state," at least when it comes to screening for women's cancers.
Drescher introduced AB 1774, which pushes health insurers to expand their coverage to include tests for women's cancers. Assemblyman Kevin De Leon, whose mother died of ovarian cancer, is a co-sponsor of AB 1774.
Far too often, insurers deny women screening tests that are so critical to saving lives, just because they are somewhat costly. My own partner Lynn, who has ovarian cancer, was initially denied a CT Scan by Blue Shield, even though an initial consultation at an Urgent Care facility authorized her to have one.
We're not crusaders, but there is so much misinformation about women's cancers and cancer screening that we are glad to talk to anyone about them, so if you have any questions at all about women's cancers, please email us.
Labels: a guy in la, ab 1774, kevin de leon
"Things to Come" (1936)With Raymond Massey
Britain wants to presume dibs on one's organs: Prime Minister Gordon Brown yesterday threw his weight behind a move to allow hospitals to remove organs from dead patients without explicit consent.Writing in the Sunday Telegraph, Mr. Brown said such a move would save thousands of lives and that he hopes such a system can start this year. The proposals would mean consent for organ donation after death would be automatically presumed, unless individuals had opted out of a national register or family members objected.
Free market advocates have suggested that people be allowed to sell their organs. It’s likely that such a move would greatly reduce the organ shortage, and put money in the pockets of people who could really use it. [That’s one instance, though, where establishing government price controls might go a long way toward keeping the market humane and fair.]
If outright purchasing seems too mercenary, simply offering patients a 10% discount on medical expenses if they sign the organ donor card might do the trick. But the point is: there are a lot of ways that Brown’s initiative could lead to moral or medical disaster, especially with this unsavory aspect: Hospitals will be rated for the number of deceased patients they “convert” into donors, and doctors will be expected to identify potential donors earlier and alert donor coordinators as patients approach death.
Do you think that this governmental pressure to harvest organs might just slant some close medical decisions? I know I do.
“Nanny state tells you how to eat, learn, defend yourself, and now . . . how to die.” This governmental pressure to harvest organs might just slant some close medical decisions? Absolutely, and the ones who cannot argue for themselves, like infants and the disabled will be the first to find their organs missing.
creepy proposal. sure, doctors might be too anxious to grab an organ before the patient is even dead, and fight over it. Don't you watch Gray's Anatomy? Selling organs is also creepy. The Chinese Government does it with the organs of executed prisoners -- no better way to ensure fresh, healthy organs than from one just shot dead. The poor in third world countries do it on the black market. Ever see "Ugly Pretty Things" set in England about a poor immigrant girl on the verge of doing so, with a "doctor" who lets a lot of his victims die?
So that's what happens in a truly civilized country with singlepayer health care.
I'd rather harvest organs!
"The year is 2022, the place is New York City, and the population is 40 million citizens; half are out of work and sleep on staircases twenty deep. In this film, humans destroy the earth's natural resources. The environmental erosion is so complete that people must rely on a foodstuff called Soylent. There are three types of this Soylent product. Soylent Yellow and Red are made from vegetables. Then there's Soylent Green, which is said to be made from a high-energy plankton. Yeah, right.
'Soyent Green"" the movie.
I recall Edward G. Robinsons last words, saying "No more of this green shit," or "me and the boys are going ta drill holes on your Patella's," "Now bring Louie two double doubles, large fries, a large lemonade and a 40 oz. vanilla shake."
Cocaine shipments from South America dropped sharply in 2007 from the year before, reflecting a successful shift in tactics by drug traffickers to avoid detection at sea. Seizures fell from 262 metric tons in 2006 to about 210 tons last year, the lowest since 2003. Last year's drop broke a string of yearly increases in cocaine seizures and disruptions dating to the late 1990's. One conclusion is that the drug cartels are nimbler than the U.S. government and are finding ways of eluding detection at sea, such as shipping drugs in semi-submersible vessels, and are flying drug routes from sites in western Venezuela that are harder to stop. The bad boys are moving faster. There are Concerns about Iran in Latin America, worry at Iran's push to strengthen its ties in Latin America. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited Bolivia in September, where he pledged $1 billion in investment, and then Venezuela to meet President Hugo Chavez. He also has been to Nicaragua recently. There is a very disconcerting possibility that Iran's growing presence could lead to future terrorist links. The Pipeline pointing east? The U.S. should be alarmed by the 2007 drop in drug seizures. Could it be that the drug traffic is being directed east across the Atlantic toward Europe and Africa, where it fetches higher prices, rather than toward Mexico and the United States? Cocaine is used inside Latin America by the cartels for payoffs "for various activities."
"I recall Edward G. Robinsons last words, saying "No more of this green shit," or "me and the boys are going ta drill holes on your Patella's," "Now bring Louie two double doubles, large fries, a large lemonade and a 40 oz. vanilla shake."'
Bull! He turned himself in for a field of flowers, wonderful music and a steak.
Anony-mouse said...
bull pucky! He turned himself in for a field of flowers, wonderful music and a steak.
January 14, 2008 11:07 PM
Sounds like what Stanley Tookie Williams got.
Santiago = boring
santiago,don culo,and don q are all the same person!!
This numnut =s one BIG ATTENTION WHORE!!! PERIOD!!
don q.
the gang don q.
the gang don q.
'I must revisit the old Talking Heads Album "Stop Making Sense"
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