Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Friday
LA Downtown News has memories from the future of the opening of the first Ralphs in Downtown in over 40 years, which just happened a few days ago.
The goofiest idea since Lloyd Levine wanted to neuter all pets. Hollywood wants to feed birth control pills to piegons.
Zach Behrens was having trouble finding a place that would sell him a Metro monthly pass. Why doesn't MTA sell them from the ticket machines at rail stations or Orange Line stations?
Sunland-Tujunga residents don't want Home Depot, lets hope presidential candidate and pretty hair boy John Edwards doesn't locate anywhere in LA. Residents and business owners near his office in Chapel Hill, NC are finding his operation with bomb threats, media crews, etc. to be a major pain in the ass.
Liberals are supposed to be for diversity. But not when it comes to diversity of thought. Just like the folks in Pomona who tried to silence the Foothill Cities blog, an Islamic group with ties to the Democratic Party is trying to use their attorneys to silence a conservative student conference.
Labels: Mayor Sam's Hotsheet
These people are shameless. First the mayor raises private money from people with projects pending mayoral approval, then he spends that money to get his backed candidates on the LAUSD board, then, they decide to not make the mayor pick up the tab.
LA Times
I never thought I'd see the day when Koretz makes the top of the hotsheet *shakes head*
"But not when it comes to diversity of thought."
Is it liberal to use complete sentences? Or are you just lazy?
Koretz is a recycled leftie who was all for megadevelopment and evry social-spending project (especially for gays, "gay families" and Russian immigrants) while he was on the Council at West Hollywood, where he still lives in a condo. No wonder he has Rosendahl's endorsement. As for getting Zine's, where does that fat SM-leather wearing baldie get off having a say re: CD5, when he's trying his damndest to get Bratton to cut down policing in CD5 --which has prominent potential terror targets like the Federal Building, UCLA and glitzy malls and shops, and gangs at the edges -- in order to transfer them to HIS West VAlley district, to worry about burglaries and property crimes.
Well, if we had enough money (what ever happened to the money for cops from Mayor's trash tax?), there should be more cops everywhere, but Zine is a provincial, eneducated rube who is the enemy of CD5.
Wesson at least borders CD5 along Robertson, but he's insignificant.
(He's one guy who's too polite at Council Meetings -- like over some issue regarding donations from the Police support league, Parks jumped in and took his time many times, and Wendy had to try to urge him to use his own entitled time.)
Koretz and Tom Hayden are recycled lefties from another era, but who else but an unemployed spendthrift wants to tackle the NIMBY's and whiners and liars and Snotty Pants who elect themselves as "leaders" in CD5?
What's that guy Tuttle like, who's also planning to run?
Fabian Nunez endorsing Koretz sure makes me feel a lot better. Fabian, who stole L A's transportation funds from the gas tax voters specifically intended for L A Transportation projects, like our highways and mass transit. And this behind the back of Antonio, supposedly one of his best friends and closest "allies," while he was beset with problems over Fabian's own former girlfriend.
Yeah, this is the guy those idiots in CD5 screaming about traffic really want helping pick their rep. But they're just stupid enough to actually think they do.
For a penny-pinching Republican, MayorSam sure seems to enjoy wasting millions of taxpayer dollars every year housing, feeding and killing homeless animals who wouldn't be born if more pets were spayed or neutered.
We'll make sure to remember that the next time he whines about some government spending plan, which is sure to be soon.
Metro will be switching over to Transit Access Passes (TAP Cards) sometime in mid to late 2008. You won't need to purchase any type of paper pass, you'll just need to recharge your TAP Card.
You will be able to recharge your card at any ATM. It will give you a 30 day pass any day you start using it and it will give you the best pricing available. For example, you will pay no more than $17 / week, if you ride multiple trips per day and no more than $62 for all your riding within a 30 day cycle.
The reason that pass sales were jammed this month was that riders figured out that it would be a major savings to buy a monthly pass instead of a $5 day pass, so habits changed at the last minute.
I bought my pass on Thursday last week and there was no line, but starting this Monday, there were record monthly pass purchases.
You can buy your pass on-line from your computer until the 17th of the month and you get it in the mail by the 25th. That is the most convenient way to get it.
This post is worth repeating because you know what they say birds of a feather tend to flock together.......
At July 26, 2007 11:34 PM, Anonymous said...
What the blogger writing about Alicia Corona and Teresa Durate is trying to inform you about is that your tax money has been given to Alicia and Teresa to the tune of $1.5 Million Dollars to Purchase the former Rose Eye Clinic located in Lincoln Heights.
This is just one more example of the type of irresponsible and negligent development that occurs in highly ethnic communities such as Lincoln Heights.
These ladies are sweatshop owners that do not live in the area and have been able to convince the local city councilman Ed Reyes to support their venture. It is unfortunate because under the guise of bringing so called needed jobs to the community they have been given a variance by the city for a liquor license and gambling establishment to be built on this site which is directly across from Gates Elementary School, Lincoln High School and in back of it Little Flower pre-school and kindergarten. The gambling part consists of over 140 video arcade machines that will be fully operational during regular school hours. Fears are that the a local group claiming to be descendents of the local Native Americans will attempt to declare the site as a federally protected reservation because of the hieroglyphics rumored to be in a dynamited cave on a hill behind the project and thereby utilizing the approval of the gambling variance as a precedent to establishing a full blown casino adjacent to these schools.
The community has been fighting back, but it has been unable since the unethical involvement from USC's Institute of Genetic Medicine’s through Lyn Crandel and David Galaviz in carrying out a coup to take over the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council. Incidentally it seems that David Galaviz is even more unethical then first thought. Information has it that he is married to M. Teresa Villegas, a Mayor Villar’s appointee to the Environmental Affairs Commission. (Villegas served as an Executive Fellow for the California Air Resources Board with funding from the Hewlett Foundation. She developed recommendations for improvements to the State’s Environmental Justice Program, all of which were approved by the Air Resources Board. Ms. Villegas previously served as Legislative Director for the Trust for Public Land in Sacramento. She is currently a public policy consultant for local governments and the Trust for Public Land. She also serves as a Board Member for the Planning and Conservation League, a statewide environmental advocacy group. Board of Directors of the Land Trust Alliance)
It has been 2 years since the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council has had an election. Why would David Galaviz, for that matter anybody in City Government, want to have elections when they have conflict of interest influence on the Neighborhood Councils.
Getting back to Alicia's and Teresa project, remember the $1.5 million grant was just to purchase the property. On top of this they will also receive an estimated amount of an additional $5 million dollars of your taxes for building and tax credits for next five years to hire so-called marginalized workforce. This is just another farce by the politicians to give away your hard earned money.
Other projects that are occurring in Lincoln Heights is the building of 37 Low Income Units on a former EPA site on Sichel Street, under the 1805 Sichel LLC, headed by none other that City Housing Panelist John Huskey of Meta Housing. In this case the entire project is being funded 50% tax payer money and 50% from Wells Fargo. What a sweet deal. Can you ever imagine that someone in the Barrio could get this kind of funding, forget it you would have to be very well connected and you and your employees have to be generous donors to the illustrious sell out Latino Politicians?
More recently it was made known that a certain group of developers are planning to develop one of the largest parcels of open space in the City. Approximately 30 acres on a hill behind Lincoln High Schools Athletic Field, owned by Mee Yin Corp will have a gated community of 387 - million dollar homes. 15 acres will be for the housing and 15 acres of property will be donated to the Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy. You say this is okay, think again. All land set aside for open space should be given to the City for Park Land that way it should never ever be used for anything but parks. But the game currently being played now is for non-profits such as the Conservancy to get the Land and then after a period of time they will also get rid of some of this Land for Development. The game is called Land Banking through the use of non-profits.
For those still interested in what is going on in our community you might also find it interesting that Mee Yin Corp is represented by City Lobbyist Steve Afriat, a former City Animal Regulation Commissioner who has represented the interest of Strip Club and Gay Bathhouse Owners in the City of Los Angeles. Steve Afriat is no light weight; a google search of him will give you an enormous amount of information of his dealings with former Councilmen Art Snyder, Richard Alatorre and Mike Hernandez. It would seem that if you want to win a city council seat you need Steve Afriat’s blessings and money sources.
How unfortunate that Lincoln Heights a founding member of the Chicano Movement in the late 60’s and 70’s is being converted into a cesspool of political misrepresentation, graft, unethical activity and corruption.
To Los Angeles & Calif. liberals, "diversity" means 90% Mexican.
I want my government check, pronto.
Mayor Sam caved in to pressure to change the blog. lol
let me know when Coca Cola stops using red.
I'd use a word to describe it, but it may be construed as a derogatory epithet, so I'll refrain.
all I can say is that its very 'happy'
As an anglo child growing up in a Mexican-American community, I didn't know what "diversity" was until a knucklehead like 8:17 explained it to me -- along with all the requisite racism.
Thanks so much for the fond trip down Memory Lane...
Anonymous said ....
"It is unfortunate because under the guise of bringing so called needed jobs to the community they have been given a variance by the city for a liquor license and gambling establishment to be built on this site which is directly across from Gates Elementary School, Lincoln High School and in back of it Little Flower pre-school and kindergarten. The gambling part consists of over 140 video arcade machines that will be fully operational during regular school hours."
Is Chuck E. Cheese pizza a gambling establishment?
Because they also have video arcade machines and a liquor license.
I better start the protest NOW because I see hundreds of innocent young kids in these gambling establishments.
"jack hoff" stop playing with yourself and acknowledge basic facts. And FYI, the hollow "racism" charge doesn't cut it anymore.
Next time you read one of my posts, try reading it out loud a little slower. My charge of racism (re: 8:17) is anything but hollow.
No other major city has morons like our city council wanting to do the Chief's job. What a bunch of losers. As if they can do any better or doing a decent job in their own districts. Perry is getting hell for catering to developers and moving out homeless, Bitter Bernie is getting slammed by his constitutents for not bringing in development and acting like a coconut. Hasnt' said anything about homicides in his area. IDIOTS!!!!!
Recommendation for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Perry - Parks): INSTRUCT the City Administrative Officer (CAO) to report to the Budget and Finance Committee with a financial analysis of City funds allocated to each LAPD division.
Bitter Bernie just can't get over the fact that Bratton replaced him as Chief -- has to meddle and criticize the LAPD and Chief every chance he gets. Bernie insisted on City Staff re-scrutinizing every donation the LAPD HAS ALREADY RECEIVED AND IS USING from a group which donated equipment, software etc., to make sure there's no "conflict of interest." Even though the LAPD spokespeople assured him that someone also vetted all this.
Alarcon jumped right in to support him, although he was clearly clueless; the more moderate and conservative ones who support Bratton and the LAPD (Smith, Weiss, LaBonge and even Wesson), questioned why it's necessary and a productive use of time.
Wonder what Bitter Bernie's next attack will be on the LAPD. Any bets he, Hahn and Alarcon will try to turn this incident with the pushy, belligerent little Mexican newshound reporter into a civil rights issue? Huizar will be right behind, and Reyes...
Marc Cooper has an insightful analysis of the machinations of one Fabian Nunez in this week's Weekly, with a precursor piece on 7/11: this illustrious character wants to be Mayor in '10, no wonder he sold out Antonio, his "bud" and new squeeze of self-same shared g.f., Salinas, on the Transportation issue. If Antonio is made to look impotent on that, as he now is, that hurts his chances at ever recovering from the Salinas mess.
BUT Nunez may have dug his own grave by selling out labor, incl. Maria Elena Durazo, whose hotel workers union 'made" the little twerp. Nunez backed the richest Indian tribes in the state, incl. Agua Caliente of Palm Springs and elsewhere, in expanding still further their already huge empire, notorious for being anti-labor!
Nunez did this, because he worried that the Indians would lobby against the extended term limits he so desperately wants for himself. /
They campaign for more money on a platform of "social justice," but the stiff the union labor who cleans and staffs their casinos and hotels.
Now, the powerful labor unions will campaign against sleazebag FAbian, for selling them out.
He started a war, and Cooper predicts he'll sink from his own disloyalty and greed. I hope so.
Meanwhile, this is the main sleaze who Koretz counts as his supporter in a run for CD5. In addition to having proved himself a spendthrift liberal who panders to gays during his tenure in WeHo, this shows that if birds of a feather flock together, the last thing we want in CD5 or on the Council is Paul Koretz.
Tuttle for CD5!
So now,
You would think Bitter Bernie would have taken the advice of Daily News Opinion to get over it and move on. He has so much bitterness for getting booted and then Bratton first chief to be reappointed must have really pissed him off. No other elected is as screwed up mentally as Bernie. He is the joke of everyone including other council members for his vendetta against LAPD. He obviously is a Satan servant.
At 8/3 6:24, I was right that Hahn would be right with Bernie in being the first to bash the cops. Idiots. She's doing the most harm on the Council and city as a whole, crying for the people while also miling them dry with endless taxes and bonds, incl. some 17 (of the day's 20) "special events, fees absorbed by the city" on last Friday ALONE, to the tune of $120,ooo in one DAY.
She throws money around her district like it's water, that comes from the rest of US, to mskr herself look like some Godfather patrona.
THEN she talks and talks and talks, wasting time and trying to make herself look like the populist, attacking those who are more fiscally responsible and realize that you can only keep antagonizing the cops for so long.
New York wants Bratton back and so do lots of other cities -- Hahn and Bitter Bernie are doing their best to drive him off, to the concern of some of the others.
If it weren't for Bratton we'd be at the mercy of provincial leftists and Hispanic sellouts.
Koretz was a West Hollywood City Councilman before going to the Assembly. Why is he running for LA Council?
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