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Friday, August 04, 2006

Villaraigosa Takeover Plan Not Likely To Pass Legal Challenge

The Daily News is reporting that Mayor Villaraigosa's plan to take over the Los Angeles Unified School District may not be able to survive legal challenges, should the legislation pass the state legislature.

While there is no legal precedent on this issue, state Legislative Counsel Diane F. Boyer-Vine issued a confidential report questioning the constitutionality of transferring "authority or control over educational functions currently performed by a school district to the mayor of a charter city."

The city's own legislative analyst, Gerry F. Miller has also found the plan not likely to survive a court challenge and recommended the city oppose the bill.

The bill will come before the Senate Appropriations Committee on August 14th.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

Unfortunately this is not about what is good public policy or what is legal. At this point this is all politics. AV’s favorite game.

August 03, 2006 9:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The mayor admits this will get caught up in the courts and he is moving forward anyway. I don't buy his argument that these opinions are based on an old version of the bill

August 03, 2006 9:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It can't be THAT confidential if I saw a copy of the opinion tonight at Wilson High School. What intrigues me is that the opinion was supposedly rendered on July 17, 2006 with a cc to Fabian Nunez. If knowledge is king, then someone has been sitting on the throne for a long time with this one.


August 03, 2006 10:57 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hopefully, this will stop this rabid, power hungry, lunatic dead in his tracks!

August 04, 2006 12:17 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Really people do you think the Mayor would put it all on the line for something that hasn't gone through all the needed legal tests! The guy has Tom Saenz on as his counsel...ring a bell, the guy made Prop 187 null and void despite state voter approval...he's like the mad scientist of law. Oh, don't read legal bulletins...maybe you should. The reason AV makes win after win is because he only fights those fights he knows he can win. gosh your dumb,

August 04, 2006 12:29 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Tom Saenz was the dickhead sitting next to AV at the phony town hall meeting.

August 04, 2006 3:46 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

gee, where did you find a photograph where he's not showing his teeth in that phony plastered-on smile?

August 04, 2006 7:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Firm for Lobbyists Wrote L.A. Term Limits Measure
By Steve Hymon, Times Staff Writer
August 4, 2006....The text of a ballot measure that would ask voters to ease term limits in Los Angeles and impose restrictions on lobbyists was crafted by a prominent law firm that represents lobbyists in the city, raising a new round of controversy Thursday.


August 04, 2006 7:42 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


You forgot SCUMBAGS!

Art Snyder is alive and drinking his lunch in San Antonio Winery garden again!
Art Snyder is ALIVE!

August 04, 2006 8:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:27 AM, what do you mean? That's AV's "I'm a dignitary" pose. He's been working on that for years.

After failing to pass the bar for the third time, he resolved "I may not pass the bar, but, Quetzlcoatl willing, I will appear to look like someone who did!"

August 04, 2006 8:02 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

AV smiled and deliberately delivered to his crowd yesterday that the mayors of New York and Chicago support AV's initiative. The other mayors say mayoral control works and improves education in the city. I hope people do not buy this from AV. Please do your own research and look up the test scores for Chicago, NYC, Philadelphia, etc. There is no big difference and some schools (specifically in bad neighborhoods) still perform sub-par. Whether AV or anybody admits that mayoral control, partial control, etc. is not a magic bullet...people need to research more and pay attention to the facts. Schools and the youth are not performing to everybody's expectations and perception of good schools because of many other reasons. Mainly money not being spent on students and larger macro-economic issues that detracts any jobs or positions for our education system to educate our youth towards.

August 04, 2006 10:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Who ever attended the Wilson High School meeting last night on the LAUSD issue please post and let us know how it went. I know tons of parents agaisnt were going to go.

August 04, 2006 10:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

When is everyone going to realize that the problem is the third world, ignorant, retarded, stupid, dumb, fat, uneducatable, brats of all the illegals and legals, alike. Not to mention their reconquista, Mecha, racist, greedy pig of a leader. LA is worse than Tijuana now because they are all living like cockroaches everywhere in LA.

Just put a tent over the entire city and fumigate!!!!!! And then bring in the bulldozers. Start with City Hall! I can hardly wait for the meltdown! At least then we can start over and build a fence to keep them from ever crawling back into this city.

August 04, 2006 11:05 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

When is everyone going to realize that the problem is the third world, ignorant, retarded, stupid, dumb, fat, uneducatable, brats of all the illegals and legals, alike. Not to mention their reconquista, Mecha, racist, greedy pig of a leader. LA is worse than Tijuana now because they are all living like cockroaches everywhere in LA.

Just put a tent over the entire city and fumigate!!!!!! And then bring in the bulldozers. Start with City Hall! I can hardly wait for the meltdown! At least then we can start over and build a fence to keep them from ever crawling back into this city.

August 04, 2006 11:05 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Burn the schools down!!!!!! Deport all of 'em!!!!!!!!!

Here's a pleasant thought for everyone! As you drive through the city every day, take a look at the third wordlers standing around on every street corner. Take a look at the filth and dirt. Take a look at the cockroach infested middle class neighborhoods and the trash that is living in the once well maintained houses. Take a look at the gangbangers with their shaved heads and tattoos.

And then just think about your hard earned taxpayer money going for NOTHING ELSE but supporting these filthy curs.

Have a nice day!!!!!

August 04, 2006 11:15 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The so-called 'Thrid World' has nothing to do with why the US Education system is broken. If you go to poor areas in the south or midwest, like the Appalachian mountains or the majority of southeast, like Mississippi, etc...you will see areas comparable to the so-called 'Third World'. And most of those residents are good ol' American whites and Blacks.

Segregated education because of class backgrounds is the main issue, and that is a big reason why are schools are so uneven in this city. Just step away from the computer and go visit the West Valley schools, then go into South L.A. It doesn't take much to realize there is uneven development and money is concentrated in one place over the other.

August 04, 2006 11:44 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

11:44 AM, Good point! It's not the illegals and their offspring that are the problem, it's that we haven't funneled enough money to them. That is exactly what we should do!

August 04, 2006 11:56 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The main issue is the importation of illiterate peasants and poverty from Mexico and other third world nations. LAUSD can continue to soak middle class taxpayers, float all the multi-billion dollar bond measures they want, build hundreds of shiny new schools packed with good computers, but at the end of the day the schools will still be awful and dangerous because those crime infested neighborhoods in bad areas have been flooded with low skilled illegal immigrants many of whom don't even speak English, much less have an understanding of calculus. That's why the sister of the illegal "mother of ten" baby machine profiled in the Times last week moved to Kentucky, where the influx is less and the schools and communities safer and better.

August 04, 2006 1:06 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I went to the meeting at Wilson last night because (1) I'm concerned about how this issue will impact my kid and (2) As a candidate, I thought it was important to be there because this issue impacts those in my Assembly District whether they have kids or not.

The meeting was not as well attended as the one at Aragon Elementary a few weeks ago, but it was a good meeting from the standpoint of figuring out where the issue stands now and what needs to be done in the coming weeks.

I left the meeting last night convinced of one thing - the pressure is building and the tempest in the teapot is becoming a little more organized with each passing day. While different groups (i.e., parents, teachers, administrators, students and various community members) approach this issue from different directions, all of them will converge at the same point and the same time at the same place when it's the most inconvenient and public.

If you're reading this and you're part of the opposition groups then you know what I'm talking about, you know what you need to do and you know who you need to talk to.

If you're in the supporters camp, I would chase down the Avon lady and stock up on all day lip gloss with moisturizer; you're gonna need it for kissing all those butts, and some of them are a little on the large side.

As for the opinion, it got passed around and a lot of parents read it. And the cc to Nunez was right there in black and white. They say a picture is worth a million words, but a cc is worth even more.

August 04, 2006 2:23 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

What opinion and CC.

Can you explain?

August 04, 2006 2:27 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

1:06 p.m.

It's tough to see when you're at ground zero, but doesn't ANYBODY remember that the oo-es-e-ah (check with Spanish linguists), has the best record on the planet for taking the "illiterate peasants" and "low skilled" out of "poverty" from 3rd, 4th, and 5th-world places, where they "don't even speak English" (imagine!) and turning them into the new middle class inside of 2-3 generations.

It's what we do best... but then for some people, the glass isn't ever "half full" -- it's always "nearly empty."

Must be a bitch to live with that kind of cloud over your head while the rest of the people are trying to plan for the better weather ahead.

(My "mama" was a baby machine, too. . . AND she talked funny, and we "babies" are doing pretty good now).

August 04, 2006 3:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

"While there is no legal precedent on this issue, state Legislative Counsel Diane F. Boyer-Vine issued a confidential report questioning the constitutionality of transferring "authority or control over educational functions currently performed by a school district to the mayor of a charter city."

That opinion/report and the cc that went with it.

August 04, 2006 4:17 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How many of you are sick of watching the asshole alcade and his phony posing and weird speech incantations?

He's getting weirder and weirder!!! One of the posters called this bizarre clasping of his hands in that weird pose his "dignitary pose". Whatever it is...he looks like a demented lunatic.

And how about his sing-song cadence when speaking in public!!!!! I've never heard anything so ludicrous in my life!!! I can't figure out who he is trying to imitate, because I've never heard anyone talk like that...it's so bizarre!!!!!

I know he's trying to imitate Bill Clinton with the hands clasped together...but I can't figure out the weird speech pattern.

He's nothing more than a retarded Mexican midget who can't string two sentences together! But he's trying to act like he has something to say.

Even after 7 personal assistants and all the staging, he still looks like a janitor who cleans our toilets.

August 04, 2006 5:38 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

How many of you are sick of watching the asshole alcade and his phony posing and weird speech incantations?

He's getting weirder and weirder!!! One of the posters called this bizarre clasping of his hands in that weird pose his "dignitary pose". Whatever it is...he looks like a demented lunatic.

And how about his sing-song cadence when speaking in public!!!!! I've never heard anything so ludicrous in my life!!! I can't figure out who he is trying to imitate, because I've never heard anyone talk like that...it's so bizarre!!!!!

I know he's trying to imitate Bill Clinton with the hands clasped together...but I can't figure out the weird speech pattern.

He's nothing more than a retarded Mexican midget who can't string two sentences together! But he's trying to act like he has something to say.

Even after 7 personal assistants and all the staging, he still looks like a janitor who cleans our toilets.

August 04, 2006 5:39 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


Good for you and I sincerely wish you well. Unfortunately, however, the reality here at ground zero is that the glass is not only half-empty, it's cracked and leaking profusely. There is minimal assimilation with this unprecedented influx of low skilled, poorly educated ILLEGAL immigrants. The infrastructure is crumbling, racial and ethnic tensions rising, and the middle class squeezed. But of course, the wingtip elites such as McCain, GWB and Kennedy don't see the first hand effects of this from behind the tinted windows of their estates.

August 04, 2006 5:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

sing-song cadence?


August 04, 2006 6:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

5:39, have you ever seen him switch between his usual "humble, distinguished and reasonable" persona to his orale homeboy one? It's funny. Most California ethnopoliticians do it. Some are better than others than concealing it.

August 04, 2006 7:15 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


You make my point... ALL IS LOST; WHOA IS YOU.

Try prozac, and wait a few years.

Your ancestors in pessimism saw it the same fatalistic way in 1897 when all those DAMN IRISH floaded over here, not the mention the EYE-talians, who couldn't even SPEAK English. They'll RUIN us, America will NEVER recover... we can't TAKE this many new PEOPLE, it's UN-PRECEDENTED.

(Make a note to yourself not to use "unprecedented" in reference to this country, since pretty much everything we've done in 230 years -- including declaring independence from a world power -- has been UNPRECEDENTED (and THAT's how you START a new PRECEDENT). You're welcome France and the rest of western Europe, you're welcome Mexico, you're welcome every other damn democracy in the world.

Someone got to be UNPRECEDENTED, or we remain in the stone age.

America can absorb ALL this, times 10... just start CONCENTRATING on harnessing the power, and stop worrying so much that "we've never DONE it this way before."

America isn't falling apart, it's going through another growth spurt on the way to dominating another half century.

Your offspring will "get" it... maybe, someday; you just keep staring at that CRACKED GLASS!

OOOOOJ, OOOOOH, we're all doomed, it takes 30 WHOLE minutes for the pizza guy to reach me now.

August 04, 2006 7:19 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

This blog is incredible!!!!!!

What is wrong with you people????

I am a native Westsider who lives in the Palisades and I am relatively safe from the Mexican invasion. But I don't understand how the rest of you tolerate having a Mexican mayor who is so obviously anti-American. When I leave my gated community to go shopping, I see nothing but day laborers standing on street corners. I drove into the inner city to survey the damage done by Mexicans and I was shocked!!!!!

Why are you people allowing this invasion to occur????

I would not vote for a Mexican if my life depended upon it~ Why did you elect this Mexican????

I will always be wealthy but the middle class is non-existant! I feel so bad for you!

August 05, 2006 1:04 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

7:19, what would you say keeps the U.S. safe from the things that 5:46 is worried about? What has kept (and hopefully will keep) the country from becoming like Mexico or any country in Central America? Mexico is rich in natural resources and geographically well situated, sharing a huge border with the world's strongest economy and long ocean borders for international trade, transport and fishing. What is it in Mexico that has made conditions so bad that so many people want to leave? Japan was firebombed, nuked, and their male population was shred to pieces during WWII, just about 60 years ago. South Korea went through similar tribulations within just the past 50 years. Now look at them. What's Mexico's problem? I don't think the U.S. wants to import whatever it is that has made Mexico languish the way it has.

I'm not suggesting that we not allot Mexico their fair share of green cards or work visas, but allowing 10% of their entire population to live here can't be a good thing. Maybe shutting down illegal immigration will actually help force Mexico to address what ails it. I don't think finger-wagging and lecturing will get that done.

August 05, 2006 1:55 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Reverse Psychology 1:04

August 05, 2006 9:32 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

1:55 a.m.

Mexico's population is 100M. We have 25M illegals living here...giving us 25% of Mexico's population. And to add insult to injury, we have the worst of the worst and the poorest of the poor from Mexico. Vicente Fox is systematically cleansing his country from the unwanted Mestizos.
Mexico hates these people and will never lift a finger to take care of them.

THe US will be third world within 5 years....as soon as the ethnic cleansing is complete in Mexico. AND Central America is now sending us the worst of the worst from their land.

CA is a lost cause and should be declared unfit for human consumption. We can't even go to our beaches anymore.

Isn't it ironic that the 25M illegal Mestizos living in the US are treated like lepers in Mexico, but they come here and all they do is whine, whine, whine...take, take, take...and demand more, more, more. They act like they own the place!

Someone needs to declare 'blight' on the entire state, and usurp the entire state through eminent domain, bulldoze the barrios, and deport 'em all!

August 05, 2006 9:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:


You twist better than MC Hammer in the early 90s. Take a history course (non "chicano studies" brainwashing), take off your rose colored glasses, and stop denying reality.

LA has monumental problems largely due to the unprecedented illegal invasion (yes, purposeful use of the word invasion -- and trust me this is a precedent we don't want or need) of poor, illiterate peasants from rural Mexico and other third world countries. LAUSD is terrible, racist Mexican gangs kill blacks and children, trauma centers closing etc. etc. etc. All so certain slobs can profit from cheap labor and politicians can appease their corporate masters and pander to the ethnic/race hustlers.

Other states and municipalities see LA/CA and shudder. Think Georgia and Hazleton, PA. It may not be too late for them. But if the US is to combat the Chinese storm, maintain a high standard of living and remain the world's eminent superpower, we need engineers and a strong middle class, not day laborers. And we don't need women at the public beach wearing bras instead of swim suits.

As 1:55 indicates , it's not our job to prop up the corrupt Mexican elite who refuses to reform. Your hellfire should be directed there. Prior waves of European immigrants learned English and assimilated, unlike this current tidal wave. An orderly process of legal immigration is great, not 10-30 million unskilled peasants ILLEGALLY emigrating from rural Mehico (and tens of millions more if GWB and Tyson chicken have their way).

But rather than having a "cracker" like me (to use Sen. Perata's term) splash the cold hard truth in your face -- your mind is apparently closed -- the words of a Latina who moved to Kentucky profiled in the Times last week says it all: "We're in a state where there's nothing but Americans. The police control the streets. It's clean, no gangs. California now resembles Mexico - everyone thinks like in Mexico. California's broken."

No doubt Kentucky will suffer the same problems as CA if the failed 1986 guest worker/amnesty is repeated.

Over and out.

August 05, 2006 10:43 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is there anyone on the horizon who is qualified to run for Governor in 2010 on an anti-illegal immigration ticket? Tom McClintock sounds like a good bet but he needs more fire in the belly.

Secondly, we need to start grooming someone for '09 who will grab the reins out of Tony Villar's hands. Walter Moore will probably run again, and he has good intentions, but we need someone with name recognition.

If Tony Villar runs for Gov. in 2010, he can easily be defeated in spite of the big bucks that will go into his campaign. His record sucks and it will be an albatross around his neck.

Any ideas???

August 05, 2006 12:50 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is there anyone on the horizon who is qualified to run for Governor in 2010 on an anti-illegal immigration ticket? Tom McClintock sounds like a good bet but he needs more fire in the belly.

Secondly, we need to start grooming someone for '09 who will grab the reins out of Tony Villar's hands. Walter Moore will probably run again, and he has good intentions, but we need someone with name recognition.

If Tony Villar runs for Gov. in 2010, he can easily be defeated in spite of the big bucks that will go into his campaign. His record sucks and it will be an albatross around his neck.

Any ideas???

August 05, 2006 12:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Is there anyone on the horizon who is qualified to run for Governor in 2010 on an anti-illegal immigration ticket? Tom McClintock sounds like a good bet but he needs more fire in the belly.

Secondly, we need to start grooming someone for '09 who will grab the reins out of Tony Villar's hands. Walter Moore will probably run again, and he has good intentions, but we need someone with name recognition.

If Tony Villar runs for Gov. in 2010, he can easily be defeated in spite of the big bucks that will go into his campaign. His record sucks and it will be an albatross around his neck.

Any ideas???

August 05, 2006 12:51 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Antonio will get buried if he runs 2010 because he hasn't done shit accept go after the LAUSD takeover. That is going to fail. Then what can he say he's done? Not a damn thing. Americans are getting sick and tired of the illegals and if Antonio supports that issue he can kiss his little midget napoleon syndrome ass career goodbye. I wish people here in LA would not be lazy and speak out against this clown of a mayor we have.

August 06, 2006 8:33 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Part of the problem here is that we always blame the wrong people for things that go wrong. Why are we not speaking with a louder voice to people who can really do something about it. like the U.S. Government. We are not blaming the right people. The Mayor does not have that kind of power, so why act as though he does. The border problem has been an issue for a long time, and so has immigration reform. Our higher levels of government have that power. Let's take care of the problem across the board, that means anyone from any country coming here illegally should be sent back until properly processed.

August 07, 2006 12:28 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

First of all any mexican born here or legally imigrated here to the U.S.A. is American. You have to be from some other country also, and your grandparents immigrated here at some point, because the only people who were here when you got here were the Indians and the Mexicans, so maybe knowing that you should be the one to return to wherever you came from, after all seniority is the way it is done here in the U.S.A. New world order.

August 07, 2006 5:58 PM  

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