L.A. County Taxpayers Defrauded Of $500 Million Per Year

Someone needs to do some serious jailtime -- not that "90% off" stuff Baca doles out.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
Somebody needs to stop the unions.
Wacko is a pussy.
10:30 has an unhealthy obsession.
You said it! Yikes. I can't wait to see the movie: "Portrait of a Cyber Stalker."
Isn't the County Board of Supervisors responsibile for this? Didn't they just give MILLIONS to cultural organizations because they said there was a surplus of over $100 mil in budget? We need an investigative report on this CALWORKS. A friend told me of a family getting aide for 4 small children born here to illegals. But on the paperwork CALWORKS shows 6 people are getting aide. When pressed for the welfare office to explain they said even though the parents are illegal they count them anyway. Sounds fishy to me.
Who cares about jail time. Ludlow doesn't have to go to jail and can even run for office again. Felony shmelony. So long as you're related to the unions we have adifferent standard for you.
by mentioning cyber stalkers, you are opening the entire la county thread up to billions of mary cummins postings because that is what she does best. be careful. nobody knows who she is because she is chained to a computer.
Apart from two black faces and the discussion on welfare, what does the photo have to do with the article? Is this just racist coincidence?
If you take people out of the welfare system and put them to work for the welfare system (DPSS) then what can one expect. If there is no striving or ambition to do a job well then one can mostly expect a lack of satisfied work performance...and the Union is a feeder into that system.
she can't release her computer chains. she trolls for ed boks postings. (duck everybody. a cyber stalker always returns.)
"Former CACC Director Boks sued for racial discrimination in 2005. Ed Boks is charged with firing an [more]
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