Radar Detects Tax Hike On Horizon

Well, his office has apparently come up with a really imaginative, innovative way to pay for it: ANOTHER TAX HIKE!
No wonder these guys get the big bucks! They've got the big ideas!
Presumably they'll call it a "Marshall Plan," or compare it to putting a man on the moon or the construction of the national interstate highway system. But any excuse to raise your taxes is a good one, right?
Here's the article: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-localgovtqa22jan22,1,6902172.story?page=1&coll=la-headlines-california
sorry, but look what just happened in Australia :
man gets refused flight because he wears a Bush is a terrorist T shirt.
click my name to see the story.
airline says you can't wear anything that could offend another passenger. so hey, nobody better ever wear a Michael Jackson, McDonalds, Boy George, skin head, or Aids ribbon, because all of those depictions would offend me too, so I'll have them put off the plane.
the world has officially gone insane.
check the article, the shirt is great. picture of Bush with 'world's biggest terrorist'.
this is fundamental speech, so Australia has some explaining to do if it wants to align itself with the USA.
and before the spinners get me: correction, shirt says 'world's #1 terrorist'
A firm no-new-tax pledge
Stay on topic and don't ramble, pls
Check out the brief in the "LA ANTONIA TIMES" on the gas detected in the Wilshire/vermont Station. Geology will be the hinderance to this project.
like I'm gonna wait for a thread that says bush is a terrorist. I'll be waiting a whole week for that.
and anybody who says LAPD didn't terrorise innocent vendors at venice Beach, is kidding themself.
everybodies telling us what to wear, what to say, what to eat, what to sell, what to pay for staff,
I think its all relative to numerous posts the last few weeks.
thanks for reading my ramble though, much obliged, spinner.
So Hizzoner wants to increase taxes to pay for this subway extension scheme
Hahn wants to increase taxes to pay for more failed gang programs
Any day now I'm sure LAUSD will come begging for another multi-billion dollar bond measure
Even RINO Gov. Steroids wants to raise taxes (excuse me, I mean take "loans") for a flawed health care scheme
Just keeps gettin' better..
Matt move to the country you came from. Those illegal vendors had a mob menality and threw a two by four and injured an employee at a business and were violent. Ask the officers in CD14 how they treat the officers when they try and enforce laws. Many of them are ILLEGAL not only in this country but also as vendors having fake documents. You are clueless on this issue. read downtownnews.com and get your damn facts straight.
All you do is whine like a girl. Boy, your mom must be really disappointed how you turned out.
Rampart officer shot
The shooting in the Westlake district occurred as officers climbed the stairs of an apartment building at 4:55 am to answer an assault with a deadly weapon call. The 12-year veteran Rampart station officer is awake and alert at Cedars-Sinai in stable condition. Both the police chief and the mayor made appearances. Back on Coronado Street, the suspect was killed by return gunfire. The wounded cop, whose name has not yet been released, was the sixth LAPD officer to be shot at this month and the second to be hit.
Matt you stinky illegal alien limey...
if you want to bash Bush go to Martini Republic.
Save water shower with Zuma Dogg.
Hey, look what I found on the City Clerk's web site! Ha ha ha! So weird!
We will never bring disgrace to this our City, by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks. We will fight for the ideals and sacred things of the City, both alone and with many. We will revere and obey the City's laws and do our best to incite a like respect in those above us who are prone to annul or set them at naught. We will strive unceasingly to quicken the public sense of civic duty. Thus, in all these ways, we will transmit this City not only not less, but far greater and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us."
Ask Hizzoner or any clowncil memeber if they remember the Ephebian oath.
Bush don't need me to bash him. Majority of americans already doing it.
but bush does need you and zuma to take a shower...call out the EPA
Can anyone guess why Sleazy Huizy is giving this money? Could it be they are the ones who campaigned hard for him last year on their work time? YES YES YES
negotiating and executing a contract with El Centro de Ayuda for an amount not to exceed $49,000 for youth services to be provided by Fuego Tech Fire Rangers. Recommendation for Council action:
RECEIVE and FILE Motion (Huizar - Reyes), relative to negotiating and executing a contract with El
Centro de Ayuda for an amount not to exceed $49,000 for youth services to be provided by Fuego
Tech Fire Rangers.
I was on the subway Friday night and it was a gritty ride. There were two dilapidated men in wheelchairs in my car, and a guy who hadn't washed in years playing guitar for tips (songs: "Peaceful Easy Feeling" and "Lola") and an overcurvacious transvestite whose bottom lip botox ballooned out like the seat of a folding chair.
I was going to the Disney Hall. When they built that thing, they promised that it would be "a living room for the City." But I didn't see anyone else on the train get off at Civic Center and go to the Disney Hall. I don't know that any of this is suggestive of what to do about building a subway to the sea, but it all did seem noteworthy enough to recall easily.
The subway ride seats were way more comfortable than our seats at the Disney Hall, by the way.
What a disaster that place is. I mean, if you want to enjoy music or architecture or simply feel comfortable or would like to spend under $100 a ticket when seeing a 55 minute concert, it's a disaster. Other than that, it's fine. Notice there are few encores. Everyone is too happy to be standing up at last.
I looked up "Ephebian."
Sounds like the clerk's office is hiring "Dungeons and Dragons" refugees.
So they're asking for a tax increase for building a rail line to alleviate the horrid traffic conditions on freeways.
How about forcing developers to pay for this subway since their [ongoing] over-development was the root cause of the problem in the first place?
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