Public Works Commission President Andrea Alarcon
Here she is, in all her glory!
In the meantime, read Joseph Mailander's latest piece on the matter.
In the meantime, read Joseph Mailander's latest piece on the matter.
Labels: Andrea alarcon, joseph mailander
The lack of a vigilant press and the corrupt and insular nature of the Los Angeles Democratic political machine creates a powder keg awaiting an explosion. The Times editors are pathetic lackeys who lap up the story without inquiry from the Mayor's press liars.
So the little girl saw her mother on the street with a man and woman she did not know... who were these people who would watch a mother send her child alone back to City Hall to await her mother's return. Who were these people? I want to know their names because they may be accessory to the child endangerment. And I find it particularly interesting that the Mayor's office denied he was there at the Otani before anyone really publicly asked the question. Why is that?
We won't be waiting for David Zahniser to "dig" anything up. He lost his balls long ago.
Apparently you are not to ask those questions because it means you are a racist tearing about a family.
Everyone has questioned her qualifications to serve as President of the Board of Public Works. I see two of her qualifications right there in the photo!
I am glad to see this blog failing to post the comments it doesn't agree with while propagating disgusting rumors as tangible evidence.
"The mayor wasn't with Commissioner Alarcon after the Project Restore party"
Man, she got a lot of glory!
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