This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
I just woke up made a pot of coffee and have started to read the local papers and I see there is no mention that Huizar has "Dumped" and of his Inept Staff.
Day Four begins and nothing. Come on Jose...Just Do It.
Rid yourself of the 4 stooges:
1) Laura (Ghetto girl) Barrera;
2) Alvin (Time has gone and come) Para;
3)Monica (No experience) Garcia and finally;
4)David (Friend of Albert Robles) Cobb.
Alot of us are counting on you Jose. We want you to win, but have no confidence in your handlers...don't let them fuck this up for you.
Where's the mother-humping hot list?
No Huizar, do not dump them. I want you to lose. Keep the imcompetent, ego craving staff you have. They are a bunch of has beens especially alvin.
Google lists 17 variations of Pachueco:
... Pacvhueco Pavchueco Pacfhueco Pafchueco Pacdhueco Padchueco Pacshueco Paschueco Pacxhueco Paxchueco Packhueco Pakchueco Pachjueco Pacjhueco Pachueco Pacuhueco Pachzueco ...
Nice to know Alvin knows how to search on Google..Ay dios mio Jose, what are you doing with this idiotic group.
Ahh...what happened to the Pachueco post?
The Pachueco theme song is, appropriately, "Back 2 the Wall"
Huizar lacks good decision making. Get a new staff. Look for people with pizazz. Call Warren Beatty. Nunez has his #.
YOU'RE REMOVING POSTS FROM the "open thread" now dudes. How can you be "off-topic" on open-thread?
Has this blog become Animal Farm, or WHAT!
Huizar can't bump his inept staff members -- dude! AV had the same problem as CM. He bumps the useless ones, it's a movie sequel, "Last Man Standing, II."
Pacheco had the best staff when he was CD14 CM (and I AIN'T one of them!) He probably can't get that many of them to come back -- they've been making other CMs and city departments look good for two years.
A shame, but he's got a better chance of rebuilding than anyone else after that position. One thing we do NOT need is a bunch of lateral movers coming over from LAUSD, crap! We'd be up to our alligators in academia-encrusted "task forces" and "research working groups" for two years, and never get one step further to improving CD14.
In what some dismiss as a campaign stunt, Nick Pacheco has in fact decided to legally change his name to Pachueco.
"We've tested both versions and find Pachueco actually does marginally better in focus groups," campaign manager Robert Urteaga said this morning, "especially when we explain the reason for it."
According to sources, the renamed Pachueco campaign plans a flyer announcing to voters that he is putting "U, the voter" in the middle of his name, as well as in the center of his plans for the district. This is thought to compare favorably with his nemesis, the mayor, who merely put his wife's last name at the end of his own.
Pachueco's political rivals are divided between those who consider the name change an act of desperation, and those who say it is merely bowing to reality. The "Pachueco" tag has been gaining in popularity such that many district residents already thought it was their ex-council member's legal name.
The Pachueco move, if true, looks pretty desperate. They're betting they can take the sting out of the nickname (no pun intended) by adopting it. Probably want some free press and to show they've got a sense of humor. But it's pretty risky.
Will you stop it anon! Huizar told us this morning to ignore this type of information and to focus on the campaign. He is not dumping any of us you moron!
Anon 12:57 - Hey, that's just like when we started calling ourselves Chicanos in the 1960s! This might be a shrewd move by Pacheco/Pachueco. Maybe he intends to turn "Pachueco" into a battle cry.
Pachueco Power!
Better than coke snorting alatorre villaraigosa power
I heard this blog is going to start marketing Team Pachueco t-shirts, to "balance" the Huizy shirts and avoid an ethics commission complaint. Is it true?
ONCE AGAIN, what's our mantra to recite for Huizar 10 times a day?
My suggestion is "Jose Dump that Inept Staff"
Parke Skelton and his company have no good news about huizar...they begin to bash Nick and spin the last name...Wow! Big DEAL campaigning getting too hard for you?
This is no joke. Skelton has been testing reactions to among other things a billboard that will just say "PACHUECO" (with a tilted U) that would go up on Colorado Blvd. If Nick is giving thought to changing his name, it would be to blunt the effect and try to make it backfire. Name ID for "Pachueco" is already high, and Skelton's campaign stunts could make it soar.
Alex Padilla-Jar Jar Binks
Cindy Montanez-Princess Leia
Richard Riordan-Lord Darth Sidious
Parke Skelton-Darth Ruin
Villaraigosa-Anakin Skywalker/DV
Yoda-unknown, Villaraigosa fired him a long time ago, when he turned to Darth Vader.
Pacheco should make a billboard with something like this:
"His name is synonymous with school failute, drop outs, how much more will let him lower your future"
Pacheco should make a billboard with something like this:
"His name is synonymous with school failure, drop outs, how much more will let him lower your future"
Do you want a campaign promise?
Vote 4 Huizar
"Dream Crusher"
Vote 4 Huizar
"Land Broker for Meruelo, Merc LLC"
Vote 4 Huizar
"Drop out Facilitator"
Vote 4 Huizar
"The man who gave it his all that was, nothing."
I've heard about the "Pachueco" billboard idea being tested, but it doesn't sound like Skelton is behind it. Somebody's testing several versions, and they're apparently finding that just "Pachueco" by itself doesn't do much damage. It's kind of subtle, which is why they've tried the tilted U.
They've also tried "El Chueco," which looks less overtly like a partisan hit. But I heard they considered running "El Chueco" on a board for a month, followed by "Pachueco" on the same board. And even both at the same time on opposite sides of a board that looks two ways. That's supposed to set up some negative mailers pretty well.
1:47 - Pachueco used to call Henry Lozano "Yoda." But he may actually be his Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I'd go for a Pachueco Power! t-shirt, better than Team Pachueco. I hear Nick's staff calls him Pachueco all the time and he thinks it's kinda funny.
E-mails flying about how Antonio sat and did nothing when those radical blacks threatened to burn down the city, go to police officer's homes to get them, shut down the city and yelling and screaming racist remarks at new police commission. What kind of wimpy leader can just sit there and say nothing? He looked scared shitless. AT least you gotta give Hahn credit for getting out there and calming the community down in South LA. These same Nation of Islam radicals threatening this city were the same ones standing behind Antonio during some of his campaign press confere.
Where's Watcho? (either one)
Where's CHIEF FAKER, 3:45 p.m. Anon?
I'm not wasting my discrediting slams of the LIES about 80 FAKE neighborhood watches on Mayer Frank -- he's only a half-guilty, help-a-pal-cover-his-big-partisan-lie accessory to the scam.
Not worth the kbytes.
Barr’s small school idea has gotten results. As the CEO of Green Dot Schools, he has launched six charter schools in the L.A. area. The Amino South L.A. Charter High School has a student-to-teacher ratio of 21:1 and a 90 percent graduation rate while being comprised of students with nearly identical standardized test scores as Jefferson students. Barr views Green Dot as doing “research and development” for the school district, and would like to one day turn his charter schools over to the LAUSD, but “not this LAUSD.”
Barr suggests the district has the resources to transform itself into a national leader in education. With a recently passed $14 billion school bond, the district is undergoing a “big dig” initiative, adding or modernizing nearly 1,000 schools district-wide. And Villaraigosa had been pushing for mayoral control of the district, which Barr saw as a good sign, but has since backed off. “[The mayor’s office and LAUSD] are killing the schools by being inactive,” Barr says.
Why did Villaraigosa order 90 surveillance cameras? Isn't this a lot of money?
Hey Cindy,
Wild boys ... wild boys ... wild boys ... they tried to break you ... looks like they'll try again.
Antonio is really looking badly now. Seems South LA has really gotten out of control with the radical blacks going crazy. Evening news has LAPD responding to another gang shooting and when officers went to South LA idiots started throwing bottles at them. 100 officers had to respond in riot gear. IF Antonio had the guts he should have and put them in their place at Tuesday's police commission meeting instead of sitting there like a wimpy man things wouldn't be this out of hand. As Mayor of this city he's proving what a gutless coward he really is.
Dude, I'd like to try some of what you're smokin.
Villaraigosa's smoking it right about now. Can't handle the truth.
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