Wow! Times Publishes Mailander's Critique Of Grand Avenue Coverage!
Read it. I will, too. Here's the link: click here. He even worked in the point that "philanthropist" is a loaded title, not Eli Broad's first name. WAY TO GO, JOE!!!! A few more publications like this, and the city's oblivious potential voters may awaken from their walking stupor.
Great article! I don't know if it will have any impact, but I'm glad it was published.
I recently cancelled my 20+ year subscription to the Times and urge everyone else to do so until this fishwrap fundamentally reforms and starts exposing the systemic civic corruption that plagues LA.
Alas, this fishwrap is part of the corruption. It does not report the news. It sells advertising and, in order to fill the spaces inbetween at the least possible cost, reprints press releases from career politicians.
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