Huh...huh...huh...Where do I begin?
- GlASSell Park NC Bully Antics Shine Spotlight On Much Bigger Problems.
- Pueblos To Address BONC on Tuesday Over City Hall Staffers Sitting on 912 Review Commission.
- LA Weekly Alert: Density Plans Include Traffic Gridlock As The Solution?
- ALERT: City Plans Include Dropping Skyscraper On Your House And MORE Cheap Labor (See China/Global Economy/Two Class System).
- CITY PLANNING CONFLICT: City Charter (vacancy, zoning, EIR, public interest) vs Wall to Wall 40 Story Skyscrapers (See Garcetti's "Smart and Elegant Density")
- Charter School Expansion as Villar Takes LAUSD Board and Broad Donates Millions.
- LAUSD Board Discusses "Semilla-like" Conflicts And "Form 700".
- Claims That City's "Methane Gas Mitigation" System And Process Is Fraudulent.
- Concern Over DWP 5-year, $1 Billion "Reliability" Upgrade Program.
- How Will You Provide Water To Skyscraper City When City Water Supply Is At Risk?
- Villaraigosa Goes "Zuma Dogg" on His Supervisor Zev Yarslavsky at Public Meeting!
- Villaraigosa Has City Problems "Handled", And Now Has Time For Clinton Campaign.
- Housing & Economic Committee Drafting "CRA Eminent Domain" Steamroll Ordinance (See LA Weekly Story).
- Billions For Bullet Trains For Wealthy To Traverse State Scheduled For '09 Vote.
- Jack Weiss Recall Has Citywide Implications...Man, Do People Hate This Guy.
- LAUSD Superintendent David L. Brewer Quotes W. Edwards Deming.
- Mayor Cuts Citywide Budget Except For His Travel and Posse Expense.
Zuma's Blog, Neighborhood Council Blog, ZD on YouTube, Videos NOT on YouTube (plus some duplicates, scroll through), Podcast Site: Original Music and Radio Calls., LA Weekly Article on City's (DUMB) "Smart Growth" and (HORRENDOUS) "Elegant DENSITY"
contact: zumadogg@gmail.com
ZAP (Zuma's Activist Program)
At June 01, 2007 12:19 AM, Anonymous said...
Application Expeditor – Bradley Ebe – E.B.E.Associates, Inc. – bradley@ebeassociates.com. b/ Committee pointed out that the developer Mark Semotiouk ...
Follow the money.
So is Ebe his last name or this another alias?
Only Bradley knows....
analyzing data entry...
results have begun tabulating...
he isn't going to win this election...
should have let the lady tape the meeting for no one to see...
check back soon...
More Bradley fun.
He's assistant Co-chair of CPAB (Community Police Advisory Board) for Northeast Los Angeles!
See below:
Subject: Northeast SLO Summit.LAPD Q & A
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 08:59:44 -0700
From: BRADLEY bradley@ebeassociates.com
To: GPNC Public Notices bradley@ebeassociates.com
Thursday, June 7, 2007
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Glassell Park Community and Senior Center(Main Assembly Hall)
3750 Verdugo Road,
Los Angeles, California 90065
All of the Senior Lead Officers from LAPD Northeast Division have been invited to speak with the community. Please make an effort and attend, show your support for the Officers and bring a neighbor. For more information, please contact Sgt. Robert Alaniz, LAPD/Northeast Division
Community Relations Officer at (213) 485-2548
We hope to see you there.
Diana Silva and Bradley,
Northeast CPAB Members
Ok you haters get off the personal attacks of Bradley. He has done more for this city then most of you weak ass men who have nothing better to do. How many community meetings have you attended to try and make your neighborhoods better? None I'm sure. Bradley has a lot of support from many because he organizes great community events and helps empower residents with information. He started the Neighbor 2 Neighbor program that brings city services into the community. Many appreciate his efforts and instead of being haters you should be thanking him. He's not a whiner complainer but part of the solution. I'm sure you are all perfect yet you criticze a person who volunteers hundreds of hours throughout the year. Keep showing your immaturity and jealousy.
Gotta love Doug McIntyre for going after clowncil for giving the gang banger Marroquin over $1 million for his gang prevention program. Feds arrested his sorry ass on selling weapons. Love how Doug went after that idiot Tom Hayden for his nice quotes about this gang banger. Even though Marroquin was arrested back in Dec. 2005 city council still gave him money. Everyone is saying these gang programs are fronts for organized crime and political donations. Why hasn't Laura Chick N Shit audited yet? Antonio is in Sacramento asking for more gang intervention/prevention money.
828 did you watch the video? Is that your idea of an upstanding community organizer?
All that community organizing seems to have gone to his head. Had he simply issued an apology he wouldnt be under the microscope now. Instead he issued a challenge.
The issue that the the "persons" Zuma is pimping is not about the video. It is about them losing their power on the GPNC. The previous GPNC was a comittee that did NOTHING for Glasell Park. The community has not changed one iota in the time that I have lived there (1987 till now (I did not live in that community for about 3 years in between). Look at Atwater Village or Hollywood, or other dilapidated communities that are now showing some revitalization, and then look at Glassell Park nothing and what do you find? Nothing!
The previous board was unresponsive to the community, and on many occasions ignored the wishes of the community. It was brought to a halt at the last election, and liberals being what they are, they refused to work with the new board. From day one of the new board complaints about every little proseecural vioation was published. Funny though nothing was mentioned about the former GPNC's mishandling of taxpayer, i.e. YOUR money! The current GPNC is stuck handling those problems.
I have no issue with a professional handling the GPNC website. It needed to be done. The site is not user friendly, and does not represent the current vision of the new GPNC. What is more it is very difficult to change do to it being a Yahoo propriety board.
I guess the thing that strikes me is the absolute one-sidedness of these articles. I guess I will have to place the author on the same level as the local fishwrap monger Tom Topping, how couldn't write a straight news story if he had Woodward and Bernstein giving him personal tutoring. Kind of sad if you ask me. I come to MayorSam for news that the mainstream press won't publish. THis smacks of something it would. Afterall, the people that are so vehemently against the new board are a bunch of anti-Christian bigots, that believe that their 1st Amendemtn rights are more important than the people they are supposed to be representing.
Then again this is the same community that brought you Mike Hernandez, you remember Councilman Cokefiend? Mayor Villa-La-Raza? THe Mayor the represents the "residents" of Los Angeles and not the citizens? Or how about Richard LaTorre? Seems that Northeast LA loves them corrupt! Now some people step in and want to change things, and this is what happens? Pretty sad if you ask me.
Pocho/Derek is full of crap - he knows not of what he speaks. If nothing else, the video proves how "easy" this group of slimeballs is to work with.
Bradley and his cabal throw sh*t like this all the time. Only this time, looks like no one is falling for the bull now that there is proof on tape.
Must be part of Bradley's minions. Oogle oggle one of us...Oogle oggle one of us...
The truth is coming out and they hate it.
"Then again this is the same community that brought you Mike Hernandez, you remember Councilman Cokefiend? Mayor Villa-La-Raza? THe Mayor the represents the "residents" of Los Angeles and not the citizens? Or how about Richard LaTorre? Seems that Northeast LA loves them corrupt! Now some people step in and want to change things, and this is what happens? "
Yes, we love the corrupt and we identify them very easily. You said the old NC does nothing at all, and other people say that the new board everything wrong. I would much prefer to have someone err on the side of caution or inability to decide than have someone/or one small group call all the shots and are just a corrupt as the previous CM's. Maybe the NC's are a training ground for unethical CM's who learn how to process the Plannning Department. Its easy to read the records; one developer using his own name, not the name of his company, asks for something in Glassel Park. Goes to AS and asks for two ajoining pieces of property, in the VP's name, his wifes name or the companies name. Nobody realizes it is ajoining unless there maybe an "expeditor" which is a member of the NC, the Council or Planning Department.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, it the vet (Council Person) helps you.
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