This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
CORRECTION: "Labor Group Endorses Villraigosa for Council Seat"
Labor, just like Ed Reyes, are just showing what big pussies they are. Coming from a Labor household, Nick has never voted against labor. Huizar can't make this statement. But it is what Antonio wants. Is it any wonder labor is in the state they are in? Think Ludlow will get a reutrn call from Pacheco?
Nick should be planning for a change of career.
i Scooped you on this one Mayor Frank
Anonymous 8:14 appears to be exactly correct. I wrote at 80 Watches this morning that the way it's put, it's a classic example of damning with faint praise, almost as though County Fed were forcefed the candidate. To say that the candidate "backed dozens of school construction projects" even goes so far as to remind voters of something they'd mostly be better off, from Huizar's perspective, forgetting.
...Are you guys serious? Are you not aware that Ludlow is a direct employee of Villaraigosas' and was installed in that position because of Villaraigosas' close personal ties to Maria Elena Durazo and Brian D'Arcy as well as leaders of several of the other unions that sit on the LA County fed's executive board even though they're no longer members of the AFL-CIO?
There are no rules except the King's rules.
Signed: Loyal Subject
I just heard that Hacopian (AKA AV spy- Rick Caruso thug) got a contract from the County Fed. Is this the payoff for stabbing Pacheco in the back?
8:26 a.m.
He is, there will be a swearing in sometime after he wins the primary in November for his second term as city councilmember... filling an (effective) vacancy in that seat since 2003, and sending LISA SOURNOTE packing to somewhere where she can carefake for someone else.
"Think Ludlow will get a reutrn call from Pacheco?" (8:14)
Of course not. He won't ever call Pachueco. Nobody will. No reason to.
Even Miguel called Pacheco when he chaired the Budget and Finance committee. Who do you think negotiated the raises that city union members received. As head of the County Fed, Ludlow needs to work with pacheco when he wins.
hey asshole the mayors race is over.
Yup, and the County Fed endorsement didn't help Hahn one little bit!
It's time you "fellow travelers" realized organized labor is dying.
Be nice to Walmart, that's the next best hope for Huizar's LAUSD dropouts (but they'll have to move out of Los Angeles to be close enough to work at one).
8:14 AM:
Lauro didn't oppose labor during council, but then again, which Latino CM has? Huizar at LAUSD made labor happy with all the construction projects. In the unlikely and tragic event that Pachueco regains the throne, he will work closely with the Fed, just like anyone in his position would. As far as Lauro coming from a labor household, Huizar's background is the epitome of what Contreras and the Fed fought for: the unionizing of voiceless immigrinat workers.
11:01 AM:
Yes, Ludlow was recomended by AV, and appointed by those you mentioned. But he also received ALL the votes from the rest of the unions, which makes it unanimous. Moron.
1:11 PM:
Pachueco DID NOT negotiate the LIUNA 777 and SEIU 347 contracts. He merely was another voice of support in favor of the unions. Ask any labor organizer involved in the talks. And any CM will seek out the Fed, not the other way around. There are 15 of those dispossable fuckers, and if they don't play ball, they'll face the wrath. Just ask Lauro.
2:07 PM:
In case you didn't know, the Fed was split on the endorsement, with Hahn getting a slight majority. Contreras sided with AV. He made sure that those unions that did go with Hahn did a half-assed job at it. Oh, and sorry, but you can take your circle-jerk big box fantasies the hell out of here. LA is Labor Capital USA.
I guess the media thinks it only two candidates, running for the 14th, council seat.
well I guess we will see on election day
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