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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Where's Antonio?

That was the question of the day for the public gathering at Stonehurst Park in Shadow Hills! After spending the morning pulling weeds, sweeping streets,painting buildings,and doing everything the Mayor had asked for on his "Big Sunday" event, a large group of residents showed up at this tranquil park for a bar-b-que and a pat on the back from the Mayor. This was suppose to be a celebration of the volunteer spirit, and pride in ones neighborhood.

There were many LAPD officers present, along with the LAPD Explorers, a busload from the nearby All Nations Church,a fire engine,a huge chuck wagon style bar-b-que set up, horses for the kids to ride, and a very lonely stage with a microphone just waiting for the Mayor to speak.

The "word" was that the Mayor was just swamped with appearances during his citywide " Big Sunday-Day Of Service" and just could not attend.

With the exception of a brief performance by a kids group fom All Nations Church, the stage sat silent. The number of police gradually filtered down, the fire engine drove away,and people slowly packed up and left the park.

Shadow Hills is a part of the Foothills Community, which also includes the towns of Sunland-Tujunga.

As you may know,Sunland-Tujunga is in a major battle to prevent Home Depot from opening in this fragile area.

What you may not know, is that "Big Sunday", the Mayors annual community clean-up event was sponsored not only by HOME DEPOT, but also by Home Depots influential downtown law firm, LATHAM & WATKINS. The very same law firm that is representing Home Depot in their effort to open in Sunland-Tujunga.

It was a very lonely stage,indeed! With a little imagination though,one could almost hear the beep beep beep of Home Depot forklifts scurrying around this peaceful park.


Anonymous Anonymous said:

How many times has our mayor shown what a COWARD he is? He won't appear at any event if he thinks it will be negative or be asked questions he's uncomfortable with. He only goes to "positive' events where he knows people will kiss his butt. He's not a leader and his supporting the illegals has voters questioning their support of him. Say what you want about our former mayor but at least he had the guts to face the music and he did lots of times, Not HIDE like a baby behind bullshit excuses.

May 08, 2006 6:30 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I LOVE IT! What a great comment!! That is what you guys get when you vote in ex-ACLU LIBERALS!!! This mayor has higher aspirations than just being mayor of L.A., that is obvious! He's pandering to the big guns now; whoever can get him to where he wants to go. Shame on the people of L.A. for not realizing that when they stupidly voted him in!!

May 08, 2006 10:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

6:30 am: You're kidding right? Hahn was right up there with Davis on being notoriously politically indecisive. As a result Hahn feared showing his face anywhere and was an unknown to half of Los Angeles, i.e. the San Fernando Valley. We hated him!

May 08, 2006 3:12 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

It's going to be very interesting to see how low Home Depot will go to get what they want. Also, we will find out how sincere our Civic Leaders are in their stance to support Sunland-Tujunga and their surrounding communities who have expressed their desire to have a much needed general store in the space that Home Depot wants to occupy. One thing is for certain, everyone will receive their just dues at the polls.

Thumbs up to all the volunteers of the "No to Home Depot Campaign". Your success will be a win for the Northeast Region who definitely needs that property to be used to benefit their needs.

May 08, 2006 4:02 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The valley hated Hahn??

I suggest you check and see what precincts he won.

There were valley people who were mad about secession, but hate is pretty strong and not true.

May 08, 2006 8:46 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey Joe B., You need to come back down to reality man, look at you, putting banners all over your SUV and pulling a trailer with another banner. Your really getting out of hand, I mean, what does your family think about you?? Do you spend this much time with your kids as you do with your silly campaign?? You know, you don't want to wake up one day, and your kids are grown and gone, and all you got left are you banners and your anger... Please take a moment, and think about what your doing....

May 08, 2006 9:04 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Hey dimwit,
Joe always has his kids with him.
So do all the other No Home Depot
people. Its a great way to teach
kids some valuable lessons !
You should try it some time.!

May 08, 2006 9:35 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I agree. Drag your kids with you and they will learn to fight for what they believe in! Good dad Joe, for that at least.

May 08, 2006 10:54 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I can't believe what communists the Shadow Hills people are. Since when do they get the balls to tell private property owners what to build.

Wah wah I don't like Home Depot it's gonah cause traffic jams in our streets, kids are going to die, trees are going to be chopped down and made into 2x4s. Cry cry cry.

Well if you don't like the damn store make sure that nobody shops their when it opens. I gaurentee you that home depot will close down and leave.

But, no 85% of the people in the area will still shop their because it is needed and they want to fix their houses.

NIMBYS are the worst people in the world. Imagine if there were NIMBYS 75 or 100 years ago we would still be a cow town and were the hell do you think all these people would live?

The founding fathers said that property rights was most important right after life and libery. Look it up.

We can not remain a free society with socialists pigs running the California. We will soon be like europe were upward mobility is a thing that happens in the United States only.

Why do you think that so many immigrants from around the world come here to the US?

It is the land of opportunity and our opportutunity is being taken away little by little each day by the politicians.

God Help us, because when the American Spirit is broken and Castrated by liberal democrats where will people who the American Dream go?

May 10, 2006 12:24 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

I just read my last entry I am tired and it has some typos. But, I know there are more of you who know I am right. We need to participate in the political process. But, we are so busy with business and life that we let people with no other preoccupation but being busybodies run things.

May 10, 2006 12:27 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

If more people would get involved in our community, like the Barrett Family and the "The No to Home Depot Campaign" members and their families; plus all volunteer organizations not mentioned, we would be much better off.

It is also a tremendous learning experience for children to participate along side their parents. It's very sad that 90 percent of the work is done by just 10 percent of the population.

"Big Sunday" had the usual community volunteers including "The No to Home Depot Campaign" members, out sweeping the streets, picking up trash, painting out graffiti, etc. We would love to see some new faces.

Also, let us not forget that we, as Americans, have a right to express our opinions and be critical in a "courteous" manner.

Please remember, we are all volunteers who want to serve and protect our community! We need your help by participating in any event or community organization of interest to you.

May 10, 2006 12:20 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

Looks like this battle is heating up a little. I am glade that we have joe and the others working to fight Homedepot and keeping them out of the neighborhood. I havent talked to anyone that wants a homedepot here.
Thanks Joe and to the others You know who you are.

May 10, 2006 12:48 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said:

The mayor has become more and more arrogant day by day. He is now avoiding English speaking TV news because he can't face the heat on his remarks on "..we clean your toilets."

So the weasel goes on Telemundo, program "In Context" to whine about all the free toilet brushes he got from the John & Ken radio show. Rather than make lemon into lemonade, this weasel cries about constituents who are sending him a message. How soon will AV pull a Maria Antonette in a pique of rage be tell the public to eat his toilet brushes if they don't vote to increase taxes.

May 10, 2006 8:33 PM  

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