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Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine for Election Day 2014

As a minority of register voters head to the polls today, we ponder how the endorsements of Mayor Eric Garcetti will influence voters in the contested 33rd Congressional District, the open LA County Board of Supervisor Seats and LA County Assessor Campaigns. 
Will the endorsement of Mayor Garcetti (on keyboards at last Sunday's Lummis Day Festival), play well with voters?
Great bloggin Election Day to all as a minority of register voters across "Greece on the Pacific" (the formerly "Golden State") will cast ballots for a myriad of statewide and local political offices.
For Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti who is nearing the one year mark since being sworn in as the replacement for former Failure Mayor Antonio Villar, today's Elections will be the first check of his political barometer regarding the Rhodes Scholar Progressive influence on selected contests.
With former President Barack "H" Obama Labor Secretary (and subject of an Federal Investigation) Hilda Solis firmly establish as the frontrunner to replace District 1, LA County Board of Supervisor Gloria Molina, political observers will surely be keyboarding Tuesday morning musings on Mayor Garcetti's endorsement influence in the hotly contested District 3 LA County Supervisor Race, along with 33rd Congressional Cage Match and the crowded affair to replace the disgraced John Noguez as LA County's Assessor.
For West Hollywood City Councilman John Duran, State Senator Ted Lieu and West Hollywood Jeffery Prang respectively, tonight's results will be telling if the "Garcetti Touch" enables them to campaign on to November. Thus, enhancing future political opportunities for the first year Mayor.

** Orale!! Mayor Garcetti picked Cesar Chavez Avenue, between Evergreen and St. Louis Street as one of LA's "Fifteen Great Streets". We are left to ponder whether this designation will raise the "taxes" that Street Vendors must pay for the privilege to sell Paletas, Tamales, and hot Cheetos along the newly designated thoroughfare?

** In a "Do As I Say, Don't Do As I Do Political Moment", City Attorney (and AB 109 Co-author) Mike Feuer, has double the number of Neighborhood Prosecutors. Thus undoing his joint efforts with former Failure Mayor Antonio Villar and most of the City Clowncil Central Committee, to enact political payback on now former City Attorney Carmen Trutanich.

** Downtown News Editor and reigning "Scribe of Wit" Jon Regardie, found gainful time to surf various websites of Clowncil Central Committee Members and what new tidbits of cyber facts did he unearth? An excerpt ...........

Felipe Fuentes’ Fowl Play: What does Seventh District rep Felipe Fuentes do for fun? If you guessed yachting or lawn bowling, you’re wrong. Instead, his website states that, “Felipe likes to spend time with his family working on their garden, tending to their chickens and sharing home-cooked meals.”
I don’t know why this strikes me as fascinating, but it does, and I’m curious how many chickens Farmer Fuentes has, if he ever brings them to work, if he has a favorite chicken, if he first got a chicken or an egg, and if any of them are named Antonio Villaraigosa.

....... wondering if the Cocks and Hens within the Fuentes Coop, can "chicken-scratch legislation", on behalf of campaign-contributing Special Interests?

Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14   

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