ZD's "Special Event" (Fee Waiver) of the Week, y'all...
Please make sure to attend the Jules Verne Film Festival brought to you by The Men's Warehouse. Tickets on sale now at Ticketmaster for this "special event" that will set you back up to $100. I hope we get our money's worth, because Parks/LeBonge put in for one of those "Special Event Fee Waivers" that means the City of Los Angeles will be paying for this event that is supposed to be used ONLY for community events open to the public in the interest of the community. Here are the details on this wonderful community event:
Friday, October 6, 2006, 8 pm
665, Jefferson Blvd - 90007, Los Angeles, CA
Platinium VIP (Central Seats - Rows 2 to 11): $100
VIP (Rows 12 to 45): $40
Friday, October 6, 2006, 8 pm
665, Jefferson Blvd - 90007, Los Angeles, CA
Platinium VIP (Central Seats - Rows 2 to 11): $100
VIP (Rows 12 to 45): $40
Do you know what the Jules Verne Film Festival is? Have you made sure what this event's purpose is? Have you verified that the purpose of it is not to raise funds for local community organizations before making your sarcastic derisions?
Just making sure you did your homework on this one, before you stick your foot in your mouth.
Xuma, take a look here, maybe you will change your attitude on this:
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