Merry Christmas
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill towards men.'"
Labels: christmas
Higby have you lost your damn mind?
When does the tooth fairy show up?
Amen & thanks Higby.
Merry Christmas
Higby gets all religious on 12/25, but acts like an ASSHOLE and treats people like SHIT the rest of the year.
Not so rough and tumble, when it comes to HIM. Just when it's the rest of us.
Higby, this is how we know you're nuts. Religion is a fairy tale. And only fairies believe it. Now grow up.
Merry Christmas, Michael.
To the detractors, give Higby a chance. Maybe now that he's getting religion, the new year will show a kinder gentler side.
Few people are most intolerable and irrational than born agains and fundamentalists in any religion. There is no reasoning with them. There is no room for discussion. Their religion and beliefs can't be challenged.
I hope this doesn't signal a tone in this blog. It's bad enough that I've got the Mormons coming to my door selling their religion.
Michael, its nice to see your spiritual side and I applaud you letting people know. It takes a Man with great courage to let people know he is spiritual. Even Jesus Christ was criticized. Maybe if some of these very angry, negative, mean spirited people who always post on this blog would themselves become a little more spiritual their lives and this world would be a better place.
It's Mike's blog. If he wants to project his religious side, so be it.
From what I have seen, Mike has not denegrated the religious beliefs of others as self-rightous fundamentalists do.
So, please, save the offensive remarks for other issues and allow peace for one day.
A person's spiritual side is not expressed in words, but in actions.
As Michael lashes out at those with whom he disagrees, let us then take measurement of his spiritual side.
1159 - I'm sure many of the people lashing out at Mike for his Christmas post have zero spirituality.
Save the lashing out for nonsectarian issues.
It is incorrect to equate one's religious beliefs to political issues, unless the person connects them himself. That is not the case with Mike.
If you're a good Christian, you can't profess to believe in rules of behavior toward others, and then set them aside when you're discussing politics or writing on a blog. The Ten Commandments didn't include that exception.
You have to live the word of God 24/7.
Just for the record, Mormons don't go door to door. Jehovah's Witnesses do. Big difference in the two religions.
4:00PM - Mormons most certainly DO go door to door.
They've been at my door more several times over the years. It's part of their required missionary work (yes, that's what they call it) Before a young man can become a full member of the church, they must fulfill their missionary duties. When you see two young males in white shirts and ties riding down the street on bicycles-those are Mormons.
My brother had the Mormons come to his door and in order to get them to help him clean up his front yard he pretended to believe that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri and that Jesus came to North America.
Mormons are a gutter cult. Go read Banner of Heaven. Sick people.
God Bless You everyone and may He grant you all a safe, peaceful, healthy and happy New Year!
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