Department of Redundancy Department

You have proposed a national plan to provide funding to help students pay for college. You also say that, rather spending your time here in L.A. doing your job, you're going to spend time in traveling to other cities to promote your proposal.
Please explain why the following existing programs to help students pay for college are supposedly inadequate, and why we need yet another. While you're at it, please explain why your city budget provides funding for 23 "gang programs," as opposed to, say, one or none. And where are you getting the money for the road show?
Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
Federal Work-Study
Academic Competitiveness Grants
National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant
Institutional Grants
Federal Perkins Loans
Stafford Loans (Federal Family Education Loans and Direct Loans)
PLUS Loans
Cal Grants
California Chafee Grant Program
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program
Please note, moreover, that the foregoing programs do not include the below-cost, subsidized tuitions charged at state schools. Nor does the list include private scholarships, such as the U.S. News & World Report Scholarship that yours truly received.
Indeed, where is the evidence that ANY children qualified to attend college are unable to attend it due to finances?
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
Federal Work-Study
Academic Competitiveness Grants
National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant
Institutional Grants
Federal Perkins Loans
Stafford Loans (Federal Family Education Loans and Direct Loans)
PLUS Loans
Cal Grants
California Chafee Grant Program
Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program
If there were scholarships for linksmanship, you'd get one. Thank you.
you're very welcome.
I'd love one of those. The Walter Moore Scholarship for Linksmanship.
has a nice ring to it.
so thank you very much.
anyone want the link to the online html school?
I thought that the "ORIGINAL HICK PRESIDENT" Lyndon Johnson had solved proverty and education. What is disturbing as a "minimalist" in regards to goverment intrusion in our lifes. Is that "TAX and SPEND LIBERALISM" now is vouge again. "HIS POLLONESS" is simply auditioning for a role on the national stage (V.P.??)
He's totally auditioning for it, and we see now why it was so important to him to pass ANY kind of legislation re LAUSD: he needed control over schools so he could make education his national issue.
Not one to let reality interfere with his daily conduct, he has pressed forward with his plan for national noteriety notwithstanding the fact that he has zero control over any schools.
Now what I want to see is whether the national press is as lazy as the local press, or whether instead they point out what a joke this guy is. He's a 21st-century Nero, fiddling around on road trips while hundreds are murdered here each year, and, thanks to Villaraigosa's refusal to revoke Special Order 40, illegal aliens drive out hundreds of thousands of citizens.
Many eons ago, the man you call Mayor stole an idea from a little ol' lady of El Sereno.
The idea focused on local problems. The Mayor plagiarized the entire concept pimping it to a nationwide audience. I agree, we have enough aid. What we don't have are students wanting to take it to the next level & go to college.
What is Villaraigosa going to do for two years after he is voted out of office in the next election?
Rose Hills Review #1
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