Whistleblower hotline: (213) 785-6098

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Schools forbid parents from bringing cupcakes for birthday parties -- the same schools that cannot manage to teach children how to behave, read, write or perform simple mathematical calculations.

The City of New York bans the use of a certain type of cooking oil because it's supposedly not good for you.

L.A. imposes an ever-increasing tax burden on people who have worked hard and saved to pay taxes, then hands their money to rich developers, ostensibly to build housing for people who have not worked hard and saved.

And don't even think about following the Native American, European and American tradition of smoking the devil tobacco. People who live in a city where millions of internal combustion engines idle for hours a day will contract cancer and die if a stray molecule of smoke from your stogie were to waft across a windy beach and into their nostrils.

Freedom of choice is reserved for those whose mental faculties are impaired: the mentally ill, drunks, and drug addicts. Laws don't apply to them. They can smoke what they want, drink what they want, and live where they want. The world is their toilet, including the sidewalk in front of your house. Don't you dare complain, because if you do, you clearly are a heartless, uncaring bastard. The only acceptable "solution" is to let people live on the sidewalks or buy them new condos. We obviously can't return to the practices that worked for centuries, namely, putting the mentally ill in asylums, and putting those who break the laws against public intoxication in jail. That's far too simple-minded. Rather, we must leave this problem to the "experts" -- even though the longer we follow their policies, the worse the problem gets. And be sure to ignore the policies other countries follow, even though those countries somehow never seem to have large number of people living on the streets.

Individual responsibility had become a quaint historical notion, as have limited government, common sense and prioritizing.

You cannot think for yourself.
You cannot decide for yourself.
You are not to be trusted.
You cannot keep your own money.
You exist to provide funding for career politicians and special interests.
You must be protected from attempting to make your own decisions.
You are a citizen of the modern busybodyocracy.

As they say on McIntyre in the Morning, "Shut up and row!"
You are but a galley slave in the service of the ship of state.
It's bread and circuses for you, Sparky.
Leave the governing to the ruling class.


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