This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
E-mails flying about how Antonio sat and did nothing when those radical blacks threatened to burn down the city, go to police officer's homes to get them, shut down the city and yelling and screaming racist remarks at new police commissioners. What kind of wimpy leader can just sit there and say nothing? He looked scared shitless. AT least you gotta give Hahn credit for getting out there and calming the community down in South LA. These same Nation of Islam radicals threatening this city were the same ones standing behind Antonio during some of his campaign press confere.
Violence is up big time...I don't know if it was a good idea to elect Villaraigosa as Mayor. What do you think?
Hell no Antonio should have never been elected Mayor. People are now beginning to see what a coward he really is. His big time friend Tony Mohammed, Nation of Islam leader was arrested last night assaulting an officer. As leader of this city where is our Mayor? Hiding in some closet waiting for everything to go away. AT least Hahn had the guts to confront these situations head on.
Let's recall Villaraigosa and elect Nick Pachueco.
I seem to RECALL that it's absolutely unnecessary to "recall" Villaragosa, anyway. He makes tracks as soon as the job gets too difficult for him, or he finds something that strokes his oversized ego.
Plus, he never seems to be able to RECALL what he promised to get elected anyway.
Don't "recall" -- just wait. How much harm can he do before the next state-level election cycle.
Has anybody gotten any details about an impending indictment of Janice Hahn's close personal friend Nick Tonsich? Please advise.
Butcher, General Manager of SEIU Local 347, is continuing her war against the government of the city of Los Angeles. She gathered together the various generals of her forces last Tuesday evening to form a coalition of unions that represent city employees. Not all of the city unions were brave enough to attend the meeting at 347's offices. Apparently Butcher is on such bad terms with the new administration that she's trying to get other city labor leaders to stand in front of her to absorb the punishment. Let's see, torching her car didn't work, her declaration of war was met with universal laughter, so now she's trying to get others to share the responsibility of the mess she made. So far, the effects of her war on the city is approximately 800 of Butcher's members employed as security guards at the city have succesfully formed an association and have been granted an election by the city's ERB to get out of SEIU 347.
We shudder to anticipate what new damage she'll inflict on the city.
SO WHEN DOES THE "booting out" of Chief Faker from the Mayor Sam entourage become official?
It's obviously already happened -- (or else he'd be on the "movie trailer") -- and he's been exposed as a serious liability to blog credibility, and has been AWOL for some time now.
Make it official, we all know it has to happen -- even if "Parker" is just another fake name for one of your other blog goons. He's FAR more risky for Sister City than Hacopian was for Pacheco.
Let him go out and "think" about the fake 80 neighborhood watches for a couple months on hiatus, until the special election is over, at LEAST!
These stories are come from the RE: Recent Attacks on Alex "Chilletas" Padilla
Villaraigosa camp. Don't be shocked...the Democratic Party is looking for the next Latino National Candidate for Hillary and Villaraigosa is eliminating competition. It gets tough, in politics there are really no friends or people you can trust.
And Yes I am in the KNOW!
No, Faker, You "no" nothing (including grammar).
Is this what you meant when you said you "no" where the 80 fake neighborhood watches are?
You NO "know" do you, now - Faker. BECAUSE. . . THEY DON'T EXIST (Just like your credibility!)
Now, PLEASE, Faker. . . DO delete this message, because it's OFF TOPIC (in the "open thread"), Right, Mr. NO-it-all?
Here to stay, here to deceive, right Parker?
Anything for a pat on the head from ADV!
Mayor Frank's been a lot more "in the know" lately, Cheif. Whatsa matter, no new tip-offs from the meter maids in CD14 as to who's parke-d illegally?
Who could this be, harping on Hacopian and Pacheco still? Old news. He isn't the most recent to have been shown the door anyways.
Enlighten us, 12:29 p.m., or are you just fake whistleblowing, too?
Too bad Mayor Sam wouldn't let you in his "trailer" Parker. Maybe AV will let you right in the trunk (if he's not hopping the Goldline for cameras).
The Pachuecos are out in force today. Watcho, we've missed you! Welcome back guys (if there is indeed more than one of you.)
Re: 7:28 am
Right-wing drama and hyperbole are so entertaining. More, more, more !
Like OMG Becky, look at "those radical blacks"?? Like, they're so irrational and so violent and threatening. Gah-ross. They're probably some rap guy's best friends. Look at them. They're just so, so ... BLACK! :)
I could have sworn I'd seen John Edwards had stepped down either late last week or early this week. It was somewhere on this site. That's more recent than Hacopian.
Pachueco is giving rebates to contributors? Is that legal?
12:39 p.m.
I much prefer the hypocritical "progressive" practice of preaching "tolerance" and then attaching less than flattering ethnic and lifestyle labels to everyone they oppose, behind their backs, in "private" gang-bang e-mails.
How's that working for the commission appointees?
Like "being back" is doing me any good... CHIEF FAKER is still trying to pretend he didn't promise 80 TIMES to reveal the details of the 80 fake neighborhood watches that AV used as a prop and prop-up for his 60 seconds as a city councilmember.
Huizar gave me a rebate from day one. AV/Parke Skelton cooked the books. It is old news. Go audit Huizar's books they are overcooked.
IRS is biting Parke Skelton in the ass with his fake write offs.
Did an anon here write to the IRS and complain about tax misuse from Parke Skelton? Why did you do that?
Instincts... Faker, you said you had ORDERS not to put out the fake list?
Another lie?
Why are you lying Chief Pfaiker?
Skelton's PsychWar gave me a migraine.
If you HAD a list of the fake neighborhood watches, Parker, you would have put it out months ago. It doesn't exist, it can't exist, it's a mathematical impossibility for either AV's staff to have pulled it off, or for LAPD to work with that many to make them viable. And THIS is just another silly head fake.
What's wrong, Parker, Mailander's new blog got you looking STOOOPID? You can take tons of abuse from bloggers, here, but if a "rival" blog starts to get your goat, your frat-house pride gets your shorts in a wad.
Afraid the while blog's going to look bogus (it does).
HEAD FAKE, HEAD FAKE. Faker made you look.
Where's that guy from a week or so ago who was going to put out the list in "10 minutes."
How much time YOU need FAKER, 10 years?
Chief Pfaiker you have no such list!
Stop lying to the anon.
I don't like your pic parke Skeleto...find a younger viking version we can look at without vomiting.
Chief Pfaiker, listen to Skeletonoto...
Put up the list up Chief. It will end the drama.
You know who I am.
Just reveal 33-1/3 fake neighborhood watches -- that's only ONE-THIRD or the 100+ you said you uncovered -- that's all your have to produce, that were started while our new mayor was pretending he was the old mayor and ignoring CD14.
You didn't (couldn't) take me up on the 50 percent a few weeks, back. Same rules apply, though. No using individuals who came to a meeting or two and trying to pass them off as whole "neighborhood watch organizations." Those were AV and your words... ORGANIZATIONS!
No? No to what? No your not putting it up? Or no you no longer will keep it from the public and keep lying to all of us.
Post the darn thing and end this shit.
Your such a drama queen chief parker.
Bi-polar "Pole" is that another ethnic crack.
How did you know I was POLISH!
DAMN, you AV-lovers are SO intolerant!
Drama queen? QUEEN? is that another "lifestyle" crack.
How did you know? DAMN, you people ARE so intolerant!
1:25 PM No way! He has to produce 80 or more neighborhood watches!
Chief, stop posting as an anon....piece of advice, ok?
Count back, folks, by my achiving, this will be the 11th time chief Faker has promised to produce the Neighborhood watch "organization" list!
AND, like AV's campaign promises, they just FLOAT out into the ether, like... ETHER!
Start the 10-year countdown, until Parker "flashes" the list...
314,469,248. . .
And OFF CHief Parker goes to hide out again. You should have listened to Parque... his version of the new scam was slightly more believable.
That's why he's best known as "Faker."
Parker forgot to mention his ill-fated Hertzberg pick for the primary. Selective memory? Historic revisionism? Past-due senility?
You pick; I'm betting on lack of any moral compass!
CHANGE THE THREAD, Parker, quick, before someone scrolls down and sees you lying through your dentures again!
Chase Janice Hahn around until she drops some litter, QUICK!
Nahhh, Faker's working on a HUGE expose this time, that's bound to get him interviewed by "Highlights" or "Boy's Life" -- turns out Pacheco, known to thousands in CD14 as the "boy scout" for being willing to help constituents in ANY situation, actually filled out the paperwork incorrectly for one of his original merit badges 25 years ago.
Faker is calling for a full investigation (pumped up by Parke Skelton), and is demanding his Eagle Scout status be revoked!
Aren't you supposed to be digging through your round file for the fake Neighborhood Watch names, Faker?
Or are they coming in by Fax from Pasadena?
You're just not very funny or creative Parker. The best you seem to be able to do is to insult people, question the integrity of public servants doing FAR more good for the city and performing much more ethically than you've ever dreamed of, and occasionally hitting little rimshots off other people's humorous comments.
Why the hell are you a moderator? Are you Mayor Sam's out-of-work brother-in-law in real life, or did you just seep (sic) your way to the top?
Re: 1:04
I agree. Like you're so totally awesome too! Pretentious, bitter rants from neo-cons are so cool. Down with tolerance! Progressives are just gang-bangers anyway! And most of them are so, so ... BLACK! Thanks, Becky.
LAUSD dropouts checking in again!
Speaking of "delivering it" Chief Faker.
You ain't! Still! Months after promising, repeatedly.
You KNOW what I'm talking about -- those 100+ Fake Neighborhood Watches you placed crank phone calls to Hollenbeck and Northeast divisions to verigy -- at the cost of thousands of dollars of paid police officer productivity time (answering your bogus calls).
No delivery? No credibility!
You insult our intelligence every time you post, Faker.
I'd insult yours, but if you had any brains, you would have given the big mayor's race LIE months ago.
This city is on the verge of a RIOT and where the hell is our Mayor? Now Danny Bakewell another Antonio supporter is threatening violence because his buddy Tony Mohammed got arrested. Mohammed was behind Antonio at his news conferences.
Tony's still riding back-and-forth on the Blue Line, past the empty Southwest museum, Dude!
Let him know that camera's are on the way to wherever you want him to go. It's the only thing that works; like catnip to a pussy!
SO, faker, it's okay to "insult" you -- because that's a "fake" name also.
The latest on the Hacopian exit from the Pacheco campaign.
The word is that it was Huizar's pollster John Fairbanks that negotiated Hacopians exit.
Fairbanks offered Hacopian an easy money gig on a future LAUSD bond race.
An entertaining pack of pickled Pachuecos today. Funny thing is how you've gotten the whole story wrong. There are way more than 80 or 100 watchdogs in the neighborhoods of CD14.
That little new jerk-off about "maybe I'll release the list; maybe I won't" should insult anyone who cares about truth in government. We PAY for the results AV's handlers are hiding, right?
What's the BIG secret; The terrorists and I know more about homeland security efforts in L.A. than the people in CD14 will ever find out about this great "accomplishment" of AV -- those pesky neighborhood watches.
If Chief Parker had ANY other city secret in his hands, he'd spill it, jst for the scoop value.
So, he doesn't "have" it. Period.
Who the FUCK said anything about "watch-dogs" Another dodge, another scam, another compound lie coming from the AV lie-of-the-week brigade. Where ARE the "watch-dogs" in the "dog parke" he didn't finish on his WATCH either???
AV said it in EVERY damn interview, I started "80 Neighborhood Watch Organizations!" He did this while he was out-of-town, mostly. It said ORGANIZATIONS on his campaign materials, ON HIS WEBSITE!
NOW, after months of convoluted lies, you suddenly want to try and reduce expectations.
Bite me!
I dare anyone in Villaraigosa's "team" to even name 80 distinct "neighborhoods" in CD14, or 40, or even 30!
I double WATCH-DOGG dare you!!
I'm here, give it the old liars try. . .
What, you want names & addresses of everybody in CD14 with a watchdog? What's the point?
Tony ONLY does campaign stops, why would be attend a meeting to actually plan or organize something. It wasn't like he was REALLY the councilmember here.
Get real!
YEAH, that's what I want, 3:07 p.m., and their dog license numbers. Because if any of AV's 80+ fake neighborhood WATCH DOGS are unlicensed and/or non-neutered "non-human companions" he's in deep shit!
I'll start my own blog, and post pictures EVERY DAY, of "undocumented worker dogs" that Antonio employed to serve as props for his list of CD14 accomplishments. I'll bet he picked them up at HOME DEPOT!
We're way past the "is chief faker gone" postings, Frankie. I know you're dead, but do try to keep up!
I guess we've gone full cycle then, 3:13 P.M., all the way back to talking about Tony Villar and his stray bitches!
Stray, or strange?
Are we talking staffers now, or what?
You want dog names? Try
Hey Watcho, did you just get a puppy or what?
I know for a fact AV dodged at least 80 dogs walking CD14.
AV don't "do" dogs... try "eye-candy."
This is all cute, teasing, taunting --to avoid the question (again) spin, but...
Where's the list of 80 Neighborhood Watch Organizations you've promised repeatedly, Chief Faker?
They're your "proof" Villaraigosa was a productive city employee from 2003 - 2005. Nothing else has ever surfaced or any consequence for CD14.
No delivery; no credibility, for you or this blog!
Antonio didn't "walk" Cd14 -- he stepped on it (and crush it's progress and projects).
He's mean; no way around it.
Parque - you are kind of cute in that political hack viking sort of way.
CP has no dentures anon...he loves the ladies...the strip club kind...I'm in, I'll out you!
I went to school with Huizar, do you want to know some juicy stories about that son of a b****!
If you take a closer look, at "Parque" you can see it's a "mask" not an actual face (but NOT a beard!) PLEASE, my commission appointment is still pending. . .
A "mask" makes perfect sense, too. . . (hollow, no substance, no eyes to be a "window" to the soul) No soul! Of course!
Hey 2:37 You mean Antonio is "special" as in Retarded?
Isn't this what we request from the 80 NWatches. Back it UP or we'll shut YOU down! Still, no back up. We can play the game both ways boy!
Since WHEN does anyone on this blog ever "back up" anything... especially the moderators... especially Parker?
(PLEASE, don't tell me about the damn handicapped parking spot -- like 4 million gridlocked, cranky, skeptical Angelenos who are getting screwed over by local government CARE about one parking spot!)
Yikes, don't go there, 3:55 p.m., you'll have Frank and Parker scrambling through the archives to "shut down" all the "droppings" of The Faker, while he was claiming to have the goods on those 100+ watch organizations.
That's probably why he's been AWOL so much -- DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!
"What, me promise?"
I got my own archive of them Faker, and so does YAHOO! Don't waste your time.
I don't have anything to say, I just wanted to be the 100th message.
You win the prize, #100; Chief Faker is going to tell you a bedtime STORY (i.e., lie)!
Who cares about how many watchdogs there are in CD14? They keep me awake at night anyways.
Que Pasa Chief. Antonio gave u "The Call." To stop it.
Again, Frankie... KEEP UP.
No one said you were deleting THESE messages. It was a reference to the ARCHIVES, where all of Chief Faker's LIES about finding and posting the 80 fake watch organizations are from months ago.
PLEASE, all Antonio knows about CHEAP Faker is that the room Faker's in starts to smell like dirty diapers whenever AV walks in.
(Shooting craps.... so to speak?) he just gets SO nervous in the company of the Conman-in-Chief.
I don't REALLY mean, "IN chief" you understand!? I want to be on a "commission" some day, too...
Quote from MAV today from the education council meeting,
"I will take over the LAUSD school district very soon, but it's not going to be a top-down approach."
He also mentioned that he knew Romero's proposal was unconstitutional almost two months ago.
Lastly, he mentioned when school starts, he will be building consensus around the governance issue with parents and teachers, which current polls he was privy to show NO support for the mayor taking over. He will be visiting 16 schools on Sept. 6 and 16 more the next day. He's building consenus that the status quo will no longer be accepted. He also mentioned that he will not make his case for LAUSD takeover in the media, but rather in his meetings with parents and teachers. (Note, 3 UTLA folks were at the meeting and MAV clearly stated that "union folks [UTLA] are not going to be happy, but that's ok because even my wife disagrees with the idea that the mayor should be in charge of the school district."
At 4:03, Mayor Frank said:
"Sorry to burst your bubble. I do most of the deleting, and if you've noticed, all of the heat on him is still up. I haven't touched a single one of them."
When countered with, "It was a reference to the ARCHIVES, where all of Chief Faker's LIES about finding and posting the 80 fake watch organizations are from months ago."
Then, the CYA Frank said "again dumbass, they are all still up there."
AGAIN, WHAT? That isn't what you SAID the first time! Your reply was to "the heat" - recent demands that he produce what was already promised NOT the original promises!
AGAIN, means " I already said that!"
You DIDN't say that! SHEESH!
(My heads gonna explode with these chicken-shit moderators who can't type plain Eng-lich!)
No wonder Cheap Faker pulled the wool over your eyes, too, about the FAKE Neighborhood Watch Organizations.
This thread has gone to the dawgs.
Sorry, I'm just SO dumb, I ACTUALLY thought this blog would keep its moderators credible, and require them to DELIVER the things they "promised" repeatedly, in the heat of a partisan campaign -- to PRODUCE the proof that Antonio Villaraigosa actually worked for a living from 2003 to 2005 (and I DON'T mean for the national Democratic Party or his own mayoral campaign).
You're right, I'M AN IDIOT! I trusted Chief Faker! AND HE'S a full-on BULLSHIT liar for Villaraigosa's campaign people.
Soooo, Mayor Sam's is a MAJOR SCAM!
Don't believe NOTHIN', NO MORE, NEVER, Children!
There's no Sanity Clause, either!
No shit, Sherlock. This place is making Mailander look respectable.
YEAH, the thread's gone to hell, 5:41 p.m.. Friday's OPEN THREAD is off topic... oh wait.
Never mind!
HE's an idiot, and YOU CAN BE TOO, bloggers. Just swallow everything Chief Parker says, Hook, Lie, and Stinker!
Have you been to any strip bars lately Mayors & Chief?
Yeah, like YOU got a life, Mayor Frank - being "entertained" by us morons at 7 p.m. on a Friday night.
Like the song goes, "Tell me Why..." Why are both Huizar and Pacheco so secretive on volunteer work. People want to volunteer but many afraid of backlash from places such as this site.
Speaking of COWARDS that was little Antonio today at the press conf. with his buddy John Mack. Only in South LA can you assault a police officer and become the victim. Tony Mohammed made "terrorst threats" against police officers and said he will burn down this city and Antonio is supporting him. Why? Cause Tony supports all those who endorsed him and hell with police officers. Weak little midget will be in South LA tomorrow kissing butt to the blacks cause he needs their vote when he runs for gov. next year.
Hey, does anyone know why Raul Estrada, El Centro Auyda, who Antonio appointed to Board of Neighborhoods Commission resigned?
I heard Raul referred to another commission member in a (private) e-mail as that "little cripple."
Go figure -- no tolerance in ANY of these AV appointments.
Waddya mean there ain't no Santy Clause?
I hope there is an LA reporter who has the guts to after this story.
Rumors coming out of South LA is the whole South LA tension, Tony Mohammed arrest was all a set up to get publicity. Some blacks are saying that John Mack, Danny Bakewell (all endorsers of AV) and Antonio were all in on it to give Mohammed the spot light and go after Chief Bratton cause of Antonio's buddy Parks' payback.
LA Times....Joe Hicks, vice president of Community Advocates and a longtime community leader, said the incident comes as Muhammad is attempting to play a larger role in community activism in Los Angeles....Muhammad "is trying to muscle in as a major political figure in L.A.," Hicks said. "The Nation [of Islam] in L.A. has never ranked with the Urban League and NAACP."
From LA Observed:
"...Speaker Fabian Nunez's political acumen is questioned in today's LAT story about his choppy trip to Mexico. Eye-opening quip at the end, from Nunez: 'Antonio Villaraigosa will be the next governor. I'll just carry his bags.'..."
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