Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine for Monday
HAHA! CD 9 City Council Candidate Ana Cubas casts herself as the next Gloria Molina, naught!
** Discretion Alert!! Viewing this photo is not for the political light-hearted on a early Monday morning.
We will keep this brief and to the point, regarding Ana Cubas and other "latinas" attempts to emulate Los Angeles County Latina Political Icon Gloria Molina, in seeking public office .
Lets go back to this historic exchange in the 1988 Vice-Presidential Debate between Senators Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle.
Historic debate put down that went for naught.
Memo to Ana Cubas, to paraphrase the late Texas Senator, "we have known Gloria Molina, we have benefited from the trail-blazing work of Gloria Molina, and Ana, you will never be a Gloria Molina".
...... and this CD 14 flashback to the dubious way of Ana Cubas, via the sadly defunct Downtown Garment and Citizen Newspaper (we miss you Jerry).
BIG BROTHER FOR BLOGGERS?: Some of the keyboardists who weigh in with political postings on local blogs could be getting more attention than they’ve bargained for. Word on the street says that a local political pro (Uli ?) with sufficient technical training to have hacker skills regularly plumbs cyberspace for clues on who’s posting what on which blogs…SATURDAYS IN CD 14: There seems to be more than one way to hunt a blogger. Reliable sources say that Ana Cubas, chief of staff for City Councilmember Jose Huizar, spent a recent Saturday morning calling around the 14th District to accuse constituents of posting items from this column in the blogosphere. Memo to Cubas: Feel free to give a call if you have anything to say about reports in this space—you’ll find contact information at the end of column. Meanwhile, it’s been several weeks and still no word back on calls seeking comment about the item that started this whole go-round—a report from reliable sources that Internal Revenue Service (IRS) investigators are looking into Huizar’s spending habits…
Seems like two days ago Ana.
** We hear a hot rumor that CD 4 City Councilman Tom LaBonge was up to his old buffoonery ways this past Saturday at LAPD Hollywood Division's toy giveaway. The kids and parents in line were force to wait as the "reigning clowncil buffoon" demanded that all the officers present, gather with him for a photo op. Then the CD 4 Buffoon had the gall to accuse Mayoral Candidate Kevin James of electioneering for the mere act of partaking in an event, that he was part of last year. (** eyewitness account on LaBonge's action in the comment section).
** Its a Monday and time for another "Tipoff Column" from the elder City Hall Beat Writer Rick Orlov. The trio of topics this week include the new mane/look of Mayoral Candidate Wendy "The Valley Greuel", the departure of Pat McOsker as President of UFLAC (will Mayor Villar send his best wishes?) and Mayor Villar's symbolic, excellent South American Trade Trip Adventures.
** Lets give credit for the Old Gray Collectivist Hag on Spring Street roaming (the increasing deserted halls of the former fishwrap of record) local political columnist Jim Newton, for stumbling into the issue of Mayor Antonio Villar's looming and growing LAPD overtime debt, that will be past on to the next mayor.
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: Ana Cubas, lapd, rick orlov, tom labonge
Every year Los Angeles Police Department Hollywood Division hosts it's annual Christmas Toy give away for needy children within their community.
It would be fair to say that Hollywood Division has the best toy give-away program thru out all of Los Angeles Police Divisions.
This year was no different as more than 2 thousand toys were handed out by Santa Claus.
This year was no different for Los Angeles City Councilman Eric Garcetti . For two years in a row he has been absent. Perhaps this year he was attending a fundraiser event for his bid as Mayor for the City of Los Angeles. As for City Councilman Tom La Bonge he did show up one and half hours after the event had started. He stayed only long enough to pull police officers who were dressed in uniform attire to go outside of the Hollywood Community Center for a photo op. His interruption however did not show Santa from handing out the toys to the children.
For the past 3 years outsiders from the community have showed up at this special event to assist with handing out Christmas Candy Canes to the first 200 children in line to see Santa.
Councilman La Bonge walked up to one of these individuals ( name not mentioned ) and quoted to him the City of Los Angeles Municipal code and told them that it was illegal to solicit votes on city property. Granted that this individual is indeed running for a political office position but did La Bonge honesty believe that handing out candy canes to small children and infants would garnish votes especially when there was no real verbal communication between the person handing out the candy canes and the children.
Mr. La Bonge before you start complaining perhaps next year you can show up for an event on time and donate an hour or two of your time helping to hand out the toys or the candy canes instead of showing up only for a photo op and making unfounded accusations towards others.
Caroline Aguirre retired member of law enforcement community.
Red Spot, why aren't you reporting that Paul Krekorian sat on a cultural application for Henrys Tacos and now it's going to be bulldozed for a mini-mall.
Wake Up CD 9!!!
For those taxpaying constituents who knows Ana Cubas' civil servant history and track record, knows Ana Cubas has done diddly squat for the district and the people, the constituents and the taxpayers. Nothing.... Nada.... Clart's Fund? Can you hear Ana? What happened to the $$$$? The taxpayers need to know please.
Cubas states "One of my biggest dreams is to make a difference in my community and to come back and use my skills and my education to help others.” How trite is that response? It's been overused, under-rated and it's old history.
An ivy league education would provide statistical information on the socio-economic disparity that exists in the district, compare and contrast that to the present and the past political representation, and how "new" future political leadership (with Ana Cuba for City Council) would make a difference. With that said, that is not being said! Next.
Ana E. Cubas?
There is definitely something wrong with the picture here! It really leaves a bad taste in the voters mouth and a horrible gut feeling overall. Please clarify, Ana Cubas, is it true, you are registered to vote in CD1, CD9 and CD14? Why did you move out of CD1 and move into CD9 to run for office?
The Clart's Fund? Ana Cubas the voters are still waiting for the report as of several years ago. When do you plan to provide the information to the constituents? Please respond... Is it true Clarts Fund was not spent on community projects but instead on staffer salaries?
Lastly, leadership comes in all colors and unfortunately Ana E. Cubas just does not make the grade to lead the 9th Council District of Los Angeles. Yes to Latino leadership! No to mediocre Latino leadership!
It's a given there are other Latinos that have earned the grade, the integrity, the respect and knowledge to lead and bring the people together, and unfortunately Ana Cubas does not have the qualifications, experience and leadership skills to fill the shoes for CD9. The picture just seems out of focus.
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