Villaraigosa vs. The Engineers
Here is some video from an EAA protest at Mayor Villaraigosa's photo op when the Union Station to LAX Flyaway was opened. Click the play button in the center of the video to watch.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Wow. Those people are rude. White collar picketers. Funny.
We want to be overpaid is their chant.
The EAA should do this at every photo op Antonio is at. This is how he gave in to the animal activists. He hates to be upstaged.
EAA + chants = nothing
Local 18 + 2 strikes = contract
EAA = Eunuchs And Aquino
EAA = Empty Administrative Association, not a real union. The mayor doesn't care about them. Other city labor unions don't support their cause. what a pity...
Now if they could only turn off the lights for a few hours..
Hey 9:21,
How about we screw up your traffic for a few days.
Gridlock City.
Don't you love the new electronic age. No more wait until 11 for footage. We can get the footage and post it online.
I remember seeing a cartoon in which the news broadcaster was saying:
World to explode at 10 , footage at 11.
Well at least I will be able to watch Boston public at 10 while the world explodes if it is on a tuesday
. He
Thanks to You tube we can all be the newscaster.
Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuez, D-Los Angeles; Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles; and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa were among the speakers who addressed Saturday's jubilant crowd from City Hall's south balcony. WHERE WERE ALL THE OTHER LATINO POLITICANS WE HAVE IN THIS CITY?????
.....we work hard, we pay our taxes, we play by the rules and we want this great America to take us into account," said Villaraigosa.
It's already gridlock city moron.
DWP turned off lights for hours
Do you see how this works!
Rude persons!
Aquino + PPL = nothing.
Aquino + AFL-CIO = nothing.
Aquino + AV Campaign donation = nothing.
Aquino + letters of support = nothing
Aquino + chants = nothing
EAA brothers and sisters, please strike before Aquino takes your last dollar for getting you "nothing"!
Yes, they do pay taxes. Every time they spend money they pay taxes. And those hospitals closed due to white - and Black - mismanagement. Get used to it - the takeover has begun.
Wash. Times 8-26-04
U.S. households headed by illegal aliens used $26.3 billion in government services during 2002 but paid only $16 billion in taxes, an annual cost to taxpayers of $10 billion, says a report issued yesterday by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS).
The report, based on U.S. Census Bureau data, also said if illegal aliens now in the country -- estimated at between 8 million and 12 million -- received amnesty, paid taxes and used services similar to households headed by legal immigrants, the estimated net deficit would increase from $10 billion to more than $29 billion.
Lordy...EAA has division within as well. Check out how successful their action was for the marathon. All the engineers showed up, killing their "marathon run out". Aquino doesn't have full membership support. The crazies are harassing the majority of those who are actually happy with their situation and don't want to continue this action. Antonio is just waiting it out as the membership collapses within.
Recall Notice:
The black EAA tee-shirts have a defect. Please return them to Robert Aquino asap.
The words "Will Strike If Provoked" should have read "Will Not Strike If Provoked".
Bush will pass some kind of illegal immigration bill. People are sick and tired of illegals over running our schools, hospitals, services etc. They act as if they are entitled. The vendors are making tax free cash (hundreds) without paying taxes and if you tell them to get a permit they verbally abuse you. These illegals have an arrogant attitude and need to be deported.
7:26 and 7:50
I agree with you completely
Taco Villa really committed political suicide on Saturday!!! He hasn't changed one iota from his radical Reconquista Mechista days at UCLA.
There's going to be a huge backlash after these Mexican thugs turned out en masse. about ANTI-AMERICAN LOSERS!!! And how about those fu##king Mexican flags!!!! And how about all the AMERICAN flags they trashed on the ground and in the dumpsters! WOW!
Just goes to show you how stupido these Mexicans are to try to pull a stunt like that. It backfired, big time!
Hasta la Vista, Taco Villa and all of your punk amigos!!!
7:26 and 7:50
I agree with you completely
Taco Villa really committed political suicide on Saturday!!! He hasn't changed one iota from his radical Reconquista Mechista days at UCLA.
There's going to be a huge backlash after these Mexican thugs turned out en masse. about ANTI-AMERICAN LOSERS!!! And how about those fu##king Mexican flags!!!! And how about all the AMERICAN flags they trashed on the ground and in the dumpsters! WOW!
Just goes to show you how stupido these Mexicans are to try to pull a stunt like that. It backfired, big time!
Hasta la Vista, Taco Villa and all of your punk amigos!!!
You folks that write to this column disparaging EAA's efforts on behalf of its members are made up of one of two groups; the first being of course Fujioka and the idiots that work for him and the Mayors staff. The reasons for their comments are rather obvious. This Mayor had everything going for him and now, as a result of EAA's actions, he is the object of ridicule. The other group that writes disparaging is even harder to understand. They are some of the DWP employees or a small group of union leaders that sold out their own members for a 0% COLA. Any city employee that looks at what's happening objectively must see that EAA is the only organization that is fighting for the interests of all city employees. ALL city employees should be rising in support of EAA instead of pitching rocks from the sidelines. Ultimately when EAA succeeds, ALL CITY EMPLOYEES WILL BENEFIT. I am very proud to be an EAA member and part of this growing group of EAA activists.
Office of Finance
As an EAA Sr. Rep I giggle at these idiots that tell us when and where we should strike. We will decide the time and place for that type of job action. Only an unsophisticated child would be goaded into that type of activity. The number of EAA members wanting to strike this city is growing every day as is the support from other unions in the city. We will not be goaded into any action. We will pull the trigger when we are ready. Nothing less will satisfy us. Keep whistling in the graveyard.
To 3:44 pm
Please listen. Your one and only chance at a contract is to strike. The folks who are urging you to strike have been there and done it. You voted for a strike last November. You wear t-shirts saying you'll strike. Except for the token letters of support, no union is on record that they will honor an EAA strike line.
You walk, then and only then, will the other unions support you. You do walk, the rest of us will honor your line! Chanting and embarrassing the City's top guy quite frankly has and will get you nothing.
Most everyone in other unions, including Local 18, wants you to get a fair contract.
No union I know of ever broke an impasse with chants. Please recognize that it will take that hard step of striking to get it.
Good luck to all of you.
All Villaraigosa cares about is his becoming Gov. and then Pres., he does'nt care who he steps on to get there. He does'nt care about what the ILLEGALS are doing to the city or country all he sees are more voters voting for him. He does'nt care about the schools he justs wants to control everything. He will go to every photo opt he can. I voted for him before but never again.
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