BREAKING NEWS: Important Message from David Hernandez
Even if you don't like David Hernandez or disagree with his message, you should be appalled at efforts like this to intimidate people and oppress people's right to speak. This is just as bad as the police who hosed off the civil rights protestors or the evangelicals who protest at gay weddings or funerals. We call on Chief Bratton, Mayor Villaraigosa and Governor Schwarzenegger to take appropriate measures to protect these individuals rights and to provide proper protection for them.
This is a call to action to all those who support our civil rights to assemble and use our freedom of speech.
One year ago Sunday, March 25, 2006 hundreds of thousands of protesters filled the streets of Los Angeles to rally for Open Borders and no controls on illegal immigration. The Mayor of Los Angeles gave his "we clean your toilets" speech.
Ted Hayes and I have secured the permit to assemble on Sunday March 25, 2007 at 12:00 noon at the intersection of Olympic and Broadway in Los Angeles. We will then march north on Broadway to the south side of the LA City Hall and have our rally. These are our rights as Americans!
The LAPD has contacted Ted and advised we are in for trouble. The Spanish speaking radio stations are broadcasting to their listeners for them to come to LA on Sunday and shut us down! They have no permit and no right to threaten us. LAPD will have 175 officers at our location but believe there may be 13,000 protesters headed our way to "shut us down".
We have called on the Mayor of LA to ask the Governor to bring in the National Guard to support the police.
Today, at 4:30 PM Ted and I will be on the John & Ken Show AM Radio 640. Be sure to listen and call in.
We will be holding a press conference tomorrow time and location TBA.
Please send this on to your e-mail groups.
So tune in and call in. And most of all show up on Sunday and protect your rights as Americans to assemble and use your free speech.
In your corner,
David Hernandez
David Hernandez and Ted "Crack Ho" Hayes are free to assemble...
...and so are the thousands who oppose them.
David Hernandez has no complaint.
He's going to get what he asks for: a demonstration.
why doesn't david just hold the event at another location and save taxpayers the time and MONEY needed to protect him and his groups of racist.
to 3:05pm
david should not have to do that -- what should happen is all the brown people in america go back to where they came - mexico!
then we will be saving some REAL money.
I support you david!!!
David's gonna get Skokie'd. ;)
Mayorsam, "the same as hosing civil rights protestors" - kind of over dramatic, aren't you.
This isn't any free speech example - this is just like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater. All Ted Hayes wants to do is drive a wedge between the Black and Latino communities. Ted Hayes and David Hernandez are the token people of color for the corrupt Minutemen - what fools. This has nothing to do with free speech but everything to do with race baiting. Hey Ted, you're getting your wish in Colorado where the state is using inmates to replace immigrant farm workers that aren't there anymore - guess the color of these inmates. What a shame that no white or black person would do this work unless they are at the end of a shotgun! Mayorsam, let's see you get out on your knees and pick some strawberries - you wouldn't last half an hour!
We SUPPORT you David and Ted From Lincoln Heights!!!!!
Get rid of all these illegal aliens!!!!
Why don't we start with David - HERNANDEZ is an illegal immigrant name, isn't it? And who's corner are you in, David. You know nothing about being a corner man - remember that county seal fight, yeah, what a corner man.
What's the matter David, afraid of a little family get together at that corner?
Gee, for a minute there after reading these posts I thought they were written by 1st graders. Tad and David are right and have a lot of support citywide. The illegals are uneducated people breaking the law and have the nerve to demand they have the same rights as many of us Latinos born and raised and abide by the law. The Spanish stations can be held liable if there is any violence. Just last month an organizer for one of their illegal marches was furious because they didn't get a permit and it was going to be held on the same day as the Chinese Dragon Parade and only when LAPD and police commission advised them of the horrific situation they would be put through did they back off. Shame on the Spanish talk show hosts who are are irresponsible telling the illegals how to behave. They can't stand the fact that people in Los Angeles are tired of the illegals taking are free services, not paying taxes, overcrowding our schools, closing down our emergency clinics, trashing our neighborhoods, making downtown LA into a 3rd world country. GO TED AND DAVID AND WE SUPPORT ALL THAT YOU DO.
If the illegals do go to Ted & David's march they can all be arrested for an unlawful assembly wthout a permit. Great!!! Then they will show the rest of the nation why we need stronger enforcement of immigration laws and send all their sorry asses back to Mexico.
Ted's a fool Once these "illegals" are gone who are these reactionary whites going to target. Just look back in history Ted, you're next in line. And yeah Ted and David, we ALL support you - all six poster on this thread. I bet no one siding with Ted and David here will show up.
"..And most of all show up on Sunday and protect your rights as Americans to assemble and use your free speech...."
guess what? on that exact date 3.25.2006, I was bailing Michael Hunt out of Pacific Division LAPD because police arrested him on Venice Beach in violation of his right to assemble there and conduct his free speech. so this is all bullshit, where were you guys ever when we had a REAL civil rights violation perpetrated by this City Council. why don't you hold your rally at Venice and protest at the ACTUAL multi racial first amendment discrimination taking place there on a daily basis. that's real.
I just find it amusing that you jump on this as a 'possible' first amendment violation, when we've been holding one under your nose on Venice for 12 months.
and now TWO judges agree with us. Suzanne Segal, and Dean Pregerson.
I wonder if all those police would be better deployed elsewhere, like um, gee, where is the gang violence?
Please no doubt if Michael Hunt was acting the way he does in council no wonder he got arrested.
Mayor Sam should have a thread named: Clowncil's dumb motions for
CD 13 c. MOTION (GARCETTI - LABONGE) relative to declaring the King of Queens Final Episode on
March 17, 2007 a Special Event (event sponsor to reimburse the City for all fees and costs
incurred). WEDNESDAY
CD 11 o. MOTION (GARCETTI for ROSENDAHL - PARKS) relative to declaring the Operation for Airbus
A380 on March 19 and March 20, 2007 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City =
$24,280). FRIDAY
CD 5 w. MOTION (WEISS - WESSON) relative to declaring the What Love Is Movie Premiere on
March 20, 2007 a Special Event (event sponsor to reimburse the City for all fees and costs
CD 14 MOTION (HUIZAR - REYES) relative to a fund transfer from the Central Los Angeles Recycling and Transfer Station (CLARTS)
xThe ones posting attacking Ted Hayes and David Hernandez most likely have never ever done anything supporting a cause. They probably have small dicks as well. Only cowards would attack them because at least they have the guts to put themselves out there and speak out on a cause. The attackers sit back, drink beer, light up, and don't have enough of manhood to stand up for what they believe in. Good luck to you guys and YES there are plenty who support them momma's boy.
Do the illegals need a permit to counter-protest? I assume they do of course, but even if so, they'll just ignore this as usual as they have 0 respect for our laws -- and the Antonios and Fabians encourage them.
All of the illegals have committed a deportable offense already - being in the country illegally. Brown, black, white and yellow alike, they need to go home. Even the albino illegals. Out out out.
Once again David Hernandez is showing he has balls, going after issues no one else will. Keep it up David, you're taking the city in the right direction.
you better get ready David & Ted sharp copper bullets are being polished this moment in a secret location ready to go straight into you and all your minute pendejos..
they've been shooting cops in boyle heights, you think we are scared of you mothe-fuckers, the cops or even the national guard ha!
glock glock glock goes my nine straight to your behind...
you pendejos don't know what's coming....the sound of ammunition hitting your flesh, spilling blood like you pendejos have taken the lives of our gente on the border......i can't wait to see the headlines the next morning.....
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