No Olympics For L.A.
So reports Channel 4.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Just as well. It would have been a distraction.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen (removes hat and bows low):
A pity that we are not hosting the Olympic Games. Or is it? Anyone care to guess upon whose expense reports housing developers were entertained under the guise of "housing development(s) for athletes"?
Oh, and Mr. Dogg? Thank you for your kind e-mail that was passed along to me by one of the Five. Don't despair, lad. Participation in this little event is FREE for you, savvy? You have plenty of time, for the clock is ticking upon the City's response to said letter that was thrown down. And we all know how pirates feel about ticking clocks and crocodile tassled loafers...I'll stick to boots and bare feet, thank you very much.
blame it on the gansta mayor lil tony. who wants to come to L>A> and sit in traffic,get robbed, and put up with illegal immigration!!!
L>A> a has been city!!!
No Olympics in L.A....
Hooooooooooooooody Hooooooooooo!
Triumphant victoriousness for the pueblos, y'all! OTR......Doh!
p.s. Cpt. Jack, I wanted someone to pass along an email to you...but I think you probably got the email I sent out to a few folks, asking if they could send you an email for me...then one of them sent you THAT email, and it didn't include the actual question. (Cause I was only asking if they could send it to you.)
The question was relating to the CRA thread, and I touched upon it. But at least I know if I want to send you a message, I'll just send it out to the same few people as last time.
Well, if it's any consolation, Villaraigosa can take heart in the fact that Los Angeles wins the gold medal for the number of illegal alien gangbangers.
what? and nobody mentions that Matt Dowd went ON THE RECORD on this blog a few days ago, telling you all Chicago was getting this bid.
Its a fuckin no brainer, like so many things, and I'm so thankful for the first amendment right to say ha fucking ha Antonio, phony Tony the fake hairdo, nokill City, smog, graffiti, gang and traffic infested Mayor.
see, they took one look at your LAPD and said "no Thanks', we're looking for an Olympics with 'magic' not 'malice'.
I told you so. now let your frickin hair grow out to its real color, stop trying to gentrify your own head.
honestly, its a bad look on Tv, an old man trying to look 30 still.
PHONEY! you failed yet again, in the face of some pretty stark indicators.
just like AB 1381
Instead of working on getting the Olympics here years after he's out of the Mayor's office, Villaraigosa should zero in on making life better here for ALL residents (not just his favored "illegal" alien residents) by focusing on CRIME.
Gang crime kills people.
Failing to end Special Order 40 actually protects criminal from lawful consequences being applied. The public suffers.
Continued development fills the campaign war chests for the politicos' career goals, but dooms the rest of us.
Villaraigosa, spend time with your family, find out what LOCAL people want and need. STAY in your office and at least give the appearance that being the mayor matters to you.
Mayor, it looks like you have your sights set on higher offices and L.A. taxpayers are footing your campaign expenses.
No one is surprised LA didn't get the Olympics. We all know even LA reporters that the illegal protest marches hurt this city especially when you have politicians supporting them. Not enough cops thanks to clowncil who for years didn't think LA needed them. Traffic conjestion, gang violence, etc. This is one of Antonio's biggest failures. HIs state of city is on Wednesday. Wonder what lies he will make up as accomplishments. He has planted trees, Xmas traffic controllers, filling potholes. He's an embarrassment as mayor of nation's 2nd largest city. Bet he'll take credit for lower crime which he had nothing to do with.
If Via-ray-gosa has nothing to do with lowering the crime rate, then he had nothing to do with increasing it. You can't have it both ways, you con artists!
The mayor can be a do-nothing on addressing the problem, crime, in this case, thus failing to be an instrument of reduction of the problem.
He can equally be responsible for cultivating conditions which allow crime trends to continue, and continuing policies that are contrary to crime suppression.
Exclusive of that, he can and does take credit for any and everything accomplishment that is happening in the city--- just check the photos.
The MAYOR LOSES on AB1381 !!!
look back to my comment at 9.21 April 14
its too easy.
read the article, they say 'no comment'
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