What "The People" Are Fighting For This Week At City Hall
You can read comment 91 on this story's comment page, or I posted the whole comment here: http://zumadogg.blogspot.com
Thanks to Mayor Sam for adding me as an official contributor. Hope I didn't overdo it with my "shock and awe" posting this weekend. Here is a re-cap of the stories I posted that you can read below (See Thurs - Sun), that are also what my friends and I will be fighting for at City Hall, this week, on TV 35.
They are finally getting to this today, from January 15, 2002: Councilmember Jack Weiss, TODAY, called for a comprehensive review of the City's policy on reducng or "waiving" special event costs in an effort to address budget concerns and the possible inappropriate "waivers" of fees and costs for events that may NOT need or deserve financial support from the City. Weiss has asked for an analysis of the total cost of special events in the City, including lost revenue and expenses for police and emergency services, and for a review of other Cities' waiver policies. (Full story below, plus see "Waivers/Payback" story)
Can't wait to find out how much it's gonna cost to fight so hard just to keep the dead issue of City Council's own Term Extentions alive on the November ballot? We all get to find out soon. Cause on Friday, L.A. City Attorney, Rocky Delgadillo, had to jam through a request for a "closed door session" to break the good news as to the legal cost of this important and beneficial issue for the constituents, today.
READER COMMENT: Let's face it folks- Measure R isn't about Council Members being able to find the water fountain in City Hall in four years- it's about PENSIONS. With 10 years of City service, doesn't one get a pension? Two terms equals 8 years, but a third term equals pension. We the taxpayers are tired of being fleeced. (See "R" stories below)
"The middle class is getting reamed. There are a lot of paid advocates for the poor and lower income people; the rich can take care of themselves, but no one is out there for the middle class." - Noel Weiss
ZD hears "The 4128 Apartments at Whitsett" is the next Linclon Place: 20 tenants kicked out, without payment per order of the Planning Dept. Wendy Greuel does nothing to stick up for her district. So, Noel Weiss and Zuma Dogg have to. (See story below.)
You can read comment 91 on this story's comment page, or I posted the whole comment here: http://zumadogg.blogspot.com
You can read comment 91 on this story's comment page, or I posted the whole comment here: http://zumadogg.blogspot.com
Thanks to Mayor Sam for adding me as an official contributor. Hope I didn't overdo it with my "shock and awe" posting this weekend. Here is a re-cap of the stories I posted that you can read below (See Thurs - Sun), that are also what my friends and I will be fighting for at City Hall, this week, on TV 35.
They are finally getting to this today, from January 15, 2002: Councilmember Jack Weiss, TODAY, called for a comprehensive review of the City's policy on reducng or "waiving" special event costs in an effort to address budget concerns and the possible inappropriate "waivers" of fees and costs for events that may NOT need or deserve financial support from the City. Weiss has asked for an analysis of the total cost of special events in the City, including lost revenue and expenses for police and emergency services, and for a review of other Cities' waiver policies. (Full story below, plus see "Waivers/Payback" story)
Can't wait to find out how much it's gonna cost to fight so hard just to keep the dead issue of City Council's own Term Extentions alive on the November ballot? We all get to find out soon. Cause on Friday, L.A. City Attorney, Rocky Delgadillo, had to jam through a request for a "closed door session" to break the good news as to the legal cost of this important and beneficial issue for the constituents, today.
READER COMMENT: Let's face it folks- Measure R isn't about Council Members being able to find the water fountain in City Hall in four years- it's about PENSIONS. With 10 years of City service, doesn't one get a pension? Two terms equals 8 years, but a third term equals pension. We the taxpayers are tired of being fleeced. (See "R" stories below)
"The middle class is getting reamed. There are a lot of paid advocates for the poor and lower income people; the rich can take care of themselves, but no one is out there for the middle class." - Noel Weiss
ZD hears "The 4128 Apartments at Whitsett" is the next Linclon Place: 20 tenants kicked out, without payment per order of the Planning Dept. Wendy Greuel does nothing to stick up for her district. So, Noel Weiss and Zuma Dogg have to. (See story below.)
You can read comment 91 on this story's comment page, or I posted the whole comment here: http://zumadogg.blogspot.com
Labels: proposition r, rocky delgadillo
L.A. Times editorial on Saturday: "City Council's Clumsy Job Protection"
You got it Zuma Dogg. I can hardly wait to see how these clowncil members behave this week. Please post here if you find out how much we tax payers will doll out for Rocky to fight a Measure he was against.
Daily News....If there were any doubts about the viability and potential clout of neighborhood councils, the battle over Proposition R should have put them to rest....It was leaders of neighborhood councils who directed the assault against the measure, which would give City Council members a third four-year term in office. The resulting court battle emboldened them and will serve as a focal point for the neighborhood councils to rally around in the weeks leading up to the Nov. 7 election....As the debate over Proposition R continues, the issue and the way it was handled contain valuable lessons.
City officials should have learned that efforts to short-circuit the process should be undertaken only with great risk
Antonio again using students. Angelides endorsement bs rally.
Students attending Los Angeles public schools are not supposed to be used as props for partisan political events. To make matters worse, students missed class when they were not supposed to — all the while enduring political speeches in a steaming auditorium. One group of students had to stand on stage for about an hour, and one girl fainted on stage.
What exactly happened at Foshay Learning Center, near downtown? Was it a cynical, improper manipulation of students? Or perhaps sloppy planning? Or one more sign of a disconnect between the mayor's office and the school district?
Having the event at a school in the first place was a potential problem. Board policy states, "Schools may not be used as a forum for political events — neither individual political campaigns nor political issues."
What time is your show?
Hi kids. I know that some people have said on this blog that all I have done since becoming mayor of this great city is to make appearances at various conventions, parades and high-profile national meetings. In response to these accusations, I would like to point out that I also had several potholes in this great city filled, and I am excited about future pothole-filling activities that I plan to engage in.
Looking forward to your continued support,
Antonio R. Villaraigosa
If you want to point out abuse of the special event waivers let's look at Jose Huizar.
Fiesta Broadway, sponsored by All Access Entertainment, Inc. and McDonalds in cooperation with the City of Los Angeles, is one of the most successful outdoor entertainment events in the City.
ITEM NO. (30) - 03-0566 (CD1,CD9,CD14) Motion (Huizar - Reyes) relative to declaring Fiesta Broadway on April 30, 2006 a Special Event (estimated cost of the event $209,951of which fees and costs absorbed by the City
Antonio actually put out a press release stating he was welcoming the Latin Grammy awards. Mind you this event cost the tax payers of Los Angeles $75,000 for a special event waiver.
We gave the Latin Grammys 75k.
We don't have money for one cop. That one cop or two could have saved countless lives. You idiot pendejo midget Antonio, why did you cave in. Man you have no balls!
11:11 You and I know very well, the fee waiver goes to special guests of the Latin Grammys and their accomodations. Producers housing, directors housing and perks for the night. If you don't know this, you are ignorant to the world of entertainment.
Every week on city council agendas council members ares giving away our tax dollars as special event waivers in the thousands. There was one agenda recently that had over $100,000 in one day given away. Bitter Bernie has all the USC (rich school) games waived, the Hollywood premieres are waived, all the rich events on the Westside are waived. This is a lot of money going down the drain as favors for council members.
You're the idiot. Special event waivers were implemented to help non profit organizations who didn't have the money to pay the fee. Why should a corporate sponsor, i.e. LA Marathon get thousands waived when they have tons of corporate sponsors who they profit from and can afford the fee? These waivers have been abused and getting worst. Daily News did a story that puts it in perspective. Money going down the drain that we can hire more cops with.
Possible Filming Fee Waiver in Los Angeles’ Future
According to the Los Angeles Times and a statement released by the mayor’s office of Los Angeles, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa made an announcement at the end of October that would affect anyone shooting in government-owned buildings in Los Angeles. His plan is to make sure that current filming fees, which totaled $187,000 for the last fiscal year, to shoot in a government-owned building will be waived for production projects in the future.
Coming to life
Billion-dollar plans set for 'Times Square West'
Entertainment complex pictured as downtown hub
By Beth Barrett
Staff Writer
In a bold bid to brand Los Angeles as a world-class live entertainment center, the owner of Staples Center detailed plans Tuesday for a $1 billion, 5.5 million-square-foot sports-entertainment-residential complex that would be one of the largest developments in downtown history.
The LA Live development by the Anschutz Entertainment Group - scheduled to make the formal announcement Thursday at the project's groundbreaking with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and other city leaders in attendance - would include retail, live theater, premiere movies, restaurants and housing.
It is envisioned as becoming "Times Square West" and the permanent home for a variety of award shows with a Grammy museum that could include an annual "induction" ceremony, in addition to facilities for a major sports/entertainment broadcasting company yet to be disclosed.
"We think L.A. should be the event capital of the world," Timothy Leiweke, president of the company owned by Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz, said in an interview with Daily News editors and reporters.
"Award shows, tourism and content are going to be the most important industries we have. We're not going to be the steel city, we're not going to be the chip city, we're unfortunately not going to be the new technology city, because we missed that boat."
Leiweke said LA Live - a complex with the square footage of downtown Long Beach - is envisioned to dovetail with a proposed 1,100-room, 56-story Hilton hotel adjacent to the ailing Convention Center.
The hotel has become controversial since developers Apollo Real Estate and Wolff Urban Development entered into a proposed deal with the city that includes a $16 million loan from the Community Redevelopment Agency, $4 million in fee waivers and the forfeiting of nearly a quarter-billion dollars in room taxes the hotel is projected to generate over 25 years.
Q: I want to naturalize, how do I get started?
A: First, get CIS form N-400, Application for Naturalization, by calling 1-800- 870-3676. You can get the application as well at the USCIS website http://uscis.gov/graphics/formsfee/forms/.
Q: How much is the filing fee?
A: The filing fee is now $320, plus $70 biometric fee of $390. You may send one check or money order made out to the CIS.
The CIS can waive your naturalization filing fee, but not the biometric (fingerprint) fee. To get the fee waiver, you must prove an ''inability to pay.'' The CIS will consider whether you have a disability, your household income and whether you have received public benefits. Unlike most applications for permanent residence, to naturalize you need not proof you can support yourself without public assistance. You can become a U.S. citizen even if you are poor or on welfare. If the CIS denies your fee waiver request, the agency will send your application back asking that you pay the filing fee.
Council Is Urged to OK Hotel Deal
Two city officials back plan to provide public subsidies and loans to developers of the high-rise. Critics call the proposal misleading.
By Patrick McGreevy
Times Staff Writer
September 8, 2005
The Los Angeles City Council's top two advisors have recommended that it approve $266 million in public subsidies and loans for the developers of a 55-story hotel next to the city's Convention Center, a much higher amount than previously disclosed. The proposal from City Administrative Officer Bill Fujioka and Chief Legislative Analyst Gerry Miller sets the stage for the council to adopt a financial package that includes allowing the hotel to keep $246 million in hotel bed taxes that it is expected to generate in its first 25 years.
The two city officials, however, characterized the bed-tax rebate as a $62-million subsidy because that is the amount the developers can raise immediately for construction by borrowing against the 25-year flow of tax receipts. Although that is the "present value" of the subsidy, the city would actually forgo $246 million.
Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn., criticized the city for trying to present the deal in a way that might be more palatable to the public.
"It's misleading," he said.
Councilman Bernard C. Parks, however, said he was not put off by the final deal, saying the bed tax being returned is new revenue the city would not get if a hotel were not built.
"It basically pays for itself," said Parks, who is chairman of the council's Budget and Finance Committee.
The city is also proposing $20 million in loans and building fee waivers.
Building a 1,100-room hotel would help the city attract more business to the Convention Center, which is not earning enough to cover $32 million in annual debt payments incurred for a $500-million expansion, Fujioka and Miller argued in a report released Wednesday.
The city's general fund is subsidizing the Convention Center debt payments by more than $10 million annually, officials said.
"The Los Angeles Convention Center has not been able to attract the large-scale conventions and events that its competitors have been able to attract because of the lack of a convention center headquarters hotel that provides ample hotel rooms within close proximity to the Convention Center," Fujioka and Miller wrote.
City officials said a development team that includes the L.A. Arena Land Co., a firm owned by Denver billionaire Phillip Anschutz, is obtaining $180 million in private loans for the project, but that the city financing is needed for the project to go forward.
Critics of the deal, some of whom have sued to block it, say it is unfair to other hotels that have to compete with one receiving public subsidies. Coupal, who is not part of the lawsuit, said there is also the risk that the subsidies will fail to make the hotel and the convention center profitable.
"The fact that private capital won't come in and build the hotel should be a red flag to city officials that this project may not be viable," he said.
In arguing for the City Council to approve the deal in the next few weeks, Fujioka and Miller also said it is an important element of the $1-billion "L.A. Live" development of restaurants, theaters, offices and shops being proposed by Anschutz near Staples Center.
OYHFS, which provides comprehensive treatment, education and support services to at-risk youth and juvenile offenders on probation, received a $33,300 development art's fee waiver from the City of Los Angeles' Cultural Affairs Department to bring the theatre program to its campus.
"This program gives these kids the opportunity to let their talent and creativity shine through on stage, while also participating in important life lessons that would otherwise not be available to them," said Mary Frances Hudson, director of Mental Health Programs at OYHFS. "This is an exciting collaboration with a group theatre professionals who are dedicated to working with troubled youth."
Anonymous said...
Daily News reported 3 years ago the city was spending $10 million dollars on these special event waivers. Just look at the clowncil agendas and all the bullshit corporations they are waiving. Huizar is one of the worst for these event waivers.
September 10, 2006 7:25 PM
" Walter Moore said...
Sounds like you hit the proverbial nail on the head. If this isn't a quid pro quo -- political advertising in exchange for a fee waiver -- then why in the world would anyone put, as the first line of a promotional flyer: "Councilmember of the 14th District Jose Huizar"?
Look at the flyers in the newspaper today for Macy's, Pep Boys, whatever. None of them will start with, or ever mention, the name of politicians for the districts in which the stores are located.
Nice catch, Zuma Dogg!"
Anonymous said...
Zuma good job. If you notice on the city council agenda for Tuesday most of the special event waivers for events have happened. Why are they approving permits AFTER THE FACT.
Zuma you should go this me. Budget &Finance Committee Monday, Sept. 11th,ROOM 1010, CITY HALL - 1:00 PM
Continued from August 14, 2006
Joint CAO/Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) reports, City Attorney report, and the
CAO/CLA to report relative to proposed development fee and permit waiver policy.
September 10, 2006 8:04 AM
This is nothing new in El Sereno. Same corruption, different names. Remember when Richard Alatorre's wife conned the El Sereno Youth Development Corporation for hundreds of thousands of dollars through her Eventfully Yours catering business. It looks as if Alvin Parra has learned well from the corrupt politicians that preceded him. By the way, Alatorre's sister worked for Antonio Villaraigosa when he was a councilman. The same sister that served as Alatorre's treasurer and was responsible for the largest ehtics fine at the time - that is before Padilla took that distinction.
And whats with charging to get into a carnival that is being held on a public street! This isn't a community of limtless resources. San Gabriel and Alhambra - two very more affluent communities than El Sereno, don't charge admission for their fairs! This fair was held in front of a Food4Less - shouldn't that be a clue as to the economic standing of this community.
But just like the backroom, cigar chomping Mexican politicians of the past - these greedy bastards are only looking out for themselves. Where is Laura Chick on all this?
Walter Moore said...
And another thing, speaking of "free" political advertising: Why in the #$%^ must we hear a recorded message from Antonio Villaraigosa every time we dial 311? Also, is his face really what we want everyone arriving at LAX to see after they exit the plane? He's like a frosted mini-Stalin or something -- a "Big Brother" / Kim Il Jong wannabe. Enough publicity already.
September 10, 2006 2:25 PM
To 8:04 asking why are they approving AFTER the fact: That is how they do business. Have you ever noticed no matter how many people speak at public comment, all that happens is they politely thank the public and then their computered in vote doesn't change.
And all of those initiatives that have been lying around for years? That's been going on forever. That is how the councilman look good to their constituents who never follow through on the promises.
We need serious change.
Over $10 million in paybacks for the clowncil members. Huizar is waiving a fucking parade that happened today for all the Mexicans. Problem is the parade was only in 3 blocks of the city then continued into the COUNTY. But we're stuck with the permit. Last year it cost $19,000. Why the hell are we paying when the damn parade (Mexican Independence Day) is not even in the city. The 3 blocks they use are for organizing. TELL THAT FAT PIG MOLINA TO PAY.
I noticed Huizar doesn't have it yet on any agenda to be approved. Zuma Dogg watch out for it and blast his ass at council.
How many festivals have I paid for?
Yours truly,
Extremely PISSED OFF taxpayer
AIDED BY MAYOR Antonio Villaraigosa, downtown Los Angeles' boosters are poised to dip again into the pockets of taxpayers to help finance a splashy new...
This is an excess amount of corrupt kick backs offered to developers. Why do poor or less than middle class have to pay for buildings, hotels, and luxury shops they can't afford to use. Do you think the developer will cater to the average L.A. taxpayer? That's right! Developer is high end dollar investment and kick back grants from the city.
An independent agency is necessary to investigate abuse of taxpayer money.
This is an excess amount of corrupt kick backs offered to developers. Why do poor or less than middle class have to pay for buildings, hotels, and luxury shops they can't afford to use. Do you think the developer will cater to the average L.A. taxpayer? That's right! Developer create luxury services from high end dollar investment and kick back grants from the city.
An independent agency is necessary to investigate abuse of taxpayer money.
Money going down the drain that we can hire more cops with.
The ultimate demagogue line now. Every damn time someone disagrees with a city expense or funding of something, they roll out the "coulda been cops" piffle.
Opportunistic bastards; find a new mantra. . . it's getting old. Half of you grew up spitting at cops and calling them "pigs" until suddenly you had your OWN property to protect.
Where is Laura chick-N-Shit on this one?> She sure rushes to audit the bullshit Antonio tells her to. I understand that we should waive certain corporate fees to get the publicity and tourism for LA. But damn have they gotten out of hand. They are waiving fees for so much bullshit.
Also by having the event waivers on the council agenda after the fact it just goes to show what a bunch of kiss assholes the clowncil members are. What if one of them questions a waiver its too late to vote NO.
What's the beef about festivals? They bring communities together, get people working together, calm hostilities, give kids and families (those that don't "summer" in Aspen) something to do during the long hot summers. Part of at least some of these "waivers" are things like, "OK, we won't charge you for the cost of having a traffic officer block the street, or beat patrols spend more time here than they normally would, so people don't get killed." All something any responsible city would do regardless -- AND would get sued for negligence if they didn't -- and they know it. It's a paper game between city departments to offset their budgets, and ping each other's for.
Most of these would never take place it the sponsors had to pay the full freight, or attendees had to pay $20 bucks a head to take part. Most sponsors would never cough up the thousands and tens of thousands of extra bucks to get them going.
Don't get all caught up in the shell game and hyperbole. The city "waiving" fees on paper, that they would never receive in the first place isn't costing YOU the taxpayer tons more money.
They bring in vendors and visitors alike from around the area, promote local businesses and artists, and add a little life to otherwise drab urban living.
If this is chapping your hids, then FORGET ever having an NFL franchise here. That's just a weekly sports "festival" for half the year, too.
1/2 of who?
Anon posted
"They bring in vendors and visitors alike from around the area, promote local businesses and artists, and add a little life to otherwise drab urban living."
Before I decide who to side with, explain this:
=What type of vendors registered?
=Did vendors sell products at reasonable prices or at an outrageous price?
=Was it local business or any business who shelled out the money?
=AUDIT FESTIVAL, ask the drab urban living festival attendees if festival was a RIP OFF or reasonable mode of anti-drab urban living tool.
"What's the beef about festivals? They bring communities together, get people working together, calm hostilities, give kids and families (those that don't "summer" in Aspen) something to do during the long hot summers."
"Also by having the event waivers on the council agenda after the fact it just goes to show what a bunch of kiss assholes the clowncil members are. What if one of them questions a waiver its too late to vote NO."
Not much crowing about how the loudmouth, undermandated NC leaders are going to kick City Council's butt at the ballot box, now. (Because of course, the NC screamers have NO following at home to go back to and rally). Their ONLY play was to try and keep it OFF the ballot, and win in court.
Is everyone getting this, the NC wailers and moaners (repping 100 stakeholders each, at best), didn't WANT their own stakeholders to be able to cast their THOUSANDS of votes for or against Prop R, based on their own understanding of the plusses and minuses of the measure.
They opted for LEGAL, not deomocratic remedies (because, of course, many of them are ATTORNEYS who feel the common masses are too STUPID or easily manipulated to understand what's BEST for them (i.e., having non-representative NCs make the call, instead of them).
Of course that brings up the question of, if they're so easily manipulated and NCs have $50K a year to use, why the NCs aren't MANIPULATING their own stakeholders (not more than 1 or two out of every hundred, to better and greater involvement).
The mini-me-too NC loudmouths are the one's responsible for any costs associated with legal wrangling, plus the carpetbagging terms limits organization meddling in L.A. affairs.
Take the costs of appealing the Prop R ruling by our ELECTED and MANDATED city council members out ofthe the un-used millions NCs haven't spent in their local communities for the past 3 years, the funds they're NOT using for outreach and NOT using for community improvements and NOT using for anything by meeting snacks and NUSA-type useless junkets.
Ask the NC leaders if their communities want these festivals. .. many are co-sponsored by local neighborhood councils. Of course, since most of them can't even get 1 percent to vote for their board members, it might be tough to get a real good perspective from them as to whether or not their neighborhoods want these events to take place. The test may be if they're well attended and supported by the community (if not, then don't let them come back next time).
But, they are "waivers", remember?
That means NOT city funds going INTO the costs, just money the city isn't getting for letting communities celebrate something locally.
If some, a vendors, makes some money by bringing a service that attracts more people (carnival rides, artists wares, whatever), and the city doesn't get EXTRA money from them - $100 bucks for letting someone sell things on city property - so what. Why did the city deserve a "cut" of it anyway? Because they had a cop stationed at one end (on call to go away as soon as there's an emergency in the precinct).
And why should the city be getting tons of money for letting people use the streets, parks, and community centers that they ALREADY supposedly own and pay for, in an organized, peaceful, and community spirit-building endeavor?
When the city "waives" the fees to the "dog and pony show" sponsors...it's not like the city doesn't have to pay for all the cops, fire, parking, clean-up, etc. costs associtated with the event.
Point is, the "waivers" were reated for non-profit, community organizations who could never get one of these TRUE communityevents off the ground without some help from the city. I don't even want my money going to that...but i would't stand in the way of that.
But I AM standing in the way of the money going to commercial entities -- yes, like NFL, Vanity Fair, KTLA and especially that Labor Day scam on the people of the community....charging money to enter (these "waivers" are ONLY, ONLY, ONLY for public events and in the community's interest).
Then after the organizers make all the booth, attendance and sponsorship money, they hand the expense tab for this money-magnet masquarade to the taxpayer's of Los Angeles. And then when a REAL non-profit, from the community needs money...it ain't there, y'all.
The buzzword of this election season is: "Cahoots, y'all!"
Zuma Dogg
"But, they are "waivers", remember?"
Sure! Waivers!
"If some, a vendors, makes some money by bringing a service that attracts more people (carnival rides, artists wares, whatever), and the city doesn't get EXTRA money from them - $100 bucks for letting someone sell things on city property - so what. Why did the city deserve a "cut" of it anyway? Because they had a cop stationed at one end (on call to go away as soon as there's an emergency in the precinct)."
How much were vendors charged @ Huizar Labor Day Street Festival?
It sure wasn't $100
Watch out! The zorros denied the entrance fee charge. No charge was required to enter. Costs attributed to vendor sales or carnival rides.
And of course, the zed-dogg knows this is true because someone (who got kicked off the organizing committee, our didn't get to sleep with the sponsoring organization's PR woman like he wanted to), sent you an "expose" e-mail pissing on the whole thing, right?
And e-mails are NEVER wrong, or vindictive, or retaliatory! Not in L.A. public affairs, anyway.
It couldn't be that the costs for people attending (if they even existed) were only made a bit lower by the city waiving fees, making it possible for the event to happen in the first place.
In most cases, the city can't "waive" enough fees to absorb all the organizing costs, and someone has to pay something. Raise all sponsorships, so it's free to everyone, and you start losing sponsors. Lose sponsors and you have to raise other sponsors rates, then lose more (or go BACK to charging people to attend).
Catch 44 (that's a double catch 22).
You also never know until people show if you can even break even. Who covers the losses if you don't? Not the city, not the sponsors. If you luck out and make a handful of bucks, people say you're "profiting" from the event at city expense (but the organizers, volunteers, bare-wallet community groups are the ONLY one's on the line, if things go into the red)!
How many large-scale community events you planned Dogg-breath?
Go back to the beach, bee-otch! Like that other guy said, you're the "top-doggie" of non-issues, stroked for personal attention.
(Mommy must not have suckled you long enough, with the other pupps.)
Yea dude! I wanted to lick her ass so bad and got kicked out.
Yea dude! I wanted to F*** her ass so bad and got kicked out.
Make up your mind! (But she's a known psycho; go in armed to the teeth).
The arm twisting from the POLLORAIGOSA P.R. Team was too much for you as the story and picture on the "DEAR LEADER" rendering aid to abuse child shows.
The above mention child was young girl who fainted during the Angelides Rally at Forshay School. What compell you scribes to publish the photo reveling the idenity of the the young child ? Is this child being use again to show the compasion of our "DEAR LEADER" ? The real story is here is the fact that Michael Trujillo falsely stated to school officials that he had LAUSD approval for this rally . Further, by subjecting these children to conditions that can be discribed as abusive (Standing for long period in hot confines). Mr. Trujillo should be fired for falsehoods and for using children in a blatant political event. Lastly, the Times should investigate whether someone should be prosecuted for child endangerment.
11:56 I'm armed and dangerous. I prefer psycho sluts.
Yea dude! Was her name June from Venice Room?
Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas. Or is it Merry Disney?
Whatever, WTF.
Our mayor looks gay.
CA politics is no longer Dems V. Republicans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is AMERICAN V. MEXICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vote out all Mexicans and their supporters in the NOv. and March elections!!!!!
Ok the NC haters have come back to post. They're still whining. Grow UP!!
Bitter Bernie waived all the stuff for the rich USC students and alumni's for football. Rosendahl waived fees for a farmers market until December in his rich area.
Events like the LA Marathaon that has fees waived as much as $100,000 has tons of corporate sponsors. Why can't they pay the fees? Because Yvonne Burke's husband runs it and he was campaigning for Antonio. Secondly, many times the COMMUNITY has no clue events are taking place in their neighborhood cause the clowncil doesn't tell them. A lot of times these SPONSORS or event organizers are from OUTSIDE THE DAMN COMMUNITY. Why did Huizar allow a carnival to take place on Cesar Chavez last year from OUTSIDERS WHO made money off the people in the community and packed up and left? Yet he waived their fee?
Why has the CLA report from 2003 that has recommendations how to streamline and has rules in place so the special event waivers don't get out of hand been sitting in Budget Finance for 3 years??? Bitter Bernie didn't want it to full council floor. The CLA report also states that CLOWNCIL MEMBERS NEED TO AGENDIZE IN TIMELY MANNER BEFORE EVENT.
Shut the F*** up 12:10. You sound stupid.
Why don't we vote out all the lazy mother f***ers out of office
In Huizar's district they work the opposite way. Have festival first and charge community later.
Who planned festival?
Jose Huizar
Greater El Sereno Chamber
You didn't think our mayor looked hot as he wore a banner and waved a Mexican flag during the Independence Day celebration? Come on, he had his sweetie, Jack Weiss by his side. They were looking fine.
12:20 My answer
This is for you Zuma
O-TAY, now this makes sense... the Huizar bashing starts right after Labor Day (silly me, I forgot my Aztec election calendar).
It's the neo-Pachecoistas, leaderless and still pissed, back for revenge. Trash fees complaints never got traction, so now it's. . . event fee waivers??? You serious?
Who you guy (yes, that's singular, on purpose), backing the NEXT one, 'cuz Tokofsky ain't never coming into this pond!
Don't HATE the NCs, 12:12 (am in one), just HATE the irony that a handful of the LEAST-mandated, and LEAST-productive of the leaders of (some) of them have somehow convinced (heavy on the CON) a few out-of-touch types (this blog, for one) into thinking they represent some kind of army of unhappy voters. . . when they have no troops, except each other (an army of little generals ill-equipped to do anything but bark orders at each other), and they spend all their time lobbing unfriendly fire at the people who are SUPPOSED to be their allies in improving the city, their elected (by 20-times as many votes in their own NC areas) councilmembers, and accusing them of graft, when there's hardly an NC alive that could withstand a Chick-let audit.
But I LOVE the NCs that do the real work, outreach-outreach-outreach, improving their communities, looking out for the fair and equitable delivery of city services (jus' like the charter be saying).
LOVES them, wish there were more than a handful, with they could be CLONED to replace the CLOWNS doing all the screaming.
Let us play
Doofus, Huizar gets listed as a "sponsor" BECAUSE he arranges for the fee waivers. You think Jose sat in on the meetings and called booth vendors.
I saw your response. I understand some of thing you are saying, but, nevertheless, this thing is being abused. alot of the things you say should simply be applied to the smaller, non-profits within the community it was created for. At least it is about the best argument you could show in defense of the "waivers", but again, it's being abused and people are profiting at the expense of the community. If it's true that admission was fee to public. That needs correcting, but the sirit of the problem of all the other points remain. If you can spin me on how this isn't happening (abuse, commercial/individual profits from these), I wanna hear it. It's not like I'm TRYING to create these issues or scandals. If I got pursuaded with innacurate info/emails -- I WANT TO BE THE FIRST TO KNOW. But based on the multiple people who filled me in on this issue, I did feel it needed addressed in the way I did.
12:39 oh no. me thinks he cared for little people. me thinks big mistake. me want huizar to say sorry.
12:38, Okay! I'll play (what do I win). . .
Jacob Emily Michael Emma Joshua Madison Matthew Abigail Ethan Olivia Andrew Isabella Daniel Hannah Anthony Samantha Christopher Ava Joseph Ashley
William Sophia Alexander Elizabeth Ryan Alexis
David Grace Nicholas Sarah
Tyler Alyssa James Mia
John Natalie Jonathan Chloe
Nathan Brianna Samuel Lauren
Christian Ella Noah Anna
Dylan Taylor Benjamin Kayla
Logan Hailey Brandon Jessica
Gabriel Victoria Zachary Jasmine
Jose Sydney Elijah Julia
Angel Destiny Kevin Morgan
Jack Kaitlyn Caleb Savannah
Justin Katherine Austin Alexandra
Evan Rachel Robert Lily
Thomas Megan Luke Kaylee Mason Jennifer Aidan Angelina
Jackson Makayla Isaiah Allison
Jordan Brooke Gavin Maria
Connor Trinity Aiden Lillian
Isaac Mackenzie Jason Faith
Cameron Sofia Hunter Riley
(OOPS, do you suppose that illiterate poster meant "identify" and not "name". . . DAMN that LAUSD)
How can an event like this be legal?
Organized by private company receiving NC money after the fact!
Street Festival by Huizar was sold as community event. Rides were sold as food. Some did charge entrance until idiots go caught and stopped.
You win a fee waiver from Jose Huizar & a hot night with psycho slut.
EVERY good thing in the city get's abused, Doggie... INCLUDING public comment at City Council.
Not to mention "investigations" the political tool of the angry e-mailer.
You want the city to launch "investigations" on everything that some minor clique is pissed about.
That community has "factions" like every other. One side gets a bit of a boost from council staff, the OTHER goes on
Don't be a TOOL, fool!
The truth is exposed and Mr. Dogg is a tool?
How convenient of Huizar counsel to elaborate on this blog.
Are you insane? Don't ever do anything with that bitch after dark! They have 72-hour hold forms at the local nuthouse PRE-printed with her name on them (in pads of 100 sheets each).
I think the neighborhood council pays for them.
OHHHH, it's the TRUTH being exposed (and not Doggie's lack of understanding of the sitch).
Even he's backing down and saying HE DON'T EVEN KNOW THE TRUTH.
(And you can't handle it!)
Which one of his angry e-mail sources are you? (and how badly did the psycho bitch reject you).
The topic ruffled some feathers and psycho sluts boyfriend is mad. This argument can be remedied by attending City Council meeting on Tuesday.
11:46 Sugar Coated comment is desperate attempt to cover up his 2nd set of bookeeping logs. Jabba the Hut, how far will you go with this defense?
Why abuse the poor neighborhood of El Sereno. Don't they have enough problems of their own. Take your over priced festivals to Pacific Palisades.
You caught me. I'm angry A-hole who was turned down by Psycho Slut.
She feared one night with me would force her to leave your sorry ass.
Psych Sluts Lover
BTW, she gave me some of that milk shake. Who's your daddy?
Stop talking about Dora Garcia. Just because all of the Mayor's office hates her does not mean you should talk about her. Question: how did she get that job?
Who cares. She needs to get fired if not for being a bitch, but for sleeping around in the back seat or cars.
I'm my own daddy, by marriage (it's a long story), but thank you for asking.
Hey, this is L.A.
This could start a whole new game on the blog. Since Dogg-breath apparently never even checks out the facts before launching into a "campaign" to fix something, everyone send him tons of fake "leaks" about city "corruption"
He'll bite, and then bark - here, and then whimper when he finds out he's been used by some pre-election spinners and nothing adds up.
It's not like he's got an actual credibility to risk, right?
(I got dibbs on "Tom LaBonge is going to have the city pay for the sex change operation he's scheduled for the day after he's termed out." "Sources" say he's going to sexually harass himself and then file suit to get the money.
Is anyone else besides me confused about Zuma Dogg's obsessive hatred for community festivals?
Didn't he become a gadfly because he couldn't sell incense at the Venice boardwalk?
But now he acts like a big ol' NIMBY, criticizing the City for supporting public events?
Personally, I think the City should support events like the LA Marathon and farmers markets. Call me crazy, but that's just my opinion. Aren't marathons and farmers markets positive events for our City?
"look at me, I'm a dogg, I'm a man, I'm a gadfly"
Zuma Dogg is right on the money and does have his facts straight. Can someone find the Daily News article that gives what Zuma is saying? For years people in communities have been bitching about these so called special event waivers and are ignored. It doesn't just happen in Huizar district. Its all over the city. All anyone has to do is take a look at tomorrow's council agenda at the bottom and there are tons of fees being waived. The event waivers WERE IMPLEMENTED FOR NON PROFITS to help the community. Why do you think Weiss Ass got pissed and put out that press release back in 2002? Cause he saw the abuse and wanted it stopped. Now let's see if Bitter Bernie and his trolls follows through and gets the report to the full council floor to vote on and stop the waste and abuse.
Your "waste" is my community involvement.
You'd probably consider the stuff I think L.A. "wastes" money on to be critical services.
Someone yank that poor kid off the merry-go-round set up at the festical on main street. . . we can't have that kind of WASTE going on in our city!
We need it for MORE COPS (to shoot the same bored, poor kid after he turns into a gang banger and starts peddling drugs in his neighborhood.)
Here are some event waivers I have a problem using my tax dollars for.I thought that special event waivers couldn't be used for political events. Why are we paying for NALEO.
CD9 MOTION (PERRY - GARCETTI) relative to declaring the Post Emmy’s Party on August 27, 2006 a Special Event (event sponsor to reimburse the City for all fees and costs incurred). WE'RE NOT A LOAN AGENCY WHY THE HELL CAN'T WARNER PAY UPFRONT???
CD 15 MOTION ( HAHN - LABONGE) relative to declaring the Can’t Stop Won’t Stop the Vote on August 30, 2006 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $6,226). Sponsored by the Coalition for Voting Rights on August 30, 2006, a "Special Event"
MOTION (CARDENAS - HUIZAR - GAR CETTI - PERRY) relative to declaring El Grito on September 15, 2006 a Special Event (fees and costs absorbed by the City = $12,500).
CD 14 MOTION (HUIZAR - SMITH) rel ative to declaring the Independ ence Day at El Pueblo on Septemb er 16- 17, 2006 a Special Event fees and costs absorbed by the City = $12,000).
MOTION (PERRY - CARDENAS) relative to a request for an exemption from the Convention Center fee waiver policy f or the Day of Citizenship on September 30, 2006. FIND that the Day of Citizenship, sponsored by NALEO, serves a public purpose in that it will seek to naturalize at least 2,000 individuals in Los Angeles HELL NO....THIS IS FOR ILLEGALS
After all that screaming about special event fees, this is the best you can come up with??
Jeepers H. Christ
They're only "illegals" until they become citizens, which is the purpose of the event.
Wasn't that what the John-and-Ken lunatic fringe has been screaming about all along "don't give them amnesty, make them become citizens the RIGHT way."
This IS the right way . . . the way Ahhhhh-nold and Ahhhh-riana became citizens, and Einstein, and Kissinger and one-third of all of the Nobel Prize winners in the U.S. since they started tossing those "dynamite" medals around (and half of those won by all Americans since 1990).
Maybe we'll get lucky and one of those soon-to-be EX-illegals will discover a cure for idiocy in time to save YOU from yourself.
4:06 Jeepers
Are Councilmembers writing blank checks?
chipmunk stop jeepers.
REGARDING: Dockweiler's post & Others: "One bitter guy sent ZD an email and I am your tool...everyone send ZD emails, he'll print anything."
My reply is: I walked into City Hall not knowing a thing about any councilmember, beyond Bill Rosendahl, who I was going to see to speak to him about the ban on selling insense and shirts on Venice Boardwalk.
Then, we (Matt Dowd, Michael Hunt and I) were gonna go down to speak for public comment. They were gonna drop me back off, and I was done with this one time favor to help raise awareness.
But, unfortunatley, City Council didn't overturn the ordinance just because the three of us made a compelling argument. So, we had to return to provide some new information, and ask again.
And, while I was sitting there waiting for my public comment, I heard everyone else's public comment (and all the other problems from people in different areas of the City) and they all kinda had one thing in common: They felt City Council was shady.
Then, some of those people starting seeing more of me on TV 35...then KABC...then L.A. Times...then more TV 35...then VH1...PBS...Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Matt Drudge, Doug McIntyre/KABC...LA Daily News...
So people from across the City from all different ages and ethnicities started approaching me in person at City Hall, by phone and email, to tell me their stories, in hopes I would talk about it to raise public awareness.
And now, everytime I speak or post on an issue, people contact me with additional information, and things snowball.
Like in this Labor Day, El Segundo thing in Jose's 14th district.
I saw some posts on my Mayor Sam story, "What Will Will Be Fighting For..." regarding this "Special Waiver Fee" concern that tied in with a Labor Day festival that happened to be in Huizar's district.
And one poster is claiming, "Yeah, one guy is mad at someone involved with the event, and is using ZD as a "tool" for his axe to grind.
So many of you are just getting to know me for the first time, lately, on Mayor Sam. And here's a very important point, because it gets to the true root of the problem with The Mayor and City Council:
First of all, like I said, I knew nothing about City politics when I walked into chambers for the first time in April of this year.
No ONE person sends me one email and triggers a call for a City wide investigation. There is TRUE outrage in many districts. Someone mentioned this "special waiver" thing, once to me, a couple months ago. Then I started seeing it on the agenda. Then I commented on it. More people followed up, pointing me to other places to look. (Many of the times, I'm bringing things up that have already had newspaper coverage, sometimes years ago, and it still goes on.
So, when something finally cathces my attention from one, or two people, luckily I know other people who I can follow up with questions. And like I say, the outrageous things I've spoken about on TV 35, National radio shows and Mayor Sam is nothing new.
Politicians can THINK all you have to do is send ZD one random email, and he'll jump on the cause. This allows you to keep ignoring the public outrage.
For some reason, when I start mentioning it, it gets more attention. Maybe because I am so compelled to scream it on all these media outlets.
Some are wondering at Huizar's office: Man, what's Zuma Dogg have against Jose. NOTHING. My first few times at City Hall, I admired Jose, so much, cause here was a pretty youthful looking guy to already be a Councilmember. And he went to MIT. And he used to give me shout-outs on my camera. So Jose...if you are concerned about this. My man...for a white guy from Venice Beach...I sure have been contacted a lot by people in your district who are really outraged that you don't seem to be standing up for your constituents. And all it looks like is that you, AND A BUNCH OF OTHER COUNCILMEMBERS, NOT JUST YOU, are just muppets to the financial muppet master, Mayor Antonio Villagrossa.
Dude! I'm telling you, I have no more motivation to be spending all my cell phone minutes, and doing all this research and typing about stuff in your district that doesn't even effect me. So if YOU care (and the fact that local politicains are basically stealing elections in this city, so there is no need to care what people think/no accountablity) -- for some reason, a whole lot of people from your district (and these people always represent others) contacting Zuma Dogg about your shadiness and cahootness with the Mayor.
But just to show it's not personal with you, it's not personal with Wendy Greuel, either, who must be wondering what she did to me to endure such wrath from ZD. Now it's true, I think she has a lousy persoanlity and is way too uptight when she fills in for Eric during Council meetings. (Whereas, I get more comments about how Ed Reyes did such a great job rolling with ZD's six minute MacArthur Park Public Comment fiasco.)
However, someone's off-putting, uptight nature would never be enough to have me run against you in the next Council election, and post that "Middle Class Homeowners" story from Saturday. It's because the more time I spent at City Hall, the more people that said, "Zuma, you gotta come to one of these Planning Commission meetings in Wendy Greuel's district." (NOT just Noel Wiess, just like NOT one email about CD 14 Labor Day Fundraiser, I mean Community event.)
I'M NOT SMART ENOUGH TO ONLY HEAR SOMEONE MENTION THESE COMPLEX ISSUES JUST ONE TIME FOR ME TO GET IT. Ask Matt Dowd. It's when I start hearing things a few times, I start to put two and two together, then start asking around and when I feel there's a real reason to get pissed off, I do -- get pissed off.
So the point is: Mayor and City Council...I know I've been the biggest thorn in many of your sides since...EVER! And I'm telling you, if you and your nightmare issue makes it on the ZD radar, you should pay attention to what the people are saying. Not trying to isolate some single source leak to try and prevent it in the future. The only way to prevent it in the future is to start being aware that you cannot operate in the way you have in the past. I've never called for any legal action against anyone for these "Special Event Waiver" abuse outcries. THE POINT OF WHY I GO ON TV, RADIO AND BLOGS IS TO TRY AND GET YOU TO SIMPLY START BEHAVING MORE ETHCICALLY. (I even said just, "more" ethcially. Not even totally ethcially...because that's like asking a heroine addict to quit cold turkey. The whole City/System really would shut down.
But dudes/Councilmembers...the old days are over. Look how all this shiznit jumps off so quickly and snowballs. Meanwhile, NOTHING I posted was anything new or exclusive. The Jack Weiss comments were from 2002, there were newspaper articles addressing concerns with the waivers, all I did was look at a flyer for a Labor Day fair that was BEGGING for money from the community (see flyer)...talked to three or four people. Posted a comment, not even a story. More people piled on their stories. And that's it. You can try and find one little factual error, that doesn't change a thing about the fraud, waste and abuse issue, and try and discredit one person who you think contacted me to use me as a tool, for his own personal anger. But then you'd just be missing the whole F-ing point as to why there is Public outrage for you guys at City Hall, and Public outpouring of information and support for me.
But when you run the polls with your own staff; find people to volunteer their homes for your non-documented, paid homies to gather at, for the bus to pick them up, then vote under the names of those who didn't show up at the polls (since nobody checks IDs), I guess it doesn't really matter what your constituents think. And that's the REAL problem. By stealing elections, all accountability is removed, and it's gonna be a very uncomfortable election season between now, November, then March.
And now, everytime I speak or post on an issue, people contact me with additional information, and things snowball.
Like in this Labor Day, El Segundo thing in Jose's 14th district.
Previous anal poster
Profits are good
Losses claimed as waivers
Oh yeah, Sorry! I said, El Segundo, instead of El Sereno.
I guess that means my whole premise is invalid and there were no impropriaties.
Again, I'm gonna make little errors like that, because look how much content I'm churning out.
Again, point is, stop trying to defend yourself on a minor thing like that, cause when you attack my typos, instead of actual concept of the problem, it shows all the readers that there is nothing substantive to your defense, and ZD must be right.
So thanks for correcting my typo. Now, you'll say the difference between "El Segundo" and "El Sereno" is more than just a typo...but it's not like I said $1 million dollars, when it's $1 dollar, or saying, "So and so voted "yes", when they really voted "no" -- and the nature/intent/spirit of the whole story is wrong. So again, to clarify...all the shady bullshit regarding Councilmember Huizar and the shady, un-ethical and possibly illegal/prosecutable things that went on in his district this past labor day happened in "El Sereno", not "El Segundo."
And now, I'm gonna post a follow-up story with all the new information, ten times more damaging, as a follow-up.
So shut the fuck up, before your boss gets mad at you for making things worse, cry baby-no leg to stand on- soon to be out of politics, if not thrown in jail over this shit bitch!
If I smile real good and pretend to he lat-TEE-no, can I get a waiver and a crack at some fine Latin J-Lo type booty?
Your comments are inflammatory.
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen (Bows and takes of hat with flourish):
Are the sots at City Hall fighting over the hot trollops? Emma, luv, are their any hot tollops worth fighting for? What about the girls that Mayor's Office Boy has been humping and dumping. Is it because of a certain proposition or because they've outlived their usefulness? Or is it because that's the way it is in politics. Bugger the Mayor's Office Boy. I hope the lad uses condoms. There's enough bastards sprinkled about already.
So the sot bloggers are after the Dogg? Hmmm. Bleedin' pussys to go after a Dogg. While I realize I am annoying, at least I get under some skin and irritate the hell out of someone in City Hall. As does the Dogg. That was the first part of the plan. Methinks it working, savvy?
All it takes to make a pearl is to introduce an irritant to an oyster. I would wager that come November, sots and their bosses will be squeezing diamonds out their hind ends, The swine on the 4th floor will have to do without pearls...for now.
And for the all great and powerful Neighborhood Council leader who rules by mandate....you've been outed by your own stakeholders on another blog. A grievance will soon be on the agenda and someone in the room will have the markings of a pirate.
Smegging great to hear you are around old Pirate. These jolly old yanks don't have a truth to know they are way out of order.
Me thinkest that the truth is more powerful than the torturer.
I have read the writings of a mariner who was made prioner of war in vietnam .
His thoughts of being and how to combat the tactics of them scallawags who are trying to make us afraid makest me think it is time we begin to understand we are prisoner of our own governments.
Dost ye think that the smegheads and the smeggin governemnt official sare trying to drown us in guilt and fear?
What dost thou think old pirate.
Sound the whistle to general quarters . It be time to begin preparing for the vollies to come this November.
The powder is dry and the breach has been swabbed.
And for the all great and powerful Neighborhood Council leader who rules by mandate....you've been outed by your own stakeholders on another blog.
The pirate speaks,"Captain, It's mighty hot in here today. T' Mayor's lad be guilty."
What we need is unity, not divisiveness.
Squawk, Walk the plank walk the plank, Squawk..
(Pirates of the Caribean was a vastly overrated movie).
Get a life!
There IS no citywide outrage over waivers. Many times as many people benefit from them, expect them, and appreciate them than have ever complained, or ever will.
Rational people -- and ESPECIALLY conservatives (Mayor Sam!!!), would cheer at the thought of people NOT having to pay any more of these disguised TAXES to the city to use the people's own city property and services for community events. The city tears enough out of our hides in property taxes and fees for other services, they have no business ripping off do-gooder groups trying to promote their communities this way.
Rule #1, unschooled dogg-manure-for-brains is, when you get a few dozen complaints in the city, it's usually one moron with a couple of friends or AA buddies getting riled up over the brewskies.
"Hello, my name is Angus, I'm an alcoholic, and I have this petition I'd like you all to sign about fee waivers!" (Oh, and I'm buying after the meeting).
Also, ZD still knows nothing about City of L.A. (and he ain't learning fast).
If you don't know El Sereno from El Segundo, shut your mouth and go back to watch Charlie's Angeles reruns (with one hand) in Mama's basement apartment, like a good arrested development adolescent. El Segundo is not only miles from El Sereno, it several cultures removed.
(That's not a typo, that's a "marijuana moment"). A "typo" would be Serneo, Soreno, Sireno.
We had one moron in Council snorting substance's off the people's desk a few years ago (that we know of), let's stop that mule train from going any further, okay?
Very well argued, and un-predictable response. You are winning over the masses with your compelling points. And you didn't follow-up on the "Sereno" "Segndo" thing like I didn't say you were going to.
Is there anone else out there, representing the opposition,who can create a more solid, compelling argument? This is WAAAAAAY to easy for me and I'm getting bored.
Dockweiler_Mutt-tt...You sound like a moron with a small dick. Guys with small dicks all sound the same. People are all talking and looking forward to watching Zuma Dogg this morning at city council. He is the talk of the city. He's gotten more publicity then the clowncil members. The reporters are even waiting to see what he does today. As for the waivers you're full of shit. The only people not mad are the corporations that are getting freebies.
F**k NO! I don't have no f**k'n Ch TV 35. Zuma put davideo on utube I wanna se it
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