The Valley Gets Screwed Again
The City Council voted to renew the contract for the Sunshine Canyon landfill. Despite promises by Council Members and the Mayor to close the place for good. More later.
This is the city: Los Angeles, California. I work here. I'm an ex-mayor. Los Angeles is a magnet for people from all over the world. Some of them run for public office. Inevitably some of them stray from the golden rule and rule for those that have the gold. That's when I go to work. My name is Yorty. I'm a dead pol.
You mean the landfill that has been there longer than the residents and is cheaper than any alternative?
Yeah, the landfill fill that little Samuel wanted to close down so that the trash can be some other community's problem. What a hypocrite.
First of all, the landfill wasn't there first, the residents were. It started as an illegal dump long after residents moved in.
Secondly, it would be cheaper to burn our trash in a pile in the backyard, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do.
Third, define cheap. Asthma, cancer and other illnesses suffered by those downwind of the landfill all the way into Van Nuys is higher than other areas. The health costs need to be factored in.
what was the break down of votes? who supported who didnt?
all in favor
wait.. Padilla voted no
2:41 PM
Stick your crappy blog up your butt. We Mayor Sam bloggers cherish our annonity. You might as well call yourself LA Observed II (except LA Observed actually receives hits.)
What else is new, Why don't the valley get some balls and Succeed from LA like they did with Hahn. I'd love to see Antonio try to build consensus.
To be clear - they voted to extend the negotiating period by 2 weeks, hoping to reduce the amount of trash deposited in Sunshine by 15%. This isn't great - but technically they did not vote to approve the contract. They voted to extend negotiations -- with the tacit understanding that the contract would be approved if the 15% reduction in trash is agreed to by BFI. (They would be reducing the landfilling here by one waste stream). Having watched the proceedings on the internet stream, I can say that Gruel really pushed for a unanimous vote to approve the extension of the negotiations so they could go into the negotiations as a "united front", but Padilla rose and said that he won't vote for anything that is in support of Sunshine. He was against it and voted no five years ago, would vote no today and will vote no in two weeks.
Hey 2:41 - For a guy who "sick of Jim Alger on Mayor Sam" you have injected his name into a discussion that he was not part of until your dumb ass brought it up.
Here is a release I received from Alger's camp a few hours ago...
Jim Alger, President of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council and Candidate for the California State Assembly issued the following statement from Sacramento this afternoon regarding the extension of the contract between BFI and the City of Los Angeles:
Good Afternoon,
For all the talk, for all the puffery at the end of the day the Los Angeles City Council has once again lacked the courage required to get us out of Sunshine Canyon as so many politicians have promised when they were running for office. Their insistence in continuing to deal with BFI is at the root of why the people of Granada Hills continue to be told we will be out of Sunshine Canyon, while the City simultaneously extends the contract.
It is this simple, we need to say no to BFI. As Alex Padilla said, we need to finally put action to the words. Watching council either Friday or today it became evident that BFI was being channeled as the only option the City Council would give consideration to. Despite other options on the table there was shamefully little discussion of any of them. Today has been a sad example of how the will of the people all too often takes a back seat to the powerful lobbyists and has merely delayed what many, including myself, feel is the inevitable decision to extend the contract for 5 years.
I would like to thank Councilman Tony Cardenas who represented the lone voice in acknowledging that a change will come with a cost, and a cost he is willing to support. I have long held that getting out of Sunshine will cost Los Angeles less then 2 dollars per household.
I encourage the City Council to include the community, the North Valley Coalition and the Neighborhood Councils in this ongoing discussion.
Thank you.
But what is the point of reducing trash sent to Sunshine by 15% unless we're recycling it? Sending it to just another landfill (where the people don't want it eiter) just seems like a hollow political gesture.
Does Alger not understand that there are lobbyists on BOTH sides of the argument?
"What else is new, Why don't the valley get some balls and Succeed from LA like they did with Hahn. I'd love to see Antonio try to build consensus.
Hm. I thought the Valley was stopped from secession by former Mayor Jim Hahn. Unless you meant that they should "get some balls" and try secession again. In either case, L.A. and the S.F.V. would probably still dump their trash at Sun Valley.
I'd love to see you proof-read your blog posts.
Hey, I am curious... Has Lyn Shaw-Hilfenhaus or Cameron Smyth done anything about Sunshine or is the only one out there Alger?
Is that supposed to be a joke? They have done zip for the valley at all and Shaw-Hilfenhaus is virtually unknown in the district.
We are still waiting for the "Alger Plan." I just hope it is not just a plan of what to do with LA's trash but how to succeed politically.
So far the only thing we know is that it will likely cost up to $31 Million Dollars. According to him a drop in the bucket for taxpayers.
Given what City Council wastes every day, that IS a drop in the bucket.
Woah, Alex Padilla actually stood for something.
Too bad he's gonna be on his knees soon.
- next in line.
As I recall during the mayoral debates -- those to which I was invited, anyway -- Councilman Parks and I were the only candidates who dared state that renewing the contract was the only cost-efficient choice.
Villaraigosa promised to close it. Query whether he'll be able to avoid any political fallout by blaming the Council. I'm guessing he will...
Cameron Smythe's plan for dealing with Santa Clarita's garbage is to give each homeless person there a glad bag full of rubbish and a one way bus ride to Sylmar.
Backstabber I tell you, backstabber
Cut the victim mentality crap, Mayor Sam. First of all, it was you that used to dump on the Valley, Mr. Yorty. Secondly, if this council can move ANY waste away from Sunshine, it will be a first and an important move. Not that I am holding my breath yet, but those of us from poorer areas across town find your victim mentality something we should hear from liberals, not you, Sammy.
I find it a bit suspect that Mayor Sam has nothing to say about Alex Padilla voting "no." He immediately splashed Jim Alger's press release on the front page. And I bet that had Alex voted "yes", we'd have another posting about how Alex supposedly has sold out the Valley. I'm a supporter of Cindy - but give the man kudos for sticking to his guns on this important vote. Just like the Mayor is giving space to Alger for making this an issue of his, I'd like Mayor Sam to tip his hat to Alex on this one.
Mayor Sam is a racist goodbuddy, we white people have to stick together or else those mexicans will run us out of the valley. Stick to your guns Mayor Sam your the great white hope
If $2 per month per household to ship our trash out of town is a drop in the bucket for Alger, then so is the $6.40 per month per household he claims to have saved on our DWP bills.
Of course Padilla was able to stick to his guns and vote NO. He has an election to run and he has nothing to lose. He already knew how the vote would turn out. They play this game all the time.
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