Get Ready LAPD: The Mayor Is Upping The Inspection Ante
This was on Friday's (10/27/06) Council agenda, but the meeting was cancelled, so it will appear for a vote this Tuesday. Looks like the Mayor and City Council are gonna put the Inspector General Doggs on their pal Chief William Bratton and LAPD making their life so much easier, because you know they love each other:
Two (2) Special Investigator II positions will be responsible for planning, researching, examining, and conducting audits related to police matters as well as analyzing Consent Decree data. Other duties include reviewing and auditing crime, arrest,use of force, and other reports used or prepared by LAPD employees to ensure reports are accurate and complete. (Here's some more from the file.)
To: The Honorable Members of the City Council [Must have wrong CC?]
Fr: Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has requested approval for the designation of three (3) exempt positions, for employment of persons "to provide management services or render professional, scientific or expert services of an exceptional character." [Which paves the way for the challenging and fun part...]
The Assistant Inspector General will oversee a newly created Special Projects Unit in the Office of Inspector General (OIG), which consists of six positions that include one Police Performance Auditor IV, two Police Performance Auditor Ill's, two Special Investigator II's and one Senior Clerk Typist.
The Special Projects Unit will review, audit, and evaluate various LAPD functions to assist the Department in establishing a framework of best practices outlined in the Consent Decree.
Read the entire memo:
Maybe some of you behind the scenes and in the know can post some of the underlying politics behind this, if there are any. Specifically, is this something LAPD actually requested approval for, or is this even more of the Mayoral/City Council straight-jacket they are trying to tie around Chief Bratton?
But, I hope the Mayor initiates this same (Inspector General) motion for AB 1381. Because, although that shady, deceptful, up-to-no-good, Nunez got the Senate to remove the mandatory requirement for an Inspector General to oversee AB 1381 for fraud, waste and abuse (Nunez changed it from "shall" hire IG, to "may" hire IG. And there is plenty of money to fraudlently waste and abuse], Antonio and Nunez are still allowed to appoint an Inspector General to oversee the beuracratized and politicized, AB 1381. So as John Belushi once said, "LET'S DO IT!!!"
Two (2) Special Investigator II positions will be responsible for planning, researching, examining, and conducting audits related to police matters as well as analyzing Consent Decree data. Other duties include reviewing and auditing crime, arrest,use of force, and other reports used or prepared by LAPD employees to ensure reports are accurate and complete. (Here's some more from the file.)
To: The Honorable Members of the City Council [Must have wrong CC?]
Fr: Antonio R. Villaraigosa, Mayor
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has requested approval for the designation of three (3) exempt positions, for employment of persons "to provide management services or render professional, scientific or expert services of an exceptional character." [Which paves the way for the challenging and fun part...]
The Assistant Inspector General will oversee a newly created Special Projects Unit in the Office of Inspector General (OIG), which consists of six positions that include one Police Performance Auditor IV, two Police Performance Auditor Ill's, two Special Investigator II's and one Senior Clerk Typist.
The Special Projects Unit will review, audit, and evaluate various LAPD functions to assist the Department in establishing a framework of best practices outlined in the Consent Decree.
Read the entire memo:
Maybe some of you behind the scenes and in the know can post some of the underlying politics behind this, if there are any. Specifically, is this something LAPD actually requested approval for, or is this even more of the Mayoral/City Council straight-jacket they are trying to tie around Chief Bratton?
But, I hope the Mayor initiates this same (Inspector General) motion for AB 1381. Because, although that shady, deceptful, up-to-no-good, Nunez got the Senate to remove the mandatory requirement for an Inspector General to oversee AB 1381 for fraud, waste and abuse (Nunez changed it from "shall" hire IG, to "may" hire IG. And there is plenty of money to fraudlently waste and abuse], Antonio and Nunez are still allowed to appoint an Inspector General to oversee the beuracratized and politicized, AB 1381. So as John Belushi once said, "LET'S DO IT!!!"
Zuma Dogg thanks for pointing this out. Its nice to know you support Chief Bratton as I've heard you many times in clowncil.
Andre Biotte the Inspector General for LAPD is really a good guy. LAPD does support him getting the help he needs to comply with that stupid consent decree that Bitter Bernie left the officers stuck with because of the Rampart scandal. However, everyone should and probably already knows Antonio is a dictator and wants to run everyone in the city. He wants credit for everyone else's work and the clowncil members will be the first to tell you that. I've never seen so many press releases with Antonio's name on them from other departments. Antonio's staff tells people HIS NAME has to be on everything that goes out. You never saw that with other mayors.
Yes, you are correct, Andre Birotte is really a good guy. He is filling these positions to replace Civil Service employees that used to do the work that these special investigators are being hired to do. This work is mandated under the Consent Decree, and it seems that the Police Commission feels that "outside" folks with law enforcement backgrounds are better equipped to do this work that an adminisrtative Civil Servant. Go figure!
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