Judge strikes down LAUSD takeover plan
Article Last Updated:12/21/2006 04:09:38 PM PST
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's bill allowing him to take partial control of the city's public schools in unconstitutional, a judge ruled today, dealing a blow to the mayor's education-reform effort.
Assembly Bill 1381 would have taken effect on Jan. 1, giving the mayor direct control over three clusters of the district's lowest-performing schools and shifting significant power from the elected school board to the superintendent.
Both Villaraigosa and the district have scheduled news conferences for this afternoon to discuss the ruling, which is likely to be appealed.
Whaaaaaaat? Antonio on the losing end of a judicial decision? Parke, did you forget to grease the pig? Broad, Riordan and Burkle are up in arms over this. Wtch them schedule a golf date with the judge by next Wednesday. Although liberal in it's intent, this wsa a picture perfect conservative power grab - the 9th cirsuit will concur.
Wonder if Villaraigosa will apologize to all the people he threatened. Especially the elected who did not support this legislation
Wasn't Fred Woocher the attorney for Xavier Becerra during that Marina Message debacle? Once again he sticks it to Antonio. Can Tokofsky get back on the ballot? All we need is for Prop. R to be overturned and it will be a very Merry Christmas - sorry Parke, no Christmas (Chanakouh?) joy for you! And now you've got to cope with Alvin. Ho Ho HO!
So Trujillo, I meant Councilman John.
What are your plans for the holidays?
Tony already spent it. Look at Trtujillo's, Skelton's and Barkan's bonuses this year.
Trujillo wil be busy discrediting the judge.
Tony says,
"Any lawyer will tell you that these cases are decided on appeal",
and that from the horses mouth himself. Oh wait, Tony isn't a lawyer - is he?
How come only Channel 7 carried the mayors press conference live - and only a portion of that to boot. And this during the news hour. Could it be that Tony has overexposed himself?
Ch. 4 carried it live as well numbnuts.
Very Nice. Do you think LAUSD will drop out before the Appeal Hearing?
The Legal challenge to Prop R is going via the same route and is right behind AB1381.
Refreshing to see the GOV and MAV have not intimidated or corrupted everyone in their path.
Now Mr. Gov. don't you think it is time you set an example for the rest of us and hold a press conference of your own and move to up hold the State Constitution and set aside AB1381.
This type of arrogance and total disregard for the Constitution is not going to go unchallenged!
Good evening ladies and gentlemen (throws hat up into air and dances merry jig with the Mayor of Fresno):
Was that a mighty ker-plunk that I heard? The shockwaves will surely be felt across the pond in the Catorce Quarter and the fair vessel that flies the Ottoman's pennant will soon head for the quay. I've seen that tempest in that teapot, savvy? With mine own eyes, I have. Don Jose had best run away very quickly. Run, Don Jose, run!
All of those I called upon to walk the plank in November have now had the rug pulled out from underneath them and find themselves sitting on the floor in the mush pot with creditability in shreds. Would you purchase a used auto from them that should have walked the plank? Fleet sales are a pirate's work, savvy?
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray at the hands of a woman. Just ask Emma, right luv? The crew and I wish any who attempt to discredit the judge good luck. The lady has impeccable credentials and is a well respected jurist. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, savvy?
Oh barkeeper? A round of pink bismuth cocktails for the plankwalkers and their retinue. Compliments of Captain Jack Sparrow!!!!
This is going to save the people a lot of money, cause now the mayor doesn't have to buy off the school board elections, cause now he doesn't have to care about the schools and kids anymore, and everything can go back to the way it used to be.
Plus, now...While LAUSD continues to flounder (especially the high schools), cause it's an impossible task, the mayor can say, "Well gee, I tried to help, but YOU wouldn't let me." And now, it won't be a besmirtch on his reputation come gubenatorial election time. (Mayor wins again.)
Next move to reform LAUSD will be: Break up the school district. It might take a minute for the dust to settle, but this school system is simply to big and spread out to be manageable.
I wonder if LAUSD can get all the money from the state they were denied because of "AB 1381 conflicts". Probably too late now. Sorry kiddies.
Unfortunately, if the mayor gets his hand-picked school board in place -- a group chosen to do what he wants -- then who knows what they will do: maybe just turn the district over to him in the name of "reform and what is best for our students...."
What to do, what to do? Contribute to Tony's handpicked puppets for school board and line Skelton's pockets or contribute to his legal fund to fight this decision? Lawyers or consultants - guess which way Parke is siding.
That was the biggest winner today in the court room.
The GRASS ROOTS that cause ADV to turn into "POLLORAIGOSA" at Cypress Park. Lets not forget ZUMA DOGG, DAVID TOKOFOSKY, ROY ROMER, plus the other five LAUSD board members (EXCLUDING "JUMBO GARCIA"). The "RANK and FILE TEACHERS" of UTLA, democrats JACKIE SPIERS and DEAN FLOREZ.
FLABIAN NUNEZ, and of course you sucker developers.
The young girl who was abused by Trujillo and other POLLONISTAS for photo op. at FORSHAY. May you someday grow from your experience. Further, may we as a community never drop our guard in perserving our oversite on the education of our children.
My work is done, I'm ? captain. 4th, 17th floor, I need a break.
Fear not, both lawyers and consultants will continue to do well by Antonio: he will raise money for his school fund and also ask the same people for $$ to back his candidates. Different pots of money, so he can get them coming and going....
As for the public, though, well, that might be another story. We are not high on his agenda.
Fox 11 news has yet to air a story on Marroquin's City Hall connections
I was reading blogs concerning Judge Janavs decision. The comments here represent the truly ignorant. I will visit it more frequently for the laughs, although I am concerned that these people might be voters, or worse yet, on holiday leave from their institutions
First, the Ninth Circuit will not consider this case because it is a state law issue. It will be decided ultimately on appeal by the California Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeals being the federal court. As for Judge Janavs, she is more than capable and the electorate unelected her in favor of a cookie maker whose legal credentials are non-existent. The Governor had the good sense to re-appoint her.
Also, to the person who asked the Governor to do the right thing and set aside this law because of the Judge's decision, he can't. He signed the bill in the first place, and Governor's are required to uphold the law. So he is obligated to uphold the law until there is a final decision on its constitutionality.
And one more thing, the writ judges call them as they seem them. That is their job and it is quite a difficult one. Lots of lawsuits, two judges assigned to the courts and given the high volume, they do a marvelous job, whether right or wrong. They are upheld or reversed as the case may be, but as one eighth floor judge said long ago, above me is the cafeteria and the Court of Appeal, take your choice.
Anyway, thanks for the laughs.
I was reading blogs concerning Judge Janavs decision. The comments here represent the truly ignorant. I will visit it more frequently for the laughs, although I am concerned that these people might be voters, or worse yet, on holiday leave from their institutions
First, the Ninth Circuit will not consider this case because it is a state law issue. It will be decided ultimately on appeal by the California Court of Appeal, the Court of Appeals being the federal court. As for Judge Janavs, she is more than capable and the electorate unelected her in favor of a cookie maker whose legal credentials are non-existent. The Governor had the good sense to re-appoint her.
Also, to the person who asked the Governor to do the right thing and set aside this law because of the Judge's decision, he can't. He signed the bill in the first place, and Governor's are required to uphold the law. So he is obligated to uphold the law until there is a final decision on its constitutionality.
And one more thing, the writ judges call them as they seem them. That is their job and it is quite a difficult one. Lots of lawsuits, two judges assigned to the courts and given the high volume, they do a marvelous job, whether right or wrong. They are upheld or reversed as the case may be, but as one eighth floor judge said long ago, above me is the cafeteria and the Court of Appeal, take your choice.
Anyway, thanks for the laughs.
I had the champagne on ice for New Year's Eve, but I just opened it!
Happy New Year, LAUSD!!!
Ditto...Congratulations LAUSD!
LAUSD grad living in Pasadena
How's the Angelino Keeping up with the news. Mayor 0 LAUSD 1
Angelino=Parke Skelton
Good evening ladies and gentlemen (waves through crowd):
We've managed to get our bard nicely liquored up, and he wants to do what he does best. Very well then, Bard, let 'er rip! Oh, and Ms. Sarno? Be happy he's not singing about YOU!!
The Ballad Of The Bilabong
Once there was a mayor man
who sat beside a bilabong
under the shade of the coolibah tree.
And he sang as he sat
and waited by the bilabong,
"I'll be a-taking over LAUSD."
O Judge Dzintra, O Judge Dzintra
Won't you a-rule in my favor please?
And he sang as he sat
and waited oh-so-patiently
"I'll be a-taking over LAUSD".
Soon came the yellow shirts
to protest beside the bilabong.
Up jumped the mayor man
quick as you please.
And he ran fast away
from the yellow shirts
who joked and teased
"You'll not take over LAUSD."
O Judge Dzintra, O Judge Dzintra
Won't you a-rule in our favor please?
And they sang as they sat
and chanted by the bilabong
"They will be no takeover
of LAUSD".
Then came the day that the
judge ruled and laid down the law,
sworn to uphold
the Constitution was she.
And she said with a smile
to the mayor man
(who was not too pleased)
"There will be no a-taking
over of the LAUSD"
O Judge Dzintra, O Judge Dzintra
thank you for ruling
in our favor...whoopee!!
And the yellow shirts sang
as they chanted by the bilabong
"They will be no takeover
of LAUSD".
So went the mayor man
down the road and to his home
away from the yellow shirts
gloating with glee.
But he said as he sat
and talked upon the telephone
Hey mister mayor man,
think you have got a plan?
Force us to accept
your will illegally?
Just remember these words
that were sung beside the bilabong
"You won't take over LAUSD!!!"
(whispers) While our bard is rather brilliant, I don't think anyone will be humming "Waltzing Matilda" at City Hall tomorrow.
From the private "RED SPOT BAR" high above CD 14,
Toast to Captain Jack and Pirate Chior for job well done.
Red Spot lives on Pluto or Mt. Washington
Don Quixgosa, tilting at windmills. I wish even a quarter of the energy had been devoted to fixing Skid Row or the Housing Department. Those were in easier reach; now it's probably too late for this Mayor to do much about either.
To all the drunken hobos who clearly know nothing about anything.
Your little Judge who made the wrong decision has had 63% of her legislative decisions overturned during her tenure as judge.
So in other words she has a 37% accuracy rate when it comes to legislative law in her court, sounds about the same as the graduation rate of the LAUSD.
Now before lower IQ folks on this blog start yelling or screaming (mainly because it's past midnight and their prescription doesn't require another pill til 7am) your little precious judge has had approximately 32 pieces of legislation during her tenure. (about average)
If you read her brief she did not do her research, no big deal, drink up drunkards have your day, eat your cake.
The Mayor will win in March, win the appeal in a few weeks, improve the schools for our kids and do what's right for Los Angeles.
Now all the conspiracy theory, backseat wannabe political science majors can go back to watching C-SPAN constantly looking up new words you hear on your dictionary for dummies.
Dear Fabian "Nucklehead" Nunez,
As and elected official, Speaker of the Assembly, and next mayoral candidate of L.A. (guaranteed loser, though), is it possible, next time you fight for an assembly bill, can you make sure it is NOT in violation of State constitutional law. that way you will save a lot of time, money, and egg on your face, fool.
Zuma Dogg is just aksing.
12:09 AM = MT
Nicely said and I hope you are wrong.
And yet such a "lousy" judge was immediately reappointed to the bench by the Governator after the legal and community outcry surrounding the ballot-box attack on her because of her unusual (terrorist-sounding?) name....
Well said! Only a good politician would fight for skid row as it was done in takeover.
Yea Trujillo.
Can AV shut up the people? No.
BTW, how full of shit you are. Trujillo-betterthanyou, full of shit.
The California State attorneys told the legislature that this bill was illegal. But, AV didn't listen and wanted it passed anyway. He is now surprised that it was overturned. He should of never relied on his weak feable lawyer credentials. He should listen to people who actually passed the bar.
Only bar he passed was on the way to party with Miguel Contreras.
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