Mayor Sam's Hotsheet for Tuesday

Martin Ludlow's hearing where he was expected to plead guilty to campaign finance charges didn't happen Monday. The hearing has been postponed to Wednesday.
Raise your measuring cups and make a toast! This week is National Weights and Measure Week, and LA County is celebrating!
About six months ago we reported that the student cafeteria at Los Angeles Valley College was broke. The cafeteria managed to lose about half a million dollars in 2005. This was primarily due to the $15 an hour wages paid to workers that could not be supported by sales of low priced food items to students. Now, the eatery is back in black. How? A new vendor brought in to run the operation that is apparently not paying "a living wage" but probably market wages, charging market prices for food and is apparently working to improve the quality of the product. Imagine that!
Fox 11 is reporitng that longtime reporter Sam Chu Lin died Sunday of unknown causes. Funeral services are pending. He was 67.
Today Mayor Villaraigosa, Los Angeles City Councilman Greig Smith, Police Chief William Bratton and Fire Chief William Bamattre will announce a home ownership program intended to help recruit more fire fighters and police officers.
We haven't heard much about the Orange Line and its penchant for running into cars and other things, but the kids at Valley College (which is dangerously close to the Orange Line and even has it's own station) are writing about the latest here and here.
8:30 AM - Housing, Community, and Economic Development Committee
9:40 AM - Housing, Community & Economic Development Committee, Special Meeting
10:00 AM - Los Angeles City Council Agenda
2:00 PM - Planning & Land Use Management Committee Meeting, Revised
2:00 PM - Information Technology and General Services Committee Meeting
2:15 PM - Information Technology and General Services Committee Meeting
3:30 PM - Ad Hoc Renew LA
6:00PM - Budget & Finance Committee, SPECIAL MEETING
Other Meetings
9:30 AM - Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Meeting
Can't wait to read 'Eggy Joe' Mailander's post-mortem!
Absentee ballots are going to make this election.
For Ludlow, that temptation was power. Facing a tough race for the City Council in 2003, he tapped into his labor connections to help skirt campaign-finance laws. And so SEIU LOCAL 99 provided "free" employees to his campaign, paying them out of workers' dues.
In other words, he corrupted the democratic process and wanted to win so badly he was willing to steal the election
Martin sure was power hungry. Sucks to be him! LOL
I'm laughing my ass off over here because that scoundrel got what he deserved. Anyone who feels sorry for him is just as scandalous (and probably sweating a bullet right now hoping he doesn't talk). Martin fucked over people in his personal and professional life.
how did Martin fuck over people in his personal and private life? Was he in office and at the Fed long enough to do that there?
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