Councilwoman Perry, Your Report Is Ready
According to the Daily News, after Measure H failed, Councilwoman Jan Perry said, "I think what we have to do is look at the returns and figure out why it failed." "Then we can decide what to do next."
Councilwoman Perry, the pie charts tell you why Measure H failed. What you have to do next is stop thinking that homeowners are idiots. We understand when we are being targeted, through clumsy yet well-funded attempts at class warfare, to bear the burden of a special tax designed to provide welfare for the rich developers and other special interests that fund career politicians' campaigns.
Clear enough?
Who is this Jan Perry who wants to tax me to death. What is her contact information?
Look what Perry wants to do now??
L.A. studies divorce from county; .....We're talking about the marriage of the city and county of Los Angeles. Prodded by City Councilwoman Jan Perry, a review has been quietly started to look at what it would take to have the city become its own county — similar to San Francisco — in an effort to get more federal and state funding.
Well according to the analysis of the attached charts... they need more renters!
I smell a number of high density zoning inititives coming up. :-/
Hey, instead of spending money on homelessness, why don't we spend money studying how we might be able to get more money to spend on studying homelessness?
Has anyone taken a survey among the homeless to find out how many of them want to remain homeless.
I attended a meeting held by the City regarding homelessness, and guess who came to the meeting although not intended. Right, the homeless came. And 80% plus declared that they wanted to remain homeless and had a right to be homeless.
So what's the solution. Incarceration?
Why does Jan Perry want to tax us to death when she has been evading taxes? She owes $300,000 in Federal taxes, $100,000 in state taxes, and $35,000 in property taxes. In addition the Honorable Perry has not honored a 35 year student loan from USC for $50,000.
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