Complaints filed in the aftermath of Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Election
If one thought that the "brouhaha" that was the Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Election on June 12 would end anytime soon?? Then simply, CHALE!!!
Excerpts from the Eastern Group Publication Story.
Allegations of improper voting procedures and violations of polling-place regulations in the June 12 Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council election are being made in a complaint filed Tuesday with the Los Angeles City Clerk.
“We’re in the position right now that we’re trying to get the city clerk to check the election,” said Carmen M. Serrano, who ran for secretary of the council and lost. Other submitters of the complaint include her husband, Frank A. Serrano, who ran in the election as a community representative for a community-based organization (Sacred Heart Catholic Church) and lost, Jose Aguilar, who ran for an at-large area seat and won, and Hugo Pacheco, who ran for council president and lost.
The complaint alleges that there was no inclusive bilingual voting information and materials for the election, that voters 18 and over were discriminated against by the allowing of minors as young as 14 to vote, that campaign flyers advocating a slate of candidates were on display within the Lincoln High School auditorium polling location, that a memo with a Lincoln High School letterhead about the election was sent to Lincoln High School staff, and that some stakeholders were not provided with ballots, among other allegations. The complaints were to be sent to the City Clerk for review for violation of municipal, state, and federal voting laws. It has not been verified whether the City Clerk has received the complaint.
This response from Lincoln High School's Vera Padilla.
Vera Padilla, counselor at Lincoln, is the neighborhood council treasurer. She said that the stakeholder definition in Lincoln Heights includes children as young as 14 who attend school in the area, as well as people who shop or have bank accounts there.
“You can shop in Lincoln Heights, you can bank in Lincoln Heights, and there are your voters,” she said.
Padilla, who authored and distributed the memo named in the complaint, claimed that her distribution of the memo concerning the election to school faculty was within her job duties, which include distributing memos to faculty about various neighborhood and school-related functions.
Eastern Group Publications obtained a copy of the memo, dated June 10, along with the complaint. (Padilla offered to submit a copy of the memo to EGP, but it was not received by deadline).
The memo reads “Abraham Lincoln High School” and “Inter-Office Memorandum” in bold letters at the top. It was to Lincoln staff, from Vera Padilla, Career Advisor. The subject is Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Elections. It is not on letterhead stationery.
The memo begins by giving the time and place of the election. It urges voting, and reminds readers that all teachers, faculty, staff and students in grades nine thru twelve can vote. It then lists various donations from the Neighborhood Council to the school and the community, totaling over $168, 000 in value.
“This was my way, a reminder, to get out and vote, “ Padilla said. “To me, I did no wrong.”
You can read all five of the challenges filed with the City Clerk by linking here
Your thoughts............
Excerpts from the Eastern Group Publication Story.
Allegations of improper voting procedures and violations of polling-place regulations in the June 12 Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council election are being made in a complaint filed Tuesday with the Los Angeles City Clerk.
“We’re in the position right now that we’re trying to get the city clerk to check the election,” said Carmen M. Serrano, who ran for secretary of the council and lost. Other submitters of the complaint include her husband, Frank A. Serrano, who ran in the election as a community representative for a community-based organization (Sacred Heart Catholic Church) and lost, Jose Aguilar, who ran for an at-large area seat and won, and Hugo Pacheco, who ran for council president and lost.
The complaint alleges that there was no inclusive bilingual voting information and materials for the election, that voters 18 and over were discriminated against by the allowing of minors as young as 14 to vote, that campaign flyers advocating a slate of candidates were on display within the Lincoln High School auditorium polling location, that a memo with a Lincoln High School letterhead about the election was sent to Lincoln High School staff, and that some stakeholders were not provided with ballots, among other allegations. The complaints were to be sent to the City Clerk for review for violation of municipal, state, and federal voting laws. It has not been verified whether the City Clerk has received the complaint.
This response from Lincoln High School's Vera Padilla.
Vera Padilla, counselor at Lincoln, is the neighborhood council treasurer. She said that the stakeholder definition in Lincoln Heights includes children as young as 14 who attend school in the area, as well as people who shop or have bank accounts there.
“You can shop in Lincoln Heights, you can bank in Lincoln Heights, and there are your voters,” she said.
Padilla, who authored and distributed the memo named in the complaint, claimed that her distribution of the memo concerning the election to school faculty was within her job duties, which include distributing memos to faculty about various neighborhood and school-related functions.
Eastern Group Publications obtained a copy of the memo, dated June 10, along with the complaint. (Padilla offered to submit a copy of the memo to EGP, but it was not received by deadline).
The memo reads “Abraham Lincoln High School” and “Inter-Office Memorandum” in bold letters at the top. It was to Lincoln staff, from Vera Padilla, Career Advisor. The subject is Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council Elections. It is not on letterhead stationery.
The memo begins by giving the time and place of the election. It urges voting, and reminds readers that all teachers, faculty, staff and students in grades nine thru twelve can vote. It then lists various donations from the Neighborhood Council to the school and the community, totaling over $168, 000 in value.
“This was my way, a reminder, to get out and vote, “ Padilla said. “To me, I did no wrong.”
You can read all five of the challenges filed with the City Clerk by linking here
Your thoughts............
Labels: City Clerk Office, Hugo Pacheco, las villas, Lincoln Heights Neighborhood Council, Vera Padilla
Did no wrong? Is Vera Padilla smoking crack? Her sending a memo to LHS staff and faculty on Inter-office stationery is bad enough. But then electioneering in night school classrooms with her slate flyers in hand was ridiculous.
Then again, Vera has always thought that rules do not apply to her.
She is one of the absolute sleaziest women in Lincoln Heights (and just for the record she does not live here). Along with Shirley Fierro and Martha Riley, she helps form the "Trilogy from Hell".
What a loser.
The story understates the extent of this. There were actually five distinct challenges filed by the deadline in Lincoln Heights alone, not just one. Some were from people involved in the losing slate, some were not.
Everything that possibly could go wrong with a small local election involving only a few hundred voters, did.
In it's first attempt at holding NC elections, the "white knight" City Clerk that was going to whip this thing into shape created more challenge-worthy situations in one month than the system experienced citywide in the last full year of independent election administrator run NC elections. And they weren't all that neat and tidy themselves.
Figures the coalition slate people would keep bitching about their loss. Sore losers. None of the people on their slate live in Lincoln Heights so they shouldn't be running for office OR voting if the definition of stakeholder is such an issue for them. Morons.
Vera Padilla" older son just got out of JAIL, he was in there for a long time. Just like mother just like son!!!
If their bylaws allow 14 year olds to vote, they can vote. I don't understand the problem. State election laws do not apply in NC elections. The time to complain was when the bylaws were written.
What's really sad is that EVERYONE should be bitching about the way these elections were held. Noy just the losing side, but the winning side (if they had any integrity at all) should also be questioning the way this process played itself out.
Then again when you're lead by yet another carpetbagger Elena "I want Ed's job" Popp, who was brought to the table to fight the "evil" church slate by Frank "the troll" Wada, Erika "I love those open buffets" Gallo, Reuben "I was born a poor brown child" Chavez, and of course Martha "Yes, I am clueless" Riley, what can anyone expect?
Once again, Lincoln Heights get's screwed.
Talk about Sleaze just look at the coalition slate. Just a bunch of Cholas and Cholos
Did you see any of them at the community event on Sunday at the park? “NO”
They were all saying goodbye to father Mario! Good Job Hugo, Robert & Mary! Its because of you… he was demoted.. HAHAHAHA you people can never get anything right!
By the way Robert the LHNC did a great job with outreach for the Fireworks Celebration…. There was over 2,000 community members that showed up to see the fireworks. So don’t attend the next council meeting bitching that there is no outreach…
Maybe if you didn’t parade around town with that junker ”Laker” car you could have gotten people to come and vote for your slate!
BIG THANK YOU TO GEORGE FROM DINOS who has done more for this community then Mrry Hugo Robert and the entire coalition slate put together.
Last time I checked Dino was in China working for a fortune 500 hundred company...
More then those two hunch back wenches you call daughters.
FYI Mary and Hugo you always criticized George about his business failing. Well he's been in Lincoln Hts 40 years now.
P.S He also does a little real estate investment and has more then you Hugo =P
Hugo last time you sold a home Prop 13 was at the ballot right?
George should do all he can since his "can't hold a job" son is going to need all the dough he can get his hands on.
Dino in China working?
Giving up his ass cheeks for Chino businessmen maybe. Why do you think his daddy was so pro-Wall?
2:41 p.m.
Show you the brilliance of "Lawyer Pacheco." I'm sure he's proud of his ignorance. Maybe it's time for him to brush up on the law and common knowledge.
Erica "Willie the Whale" Gallo
On any given day, More than 2,000 people attend Lincoln Park..
Maybe if you quit eatting so much at Dino's, you would notice people at Lincoln Park.
About the 2,000.. most of the people there were from the park baseball banquet that was held in the afternoon. It's been a yearly event for the baseball sports program. So most of the folks were there all day. I was there ALL DAY and I only saw ONE board member at the park working hard until the end of the show. What ever board members where at the park usually show up at the last minute watch the show and then leave. There was even a booth for the NC to promote themselves. No one was in the booth. I expected more community leaders to attend the event from either side of the "lake" to support the community during an event. I recognize folks that "put out" for the community. Thanks to Dino's and LHNC for help in sponsoring the firework show at the park. Other folks should take advantange in outreach during these events. Not just talk about it afterwards, doing something before and during the events is the key. About kids voting at LHS. I was there at 3pm and I saw kids leaving to go home and then given a slate and told to go back in to vote what's on the paper. So most of them did and had no clue what they were doing. They were only joining their friends like if they were in the lunch line.
are you kidding dino in china
hell the idiot can't even flip a burger, let alone even spell the word china, with his eyes closed!!
_O O_
Guess who? Dino's Here I come!
11:52 - it's the fat ass from the Voice!
what kind of parents would name there son dino?
ooh,oooh I know greek trash thats who!!!
8:59 AKA Scary Marry
You hate George because you could only wish your husband was as successful as him.
Look at you’re children before you talk. To bad they didn’t get that slender side of yours Marry, they did manage to get their fathers good looks. Wink Wink. Plus they still live in that shack of yours. Opps I mean that castle that Hugo bought you with your parent’s retirement funds.
What’s that Hugo? You have how many refinances on that shack?
AHHHH and you thought by going to Trump University you would be a real-estate tycoon like George, Ralph F. and Steve K. who you envy.
Same as how some skank named you Hugo
Why are you so afraid of Hugo?
Are you afraid because he can expose you?
If you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to worry about..
You should first get to know Hugo. Listen to what he his to say.
he truly means good..
Hey hugo if your reading this sorry,they keep thinking it's you putting those post up.
a shout out from glendale!
to the whole pantazis family I spit on you!!!
Why is Hugo so afraid of the Action Slate? Why do he and his cockroaches do nothing but insult leaders of our community? Is it because they are successful and all he's ever been is a puppeteer and complete failure? Maybe if he worked together with the Action Slate like they've always attempted and approached the church, there would be no tension in the community.
Hey George
All the women in Lincoln hts tell me how you try to get in there pants buy giving them free food !
I can't blame you with a wife that looks like that (ewwhh)I would want to work all day too and lock myself in my office and masterbate.
3:28 PM
Spitting on an entire family?
You are one sick puppy. Are you a practicing catholic?
One more thing 3:28 - Pacheco is the guy who started all this BS.
I guess the Lincoln Height's NC has some serious issues. DONE should be coming in to help. I hope that happens or new elections take place.
Stick to the issues, names will get you no where. Easy for me to say, I'm an outside, but at least I admit it. But the issues are what count and anyone cheating should be stopped. Stick to the issues.
7:46 - Keep guessing, because the Lincoln Heights NC has been great for the past three years.
Most of the losers here have not even seen the council in action and it works.
Pacheco and his main squeeze Vega were already on the council - Pacheco has a toxic personality and Vega talks a lot but is a quitter.
Hey poster 609
i spit on you too,ohh and lets not forget again about that phoney, lieing,scumbag,george and his i cant be anything in life kid named dino the dog i spit again on the pantazis family..!
Hugo i am sorry again i guess you will be blamed for this one again!
a shout out from glendale!!!
609 the second poster
You are wrong It is the action slate idiots vera, sherly,alice,
erica,david,martha,frank,everyone of them.
and no way is this going to ever go away, no way we have just only begun to expose all this coruption that goes on in this community!
Hugo they are jealous of you because you are a man of faith,something they can not even spell or say,they are jealous of your family so hang in there you have much love to give back.
we support you hugo!!!!
Definitely Hugo Pachuco writing this crap. It's so like his personality.
Keep spitting like Pachuco and his cult do on everyone because they are sore losers and do absolutely nothing in the community.
Sorry Action Slate, they probably think you are writing this crap and will blame you for this.
a shout out from burbank!!!
Hugo is nothing but a man of filth and greed. I've never seen him in the community. If he is such a man of faith, why doesn't he embrace the community and support it? All he does is create corruption.
The entire Coalition slate is full of ignorance and denial. They are jealous that they are worthless to the community.
After all, isn't one of the Commandments not to covet thy neighbor's wife. It's not a Commandment to be taken literally. But the Coalition slate should stop their jealous ways since they are sinning and breaking the Commandment. Why don't they volunteer to help out? They need to get over themselves.
The community supports you our Action Slate leaders!
Good morning Mary and Hugo Pachucos. Good morning Robert Verga. Good morning Fat Ass from the Voice. Good morning Felicitas Asscosta.
Have you awaken with better spirits this Thursday morning or are you still giving Catholics a bad name and continuing to slander the real leaders of the community - Action Slate?
Your 4th of July goal should be to wake up on the right side of the bed, for a change, and do something with your miserable lies. Oh, I meant lives.
Hugo you and company are the real community leaders always helping our children,taking care of our elderly,donating food for the poor families. you do the things that this nc does not do except give our tax money to special interest groups!! and I have seen that!!
Hugo and family
9:49 AM
HUH !! you think the council gives $ to special interests? What are you smoking?
What do you call kids, elderly and families of Lincoln Heights - are they called special interests?
Hugo was already on the council and he did zero.
always helping our children?
The LHNC has supported health fairs, funded school supplies, backpacks for kids...the list goes on and on...
taking care of our elderly?
The LHNC funded dozens of fans for the senior citizens center...
donating food for the poor families?
The LHNC helped fund Thanksgiving events for the poor and hungry, feed many elderly, adults and children at numerous community events...
You are saying this LHNC does nothing. Well there you have it. I guess what I just mentioned is nothing. You should think before you open your mouth and make uneducated comments.
Thank you Action Slate for all you have done for our community.
Special Interest = Legacy LA Project. One should ask David Galaviz and Eileen Sanchez why they attempted to allocate $3,000 to a Project that they have a vested interest in.
Still complaining about Legacy LA?
Yup, definitely Hugo Pachuco on this blog since he was the only one in the audience that kept challenging the allocation. It happened to be a meeting I decided to attend.
I wonder if he and Mary Pachuco use that video camera to record private moments. Hugo seems to be very good with that video camera of his he loves to carry around.
10:40 - Are you talking about the same Legacy L.A. that will provide new opportunities for Lincoln Heights, El Sereno and Boyle Heights Youth?
The same Legacy L.A. that features parents from the Ramona Gardens Housing Project and at least 2 representatives from the Hazard Park Advisory Board that don't even bother to show-up?
BTW - the project did not ask for $3,000. Plus they didn't even need the small amount that they asked for. They did not spend any council funds at all.
If this is the only example you have, you have to try harder than that.
BTW - is is Ellen Sanchez, not Eileen Sanchez. At least get your conspiracy theories right.
Try again.
Another Day, and another Neighborhood Council with problems.
What would you think if members of the Bush Administration announced
that the November election was cancelled, and they were going to just
stay on for a few more years?
Would this be okay in Silver Lake?
Come to the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council meeting:
Wednesday, July 2 at 7:00 PM
Micheltorena School - 1511 Micheltorena St.
VOTE to restore cancelled SLNC elections this year!!
Background: The Silver Lake Neighborhood Council voted at a special
meeting to suspend all Board elections until 2010. This means that
the terms for every Board member were extended by one or two years
without even asking for input from you – the voters who elected
them. (The L.A. City Clerk will administer all NC elections starting
in 2010, which means that the SLNC had to choose between extending
current terms and having its annual election in 2008. Having a 2008
election gives you more say in who serves on this board. It will
also allow voters to choose new board members this year rather than
having any vacancies filled by appointment by the board from now
until 2010).
Many community members have publicly objected to this and demanded a
2008 election, including current and former SLNC board members and
leaders from the Silver Lake Improvement Association, the Silver Lake
Residents Association and CSSLR. The SLNC Board was given several
opportunities to have an election this year, but still refused -
arguing it would be too much work and too expensive. In only 6 days,
182 Silver Lake stakeholders recently signed petitions forcing the
Board to hold a community vote on whether to have 2008 elections.
Action: This is where you come in – come to the meeting on July 2
and VOTE (expected to be a quick show of hands to restore the
democratic process). If enough of you can do this, it will force the
SLNC to hold an election this year, as it has every year since it was
created in 2003.
VOTE YES to return democracy and accountability to Silver Lake!
For more information, please contact:
Dave Keitel at davekeitel@sbcgloba or 213/247-4065
Vince Brook at vbrook@earthlink. net
Susan Philips at sphilips4@aol. com
Marty Hittelman at martyhitt@aol. com
Maryann Kuk at marykuk@earthlink. net or 323/668-2643
Galaviz and Wada must be advising this group about canceling elections.
Hey Red Spot - Given that you ran for multiple neighborhood councils, why don't you run for this one also?
Why the continued crush on men in neighborhood councils?
The same ingrate "Ellen Sanchez" who is reported to have told the Advisory Board that they should be happy that they are getting something for their community.
The same David Galaviz who told the Advisory Board that restoring the Wetlands at Hazard Park would conflict with USC's building program.
When did Sanchez say that?
And wrong on Galaviz - USC (and Galaviz) supported and continue to support the efforts to restore. They have donated food and money to clean-ups, have attended meetings and have meet with organizers. They have even tried to get USC and others to pay for restoration.
Get your facts straight.
Wetlands supporters need to develop more support.
Hey Red Spot at 10:56 - which council cancelled their elections?
aaaaaaaaaalll right 1006
let me BRING IT!
did you feel it? I just spitted on you.
Those are all lies, lies, and lies
I should know I go to those nc meetings and you idiots can"t even
get a quorum.
Yeah, David and "Ellen" should remember that the meeting in question was video taped. "Ellen" should also remember the responses to her "kind comments".
BTW, alot of people are catching on to the scam that is Legacy LA. Once again a "Non-profit" set up to benefit friends of the Mayor and Huizar.
Like it has been said many times many days, many years,this LHNC
has done nothing for this community but just take care of the speacial interest groups that they are affiliated with...
I tell you, that LHNC is scum all scumm I say !!!
11:11 AM
David Galaviz told a community member that their grant request to USC for "wetlands related" activities was rejected due to conflicts that a restored "wetlands" would have with USC's Capital Projects.
YES! Spit on me AGAIN! It's so classy and attractive and it's turning me on! UH UH UH!!! MORE!
Hey 1238 you got to be a chick and a lonely one at that.
I like girls like you, because I can have my way with you.
I'm a man that's into dudes. I'll take you with open arms gorgeous.
F*** you all from Lincoln Heights.
LH is a diving board for everyone to leave, those of you who stay behind are f***ed.
It's your fault for staying behind, you bunch of idiots.
Grow up and leave..
comfort from Alhambra CA.
F*** L.A.(Trash)
Hahaha Alhambra! What about Guadlahambra....
It's just like Robert " I like the Verga" Vega to look down on Lincoln Hts...
Just because the chola moved out of Clover and into Alhambra driving his put0 volvo he thinks hes arrived.
Robert takes that butch wife of his to Almanzor court for Sunday brunch but really likes to cruise the men's restroom.
Come on Hugo and Robert lets see what lies you tell the new priest.
so now that makes you my bitch!!!
732 Come to grips with yourself - you like men and that is ok.
You want Galaviz and that is ok.
You wouldn't obsess over him or anyone else if you didn't.
Let it go.
Stop your bullshit NOW!
I wish the Voice had a web site version. Then it would be easier to post the stories they break here in the comment section. And it would be easier for Mayor Sam to feature by being able to copy and paste segments from the Voice web site. Maybe they don't want to make a web site because they want people to have to get the newspaper copy but I think a web version would help. And they could put ads on the site to make up for it. And when people post comments about Hugo, please use the last name too because I can't tell who you are speaking of.
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