Soviet Style Housing Program Comes to LA

Since the City can't afford to buy all these condos, they can charge you $150 for the "privilege" of having the city waive this right.
The City recently started aggressively collecting this fee but not one penny has been spent towards the stated goal of providing more "affordable housing."
Now the Mayor and other left-leaning politicians actually want the City to start buying these condos and give/sell them to poor people. Ironically, one of the most liberal politicians on the City Council - Ed Reyes - sees the folly in the proposal and opposes it.
Someone needs to tell the Mayor and City Clowncilmen like Bill "Open Shirt" Rosendahl that this type of housing program has been tried before and it failed - in Russia.
Labels: affordable housing, bill rosendahl, mayor antonio villaraigosa
You're a complete ignoramus when it comes to Russia or what this plan is; you got it off a Daily News article, and had you bothered to read it, you'd know the city has the $4 mil. gathered so far from these fees, and is trying to decide how to best use it. Yes, the Mayor proposed buying condos for the poor, and for once I agree that, as Reyes says, even if costs 200K, that would be an inefficient way to use this money -- whereas, if the city applies that toward building or buying larger buildings at a favorable rate, it makes sense. The buyers would then pay some % of their income that they can afford.
What the Mayor and others want to avoid is precisely the Soviet-style blocs of housing, where all the poor are placed together in ugly buildings -- we've tried that, and they're called projects, except those are rentals.
But the idea is sound, and a small amount to pay from each condo sale, considering the thousands realtors get. Yes, some realtors are complaining, but so what.
You are a fat hypocrite and nincompoop to boot, Zuma: you decry downtown/ Live project, even though the CRA is requiring substantial amounts of money from the developers for affordable housing or actual set- asides to buy it, on the grounds we need more affordable housing. But you oppose all plans to procure affordable housing. Having builders fund most of it (making the city assistance you decry very reasonable), with some coming from sales of condos, is a reasonable step.
Anyway, this clarification is NOT for you, don't care what you think, but so that some unfortunate readers don't actually accept your lame misreading as gospel truth.
1:03 AM
If this kind of madness should happen, I hope you own a condo and it all starts happening in YOUR building and neighborhood so YOU can live with everything that will bring, including the lowered property values.
But in usual leftist fashion, you may very likely own something bigger and more valuable than a condo and it won't directly affect you at all ... typical ... take from other people to "share" but never touch yours...
What the Mayor and others want to avoid is precisely the Soviet-style blocs of housing, where all the poor are placed together in ugly buildings -- we've tried that, and they're called projects, except those are rentals.
Absolutely! Just like all the rich are placed together in beautiful big buildings called mansions! This must stop! A large percentage of every home in every wealthy neighorhood must be taken by the government, with eminent domain pricing paid for them, and have them given to "poor people" ... now that would be appropriate!
'A large percentage of every home in every wealthy neighorhood must be taken by the government, with eminent domain pricing paid for them, and have them given to "poor people" ... now that would be appropriate'
Over my dead body and every one I can hit who tries to take it away
Propoganda Liar said..."But you oppose all plans to procure affordable housing."
EXCUSE ME!?!?! WHERE HAVE I EVER SAID ANYTHING TO THAT EFFECT. JUST THE OPPOSITE. Don't get it twisted though you naive sucker...look into what you are talking about a little bit before you fall for the "dog and pony show." The city has done nothing but allow developers to ignore affordable housing requirements -- and the "affordable housing" that they throw in so they can get the project is not the solution. ALL THEY ARE DOING IS BUILDING THE SAME AFFORDABLE HOUSING THAT ANY PROJECT WOULD BE REQUIRED TO INCLUDE. EXCEPT I SEE A WAY, IN THE GRAND AVE PROJECT, THAT WE CAN EVEN LOSE THAT!
If you think Ritz-Cartlon condos, specialty boutique shops, Five star hotels, expensive restaurants and concert halls is the formula...then I guess we just fundamentally disagree.
But besides the fundamental disagreement, I think you have your naive head up your ass anyway, you fool.
Naive Idiot said..."Anyway, this clarification is NOT for you..."
Zuma appologizes for reading the clarification anyway. And wonders what type of compulsive control freak tries and clarify and "manage" who is supposed to read what.
Sorry you were not able to control the situation...if only you could...wouldn't YOUR world be a much better place. Try a dictatorship. I think you would feel more in control of your world and less fearful of outside factors who you are allowing to control YOU, like my client.
"Nincompoop"...I think I heard some people using that term in a debate on McNeal/Lerher report.
You know you are dealing with level headed strategy-based debater when they use the word, "nincompoop" in the discussion!
I say you CLEARLY win that round, Curly...or is it Moe?
6:37 AM
Ha Ha Ha!!! Start in Yvonne Burke's Brentwood neighborhood! Maybe THAT will drive her back to actually living in her district!!
(By the way - in this grand plan of the "mayor" are only citizen "poor people" going to get this free or dirt cheap property given to them, or is he aiming this program at his illegals??)
Won't that be great! Brentwood with illegal clown houses, watching their new "neighbors" peeing in their bushes, crapping on their manicured lawns, hanging over their walls and fences ogling their parties, tons of cars parked everywhere, millions of their kids running amok all over their property, loud mexican music pounding at all hours of the day and night, gunfire, etc. etc... (oh, and don't plan on "laws" or zoning codes to be enforced here - 1) they don't apply to illegals and 2) if you try to make them apply the mexican groups and ACLU will come in and stop you!!)
Ha Ha Ha!!! Now THAT is a dream worth dreaming!!
...oh yeah, and don't forget the graffiti and all that lovely "wall art" they generate!
Remember, "affordable housing" has a special meaning in building project terms, and being affordable is not part of it.
It is more like a token gesture to get the projects approved and get on with creating higher density housing. In turn, that brings along more of the same problems of traffic, crime, pollution, waste, and more that we have now.
Oh, but there is a profit to be had for some.
Nice discourse here... red-baiting and racism all in one post.
The fact is, in today's market, the idea of buying units for affordable housing is a bit absurd. But think about 1993 when many of these units could be had for very little. Still, it is more efficient for the City to rehab declining properties or build large scale projects. But it is not all about efficiency sometimes. The goals of a mixed income city, with all incomes living everywhere and equal opportunity is something we should all strive for. Mandating affordable units when a developer stands to make a killing on a conversion makes sense. That was shot down and now we are left with these half measures. We need bold action on affordable housing, that is able to take into account the market dynamics. In a boom time like we just had, it would have made sense to have inclusionary housing. In a bust, maybe it makes some sense to buy condos outright.
11:37 AM
Spoken like a true Red!
You want affordable housing? Start SAVING your money; you should NOT expect your fellow Angelenos to involuntarily underwrite it for you! Once you've saved enough, you make a down payment on a home, and start paying mortgages and all the other taxes politicians have lobbed at homeowners.
Geez, some people have to be led by the hand...
12:21, I am NOT Zuma.
It's a shame you don't give your blog name - we could get into a duel... unless you wish to apologise.
If you aren't referring to my previous post, I tender my apologies.
"The goals of a mixed income city, with all incomes living everywhere and equal opportunity is something we should all strive for. "
Why do you assume that this is acceptable to people who have worked hard to get what little they have? Why do you assume they want it dragged down and destroyed by your bizarre and unreal idea of communist utopia? Many of us have "strived" hard enough for what we have and we are not willing for your ilk to grab it off for people who have not or for people who should not be in this country to begin with! Maybe you need to take your "goals", along with your "mayor" and his corrupt cronies south of our border ...
Dr Phil,
I am still waiting for your opinion on Zumma’s closet gay obsessed reader who continually returns to this blog to read the gay idiots comments.
How many times does a psycho have to burn his hand on the stove before he stops putting his hand on the flame? This is starting to sound like a Pee-Wee Herman skit “I know you are, but what am I”
In Soviet Russia, house comes to you.
- Bob
6:08: WHAT are you babbling about? A mere $150 from a sale? What disaster is the "all starts happening" that you're so terrified of? Since you're inarticulate, you need a mind reader, not a reader, to try to figure it out.
Odio Antonio Villaraigosa; el mentir, estafando a Alcalde incompetente de Los Angeles
Big deal, the city has a tax or fee attached to the sale of a condo. Wow, what a surprise, Mayor Sam. How this turns us into a Soviet state, I have no idea.
What's the average price of a home again in L.A. County?
And you're complaining about a hundred-fifty bucks?
No, wait, I get it. You're complaining about housing poor people. I mean, why should the city create space for them when there's plenty of space down on Skid Row, eh?
...Where is Charles Dickens when we need him?
6:08: WHAT are you babbling about? A mere $150 from a sale? What disaster is the "all starts happening" that you're so terrified of? Since you're inarticulate, you need a mind reader, not a reader, to try to figure it out.
July 31, 2007 4:21 PM
Gee, if you could read, you might have read the initial story to which these comments are attached and you might have noticed the connection is the fact that the commies want to go beyond even the fee to actually buying the condos when they go up for sale and handing them over to these "poor people" - and knowing Villar, those "poor people" will undoubtedly be illegals ... Here, for your convenience is a quote from the initial story so perhaps you won't need a mind reader, just someone who can read for you, to decipher what is being talked about:
"Did you know that the City of Los Angeles has a 33 year old ordinance on the books that allows the City to have first right of refusal to buy your condo when you sell it?
... Now the Mayor and other left-leaning politicians actually want the City to start buying these condos and give/sell them to poor people. Ironically, one of the most liberal politicians on the City Council - Ed Reyes - sees the folly in the proposal and opposes it."
6:33: I don't comment on the idiot's take on anything, because he's an idiot and so, clearly, are you.
The whole initial comment said it all, I won't repeat it or try to rebut the idiot. No one will engage him anymore. Because he is an idiot and flypaper for more idiots.
who is 6:33?
6:45 PM
Right ... you are apparently so confused and muddled any attempt at clarification on your part would be an effort in utter futility ... just go back to smoking whatever it is you're smoking...
Posts are being deleted left and right. How fitting for a russia subject. I wonder which dictator is doing the deleting.
who got deleted?
Posts are being deleted left and right. How fitting for a russia subject. I wonder which dictator is doing the deleting.
July 31, 2007 7:15 PM
Anonymous said...
who got deleted?
July 31, 2007 7:18 PM
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! Toooooo funny!!
Uh, I haven't noticed anything being deleted ... I think the problem here is substance-related!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!
LOL! ZD's executive strategy blog, already translated in Germany. (Now that China has surpassed them, and Deming has passed away, they are turning to ZD!!!]
Eltern: Schule fängt wieder an, bevor Sie wissen, dass es und Sie gehört haben dürften, dass der Bürgermeister mehr nah mit dem neuen LAUSD Schule Ausschuss und neuem Vorsteher David Brauer...
Click here for ZD's Executive Strategy Blog (German Translation)
Vielen Dank,
Zuma Dogg
Öffentlicher Fürsprecher von der Gemeinschaft
The Commies are coming to get you!
They're under your bed!
They're in your shower!
While you're all at it, try to find some other Boogeyman to use as a Straw Man. Communists just don't cut it anymore, like back the "good old" Cold War days. Wake up, it's 2007.
Condo sellers have to pay an extra $150 "tax" for each unit to help fund affordable housing?
Sounds good - helping the poor and the needies always sounds good (particularly to the MSM), until you really understand more about LA's Affordable Housing programs.
LA's Affordable Housing probably is the MOST CORRUPTED and is the BIGGEST SCAM. Not all the Affordable Housing projects are bad. But a lot of them are.
$2,500 per toilet is just the tip of the iceberg.
A lot of these Affordable Housing projects just make the Affordable Housing Developers rich while shortchanging the poor.
Only a few insiders among insiders are allowed to do these Affordable Housing projects. Some other big developers couldn't even get in.
8:49 PM
YOU are a liar or an ignorant fool if you claim communism is dead. A simple change of names means NOTHING, the concepts and tactics are all the same.
No, communists live under a new name; MECHA, LA Raza, etc.
OK, sports fans, here's my suggestion:
I have been a constant critic of Zuma Dogg since I abhor his spelling, his grammar, but mostly his basic misunderstanding of the political process and how it all works.
I find it grating to read him and watch him commit the most elemental mistakes in understanding why things have to be handled in certain ways to achieve objectives.
But, I notice, in reading his readers' comments, that most are related, not to the subject matter, but to his stupidity or arrogance, or his personal self agrandisement.
So. let's cut it out and let him post stupidity without comment; in short, boycott the idiot until he gets tired of talking to himself.
If we can control ourselves, it will be more telling than anything we could say, to see his posts go uncommented upon.
So, I'm done commenting on his posts. I hope you'll join me in this experiment, which may illustrate to mayor Sam the futility of having a fool like this on his otherwise quite cogent, relevant blog.
Yo! Phil Krackover ..... STFU! Oh! you already have committed to shutting up. Thanks! How about Joe AA or Joeaa?
Hey, if Jack Hoff and the other articulate critics will go along, I'm in for the duration.
Leave the moron to himself to talk to the moon and the tide.
Okay, okay.
I just want Phil K. and Joe AA to realize what a sacrifice I am making as Zuma Dogg's self-serving rants are like crack cocaine to me. I will try to withdraw from DoggaZumaBlogga, but, fyi, my hands are already starting to shake. (Take a deep breath, Jack....)
Okay, I've been reading this stuff and it looks like Krakover has an idea that makes sense.
About all we do now is amuse ourselves and each other, but most of what we say goes over the simpleton's head. Let's just take a powder and let him mentally "Jack Hoff" himself.
For a fun blog, we can all go to Theo Spark ( for a lot of good politics and some good totty besides. Plus, NO ZD.
The $150 fee waiver amounts to legalized extortion. Can anyone imagine how much the City rakes in per year by charging this $150 tax (or rather, $150 "fee")?
shadow = Walter Moore
LA Affordable Housing Program is Soviet Style for the following reasons:
1. Guaranteed Benefits: Guaranteed benefits NOT for the poor, but in the form of guaranteed Profits for those affordable housing developers and contractors.
2. Guranteed Disappointment: Guranteed disappointment for us little people. Most of those public affordable housing monies will go into Affordable Housing Developers, Contractors, Consultants and Lobbyists' big fat pockets. Much fewer units than people think will actually get built. There will always be Rationing Soviet style. Most people who need affordable housing won't get in.
CD14 Toilet: $2,500 each
L.A. County or the rest of L.A. (that has something to do with Affordable Housing): $620 ecah
For-profit, market-rate housing: $300 to $400 each (including the unit and installation)
L.A. Affordable Apartment unit cost: $500K, $600K or $700K
For-profit, Market-rate Luxurious Apartment unit cost: $250K
Installing toilets at $2,500 each will stimulate the economy better than installing toilets at $300 each.
Building Affordable Housing at $600K per unit will grow the economy better than building luxurious apartments at $250K/unit.
But that is exactly the Soviet Style economy that current L.A. city administration seems to be pushing. And it pushes much harder than any of the previous administrations.
No wonder our local economy (real estate market in particular) is getting in such bad shape.
Instead of finding corruption or badly written (perhaps intentionally) affordable housing policies, Controller Chick often recommends spending even more money building these expensive affordable units in her audits.
7:53, shadow is NOT Walter Moore.
Guess again!
(Who knows what evil lies in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!)
Great to know about this things. Thanks for sharing.
real estate ph
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