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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A MAGA President's Departure in Photos

The Mayor Sam Blog had a hillside view of President Donald Trump's L.A. Departure after a very productive night and morning of Campaign Fundraising, leaving behind a city longing for solutions to its Homeless Crisis, amid contemptuous behavior at nearby, 200 N. Spring Street.  
President Trump's Motorcade arriving at the Old Cornfields, now a State Park near Chinatown.
** Blogger's Notes: Pardon the momentary bloggin pause in partisan commentary as we regale in the spectacle of witnessing the shear logistics of a Presidential Visit. 
President Donald Trump's visit to Mayor Eric Gar-SOBBing's (and City Clowncil Central Committee's) "Rat/Disease-infested, Homeless Population Capital of Calizuela", gave those on L.A's Eastside a tutorial on the logistics involve in hosting a visit of the Nation's Commander in Chief. Chinatown/Lincoln Heights Residents had front porch views of the Presidential Air Armada as they practice for the just-completed visit, at the Old Cornfields now State Park on Spring Street. The assembled masses of LAPD, CHP, LAFD and the "Suits" were professional ..... and tight-lipped on the specifics of the "Official Visit". This A.M., Angelinos and Downtown Commuters (from points East of the L.A. River), switched roles with those on the Westside as Obama Jams, now becoming MAGA Mashes, with thoroughfares such as Valley/Main Street, Huntington/Mission Road and Broadway/Spring Streets impacted. This Blogger somehow made his way north to Stadium Way, then proceeded through the Elysian Park Backroads to his photographic perch (under the watchful eye of a CHP Air Unit). Enjoy!!----Scott Johnson
 President Trump's Motorcade disembarks it passengers at Marine One as escort Osprays prep for Takeoff.
 Loading Marine One.
 Everyone Load Up for Takeoff.
 Marine One Airborne with view of a Corrupt City Hall.
 Escorts Liftoff .
........ away POTUS Goes, leaving behind a void in Leadership.

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