Flowing Shit In The 38th

At a recent LA County Young Democrats event, a supporter of Alger's main primary opponent - Lyn Shaw-Hilfenhaus - shouted at the top of their growing lungs, "Is it true you are a convicted felon?" Alger promptly replied "No, thank you for the question." This came not long after all candidates pledged to not run any negative campaigns and to hold their supporters accountable as well.
The most recent charge lodged against Alger, that he has multiple convictions for check fraud in Duval County Florida appears to stem from a public records search. Working in an industry that makes heavy use of background checks for both our employees and customers, I can tell you that these searche reports come with a disclaimer instructing the user that the information "should be independantly verified" and "not relied upon." The charge against is particularly scathing because Alger has been running a campaign of disclosure, even disclosing his scrape with the law over 10 years ago, a case that was eventually dismissed. It would be a daming indictment of a candidate for public office who would acknowledge one incident but hide another. It would raise concerns of candor, honesty and trustworthyness if it were true.
The Sister City has come into possession of official government documents that show Alger was never arrested for or convicted of anything in the state of Florida whatsoever (click image above). As an old friend once taught me, your opposition research is only as good as the due diligence to which you have approached it. Whoever found what they thought was a gem of a stone to toss at Alger, literally stepped on their, well, you know what.
It amazes me the level of venom that Mr. Alger inspires from a small segment of the local landscape. Indeed, past friends from my days within the Democratic party have contacted me, literally begging us to slam Mr. Alger. But every charge so far just is unfounded. Among other things, the virtiolic, hateful campaign practices of the Democratic party is just one of the reasons I switched my registration to Republican. Some of the comments made about Mr. Alger, his wife and family are just repugnant and those who have made them should be called on the carpet.
If you don't like and agree with a candidate - talk up yours! Its sheer, hateful, nasty political attacks on candidates - like we have seen against Jim Alger - that drives more and more people away from politics and voting.
Shame on you people!
Labels: rocky delgadillo
Why is the fax date earlier than the date for the letter?
Sammy, Sammy, Sammy don't you get it?
Alger represents a breath of fresh air. He speaks from his gut, admits when he is wrong and isn't afraid to call "bullshit", regardless of the aforementioned bullshitter's position of power.
He has been running a straight forward campaign, making appearances left and right and talking up various issues around the district. Knocking back detractors charges while staying on topic.
He is breathing life into the Democratically stagnant 38th and that scares the hell out of a few people.
- Lyn Shaw Hilfenhaus who wants to stack County Committee
- Greig Smith who is depending on Lyn to win for too many reasons to mention
- Mitchell Englander because he is afraid any heightened visibility of Alger threatens his plans to become CD 12's newest Councilman
Alger comes from Neighborhood Councils who represent the people at the grass roots level. These lifetime political operatives are threatened by that because what they seek is rarely if ever in the public interest.
Two things here are noteworthy in this race...
- If Alger loses this race it will be a blow for the average Joe just trying to make a difference
- But if Alger wins this race, he would have done it without the help of a single person in the Democratic Party power structure, without a single politician endorsing him, and without major special interest money. (in fact all of these forces are actively working against him) All this means he will owe NOBODY a damn thing.
That can only be good for the folks up in AD38. Me? I would like to see Jim succeed, but truthfully, we need a guy like him here in CD14.
10:41 anon - What are you on Alger Watch or what? It took you minutes to launch into another FALSE and misleading attack.
Alger was never arrested, charged, convicted of, appeared before a judge, or entered into a plea for any charge of check fraud, bounced checks or anything relating to such actions in the State of California or any other State, Country, Province or planet.
Does that cover everything?
Did LACYD endorse for the 38th?
Advisory, Campaign Commercials
Eds: A conference call will be held at 10:30 a.m. TOMORROW previewing
commercials for City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's campaign for the Democratic
nomination for attorney general. The commercials will begin being shown
tomorrow night. The call-in number can be obtained by calling Jennifer
Wonnacott at (916) 444-8897 or sending an e-mail to jennifer@acostasalazar.com
before 9:30 a.m.
LACYD did not endorse.
news flash ,
To whom ever left the comment at 10:51 and who ever continues to read this artice... Jim owes the union's after the money they gave him for the walmart fight, also who cares a dem will not win the seat, and honestly who cares HE WILL NOT WIN
Even if Alger had a problem with checks in Florida, which apparently he did not, it isn't as if that is uncommon down there.
Florida doesn't require anyone to actually notify the writer of an NSF check that the check bounced. The store or whatever simply sends the check to the DA who immediately places a warrant on the writer or writers if it was a joint account. They then send them a letter telling them to surrender to the court or pay the check and fees.
If you ask me that is a whole lot of work to do to collect on a $25.00 check and if the check was over $100 it is a felony! That's just plain stupid.
Maybe they don't have enough to do in Florida but I think their money could be better spent teaching people how to count votes!
10:41 - YOU are misdirecting our attention with this BS (and you are misdirecting my attention with ridiculous terms like "lawyerly falderol" - WTF!) If Alger committed crimes in FL serious enough for him to be arrested in CA, would he not be extradited? would he not be in jail? COME ON NOW!! I must also say that the hair-trigger response of your post makes its ‘anonymous poster’ origin highly suspect.
I just love the "don't care / who cares" posters. If you genuinely don't care why read and why post? Learn some english!
I want to start by saying I actually know all the parties involved here, as well as the circumstances of the allegations. I have known Lyn for several years and have admired her work in the party but that said, the quality, and negative tone, of her "campaign" leaves much to be desired.
The Hilfenhaus camp has been floating around the rumors of Alger having some dark sordid past for some time now. To be fair, Lyn Shaw-Hilfenhaus isn't the only one flinging the shit but Lyn has her people, mainly the Stonewall Democrats, talking shit at every turn.
So far they have accused Alger of having a 19 year old mistress, "Not really having anything to do with" the DWP rate hike stoppage or the MOU, being fired for misconduct from the Senate, being a convicted felon in Florida for bad checks, filing fraudulent campaign reports that will "put him in jail within a month" (4 months ago), they have accused his wife of exchanging sex for campaign donations and carrying another man's child... and that is just what I can think of off the top of my head. Every last ounce of it is of course bullshit.
The funniest one was just posted...
" Jim owes the union's after the money they gave him for the Wal-Mart fight". What money? More BS.
Jim fought Wal-Mart through the Neighborhood Councils and earned the respect of certain unions (as well as myself) but he has not collected one thin dime from them. (Unless you include the 250 bucks from Julie Butcher)
His opponent is the wife of labor organizer Jim Hilfenhaus who's union is responsible for a total of 7,700 of the just over 8,000 she has raised.
Over the past year I have come to know Jim Alger as a genuinely honest man who is transparent about mistakes made in his past and the painful circumstances around them. A man who has rededicated his life to the service of his community and a man who truly wants to make a difference. I have watched as people who claim to be his friend stab him in the back, and watched as he figured it out. I have watched as he has negotiated every obstacle thrown in his path. Whether it was endorsements, or party power players assisting his opponent, Jim has stood steadfast and on message. At a meeting the other day someone came up to me and asked “is he always on?” My response was I have seen him falter, but never fall.
What these "camps" need to get through their thick skulls is that this crap only makes Alger stronger. With what this guy has been through in his life, their isn’t much anyone could do that would keep him down for too long.
You guys keep showing your desperation with your outlandish charges and Alger will keep talking to the voters about the issues they care about. But when you wake up June 7th and find out you lost, don't be surprised when Alger doesn't take your calls. If you attacked me that way I wouldn't and I have been doing this for a while.
I will say one thing, the Alger team has a rapid response plan that would make The Clinton War Room proud.
Poor bastards at the Hilfenhaus camp. All they have left is attacks. Wait till the mailers go out, they will try and take all of Alger's ideas as their own and then trash him.
These guys should ask Greig Smith how well attacking Alger worked out for him. He's still pissed about it.
Anon 1043: The Duval Court Clerk must be perjuring himself -- dude better watch out if he wants to run for higher office!
Or it could be that the fax machine lost power on a Saturday or something. I can't think of anyone stupid enough to forge a court document clearing themselves of a felony on a blog whose owner is impersonating a dead mayor. Seems like a quick way for Alger to get a felony conviction would be to taunt the legal system by faking this sort of documentation.
What do the other four pages of the fax say? That page is page 3 of 5. I'd be curious to know why MS did not post the other four pages. At least Drudge Report will post the entire document.
MS is NOT 4th Floor. Hey MS, did Alger cum in your mouth this weekend or what?
What I have read so far is astonishing. Last year Alger told me he was going to run. I told him why put yourself and family through the mudslinging? No one cares about their community and this more then Jim. He cares about this city. Where was Lynn and the rest of the people attacking Jim when the DWP rate hike was an issue? Did they take the time to go to council and endless meetings for the sake of their comunities? NO. I agree with the poster that JIM is a breath of fresh air and is one of the normal people. He has citywide support however a lot of us can't vote for his district. These attacks will backfire.
Its well known in Valley Democratic circles who is behind the anti-Alger machine, someone who needs Lyn for his 2008 race. Too bad Wendy Greuel is also going to run in that race.
Golly Mayor Sam is 38 the new 14?
If someone accuses Alger of this, they better have solid proof, e.g., county court records that match his DOB. If not, this smacks of desperation from his opponents.
My mother doesn't know Alger, Lyn, Smyth or Smith from Adam, but she told me that this is the reason she no longer votes. They're tired of the bullshit.
Mayor Sam shame on you, how vulgar of a headline!
Another Hilfenhaus production, sunk.
"Flowing Shit in the 38th"
The only shit flowing is the sewage appearing on this blog under the misleading name "news" which is really unabashed Jim Alger propaganda.
I have worked in neighborhood councils -- and with Jim Alger -- for nearly 3 years now. (No, I am not in CD12.) Jim was there for the DWP MOU meetings -- from the start! Jim was there for all 450+ days of meetings and negotiations and emails and strategy sessions and phone calls and hearings and council meetings.
Richard Alarcon called on Jim to work as his liaison with neighborhood councils because of Jim's effectiveness on the DWP MOU process.
CD12 office is put out with Jim because he has been more effective representing the interests of the Northridge West Neighborhood Council than Greig Smith or his sidekick Mitch Englander ever even wanted to be.
I have attended plenty of meetings where Jim has spoken, been questioned, been praised, and been confronted -- and Jim addresses all issues before him directly and honestly. If he is not up-to-speed on something, then that issues goes on his list of items to study.
I would prefer to see Jim on the Los Angeles City Council because I believe that "all politics are local."
I am a registered Republican. I live in the 38th AD. I will be voting for Jim in November. In the meantime, I will spread my words of support to those who can vote for Jim in the June primary.
"Anonymous said...
Its well known in Valley Democratic circles who is behind the anti-Alger machine, someone who needs Lyn for his 2008 race. Too bad Wendy Greuel is also going to run in that race.
April 25, 2006 8:17 AM"
Really? Name 10 people that this person has said soemthing to. Because if you can't, you're full of shit. I know for a fact that this person said something to three people in JANUARY about Jim's trumped up financial reports. Haven't heard amything since.
And as for Wendy Greuel, not gonna happen. They both have the same consultant and he cleared it before taking the new client.
Be careful who you take on Michael O'Connell.
Not O'Connell...
One of the many blogs and reporters this story was sent to.
War Room? No shit! Alger must be four steps ahead of his opponents. Is James Carville running his campaign?
I don't know what Stuart is complaining about, Mayor Sam sucked his too.
Politics, that's what the negative campaigning is. When one opponent has no vision or issues they can stand on the next best thing to do is attack your opponent. That's what Rocky is doing to Jerry Brown. There are at least 20 citywide reps from neighborhood councils who will tell you Alger is a stand up person, passionate about what he believes in and will go the extra mile. I remember in city council when fighting the DWP pay hike I think there was a black senior citizen who Jim met on a fixed income from South LA. She told Jim she couldn't afford the extra rate. Jim fought the battle harder for her and other seniors. Its people like Alger who haven't been tainted with the political BS that need to be in office. Take a good look at our city council members and mayor. People are scratching their heads wondering how the hell they were voted in. Couldn't agree more that Alger has been more effective and much nicer than Greg Smith
Mayor Sam has you all fooled! Since the CD14 cut and paste crew went AWOL, he sure figured out how to exploit Alger, Smith and all the CD12 crew!
10:09 am aka Stuart Waldman, thought you never posted anon?
Who said anything about you? No need to get defensive dude. Your going to get screwed out of dream again. Your backstabbing, anon posting and lack of clear judgement has shown you unfit for public service.
Oh, and I am not Mr. O'Connell or affiliated with the campaign.
Loose lips sink ships my friend.
You tried to launch an unprovoked attack on a fellow Democrat and failed.
Then you got caught.
Now your defensive manner outs you once again.
Question: Does Lloyd know what Stuart is doing, and doing on state time/computers?
OK, just got my lunch break and had to see what all the hoopla was all about.
I had heard about a week ago that Jim had supposedly been convicted of kiting checks in Florida a few years ago and wasn't coming clean about it. Sounded like crap when I heard it and it looks like the crap hit the fan and sprayed his opponent.
My question is this. With all the posting on here, even Lyn supporters’ hell even her husband has posted here but they have never once said where they stand on a single issue. All they ever do when they're on here is attack their opponent, their opponents' family etc.
Does she even have any issues to run on or is it seriously just her turn?
The level of attacks against Alger is now getting ridiculous. Not to mention as a previous poster said, he certainly seems ready for them and responds either preemptively or with amazing efficiency.
1150 is trujillo
"I have worked in neighborhood councils -- and with Jim Alger -- for nearly 3 years now. (No, I am not in CD12."
Well then, stand up and tell us your name? Who are you?
This story was supposed to be some big bombshell that they were going to drop on Algers' head.
It started with Casey asking that lame ass question to set Jim up, then they were going to confront him at the debate with the "paperwork".
Many in Lyn's camp are hoping Jane Lowenthal does their work for them but Jane has been digging up the dirt on Hilfenhaus as well so pretty much no one takes her seriously at all.
I am thinking that someone in the party needs to sit Lyn and Jane down and tell them to knock it off. This is why the Democrats get their asses kicked. No one get's out of the primary unscathed.
12:38 I should be the only one take the time to identify myself but his detractors throw rocks anonymously?
whether jim is a felon or not, is it not true that he never went to college, doesn't have a job and is still paying off a bankruptcy?
we need to elect squeaky-clean candidates, so we don't get caught up in the republicans "culture of corruption"
Jim quit his job and filed to run the next day.
Yes, he has a bankruptcy that will be paid off in a few months.
You go look for that squeaky clean candidate... I'll take a guy who has experienced the trials of life and come through them.
12:45 -- you are not louise stone. The 10:09 posting in mine and mine alone -- I am Louise Clarke Stone. 12:45 you have a lot of misplaced hormones to make your claim and I do not respect you for it.
What I think is interesting is that through all these attacks much concentration has been placed on Alger. None on any other candidate.
At least with Alger we know what we are getting. With the others it is a complete crapshoot.
Michael O’Connell (really) said – I read the blogs in the noon hour, always very amusing. I rarely post, you over-zealous bloggers usually say more than enough and are on it like flies on… (for God’s sake don’t you work for a living?). Today I really must chime in to support Mayor Sam in his call for civility. Go Sam! Personally I am amazed at what is said in my name/what is assumed to originate from my desk. This negative campaigning sickens me and I would not show my face in public were I responsible for half of it but some seem to have no shame. I do not carry out conversations over the blogs, if anyone wishes to speak with the actual Mike O’Connell the campaign number is on our website as always. I do not initiate any negative campaign but expect a strong response should you.
Good move Waldman - not only did your attack on Alger backfire, but you put your spotlight on you and even dragged Trujillo in.
That boy Alger must be laughing all the way to the primary.
the 40th in 2008 will be represented by a LATINO!
DN....Troubling symbolism
Mayor needs to offer real support to neighborhood councils, not lip service...The first indication that Villaraigosa was planning on clamping down on DONE - rather than liberating it from the bureaucracy - came when he appointed one of his former City Council office staffers, Lisa Sarno, as DONE's second in command. General managers generally get to hire their own lieutenants, so this appointment clearly was putting some controls on the department.
The level of jibber jabber regarding a particular candidate always amuses me. The more hatred he spawns, the more likely he is to win.
I don't know much about the particular issues of the 38th District. (I leave that for the candidate)
What I do know that Jim Alger was summoned into the political arena as a calling after witnessing the horrors of 9/11 and an attempt by the DWP to use that event to justify raising rates.
I know that Jim showed us all his true colors when he took his own aircraft to the Gulf and placed his life and safety on the line to help people he didn't even know.
Jim has overcome a troubled youth, Muscular Dystrophy, financial difficulties, personal tragedy that you or I can only imagine, and still found the time to assist his elderly parents (an Alzheimer’s patient), foster rescued animals from the shelter, raise a child and volunteer to represent his community.
That type of individual is deserving of respect, whether you agree with his politics or not. It is this simple. Negative attacks won't stick to him for long; it isn't in his nature to let adversity hang around.
I volunteered to help Jim Alger, not out of some debt owed him. Out of the knowledge that he is the real thing.
Lisa Sarno is bad news for DONE. Obviously AV wants to do in the NCs.
I think you called it when you said that the people that are behind are usually the ones throwing the mud.
There is no Democrat outside of Alger who is doing shit in the 38th from what I can see.
These people show their desperation when they attack. Lyn is cashing in all her marbles to win the nomination and her husband can't afford for her to lose.
Lowenthall... well she lost her marbles along time ago!
Mayor Sam wrote:
"Among other things, the virtiolic, [sic] hateful campaign practices of the Democratic party is just one of the reasons I switched my registration to Republican."
Give me a break. This website is practically dedicated to vitriolic attacks.
The – I switched party registration because of the Democratic Party's dirty campaigns – line is a load too. Only people with severe brain defects can believe Republicans don't run dirty campaigns.
Ms. Shaw is involved in the Valley Leadership Institute which has a long history of positive volunteer work in the San Fernando Valley. Look it up, it has a web site. She has also been a long time organizer of the Democratic party. Her volunteer work is as valuable as anyone else and she has been involved in the valley for many years.
Mr. Alger is a newcomer to the valley and volunteering in the valley.
He has admitted that he was arrested and convicted in the past. He said the conviction was set asside but never explained how he found himself convicted of a crime. He implies it was just an innocent error.
Most average joes are never convicted of crimes nor do most average joes declare bankruptcy.
Being convicted of a crime and declaring bankruptcy ususally means a person has made some serious mistakes in their life.
Given how our legislature handles the state budget, Mr. Alger may fit right in. But I think the 38th district needs a rep in the Assembly who has not been arrested and who can balance their own checkbook.
Wow, that was some crafty political maneuvering there. How to fluff up Lyn while simultaneously bashing Alger and trying to look like you weren't trying to do it.
Nice try.
Valley leadership council and party work doesn't mean a hill of beans when it comes to issues.
Now, for the falsehoods and inuendos in your post...
First of all, Shaw isn't her name it is Hilfenhaus. She runs under an alias.
Alger was arrested big deal. So was Hilfenhaus but Alger was ultimately cleared unlike Hilfenhaus.
Alger is not a newcommer to the valley he has been here almost 10 years.
Bankruptcy filings are at an all time high. Jim having some difficulties is not something I hold against him.
I am glad your life has been so worry free.
FIRST OF ALL the VLC may volunteer LYN SHAW-HILFENHAUS does not.
Unlike you government gadflies who work off the public dime those of us in the real world that run business and pay your salary don't have the luxury of guaranteed income.
And before you tell me Shaw-Hilfenhaus doesn't work for the government I know, she makes her money on the backs of the disabled, drives around in her gas guzzling Jaguar and calls herself an environmentalist.
Alger filed bankruptcy after hitting major hard times post 9/11. If anyone remembers the months after, the economy all but tanked. It took out many businesses that sold expensive goods. Jim sold custom cars that were valued over 80K and just couldn't hang on. You want to fault him for that?
Just once can you pump up your candidate WITHOUT attacking Jim?
Get a life.
Most folks do not file bankruptcy during the course of their lifetime. Many businesses suffered after 9/11 and did not file for bankruptcy. Is Alger really saying its Osama's fault he failed at business?
Being arrested and failing at business generally means Mr. Alger made some serious mistakes along the way.
If he can not manage his personal life, what kind of elected official will he be? Richman is a Doctor. Are we really going to replace him with a failed businessman.
"Lyn" isn't even Lyn. She is Ethelyn L. Williams who married Dale Shaw in 1979 giving her the name Ethelyn L. Shaw. Since Ethelyn sounds ridiculous she uses Lyn. Can't blame her there.
She then re-married Jim Hilfenhaus. (although here is the interesting part... their is NO RECORD of a divorce or marriage but we'll just assume that was some type of error)
There are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying 18 year old Sally J. Wilson (File# 6F5D16F3)and there are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying Margo E. Cash (File# 6984F470) but now marriage to Lyn... hmmmmmmm??? ANYWAY
As we go snooping back in the lives of our Democrats in arms we find wait, what's this? A criminal case? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!
Sad to say it is.
CASE# SA 087741
(This would be a narcotic charge.)
As we continue down we find... HOLY SHIT A CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY!!!
Case Number: 9827573
Attorney Phone: 3104461383
Attorney Address: 10951 W PICO BLVD 3RD FLR
Attorney City: LOS ANGELES
Attorney State: CA
Attorney Zip: 90064
Court Code: CA002
Judge Initials: AA
You fuckers want to throw rocks... better move out of your glass houses.
No, I don't work for Alger. Don't even know the guy but I am fed up with the bullshit.
SOMEONE just sank the Hilfenhaus battleship.
That will teach you morons.
Ok I've had enough of the negative attacks. This is absolutely hilarious...Click on www.johnandkenshow.com
scroll down a paragraph and see Antonio with turban on.
Mayor of LA sports Turban on Sikh holy day; $75,000 donation made by Sikh Community to LA Regional Food Bank
So Ethelyn "Lyn" Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus (fuck I have a headache) is using the name of her last husband? Not her maiden name and not her current husbands name? What the hell is that all about?
They have 3 failed marriages between them, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, narcotic charges... AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO ATTACK ALGER?????????
And what is with this current "marriage"? They supposedly got married at the Democratic Convention was that all a sham?
Why so many names Lyn?
Why do your people not show the same candor as Algers? (He issued press releases about his problems)
Why do you continue to attack Alger with false and misleading allegations?
Way too many questions with Lyn whatever her name is.
Alger's arrest was an innocent mistake and his bankruptcy was Osama's fault!
Is Alger really being honest and forthright.
He presented himself as being open and transparent and just an average joe.
Most average Joes I know, because I am one, never get arrested and never declare bankruptcy.
If the facts are true about both these candidates, neither deserves support.
When someone declares bankruptcy, it is usually the average joe who pays. Banks and businesses pass their losses onto the average joe who pays their own bills and higher prices and interest rates to pay for the deadbeats who declare bankruptcy.
Maybe it is time to vote Repubican.
Hey moron,
Alger filed a Chapter 13 with a 100% repayment plan. Noone got screwed, except him by keeping staff employed and spending his own money to try and keep things afloat.
and you can't vote Republican...
My god, I have seen attacks backfire but this one pretty much exploded in Lyn's face.
Let me see if I understand this...
Lyn Shaw is really Ethelyn Williams.
She is married to Jim Hilfenhaus but there doesn't seem to be a record of it and if she was then she would really be Ethelyn Hilfenhaus and not Lyn Shaw?
Why the hell would she not use either her maiden name or her married name? Unless she really isn't married?
And what is the deal with the drug arrest and bankruptcy?
Is this why Lyn hasn't been running a campaign in the 38th? So she wouldn't have to face the tough questioins?
Why should we vote for someone who is hiding important facts about her own life while attacking her opponent?
Since she won't discuss issues perhaps we can just get her to explain herself.
I am a voter in the 38th and I would like to know.
I heard Alarcon fired Alger after he worked for him for like a couple months.
What a loser Alger is that the biggest item on his resume is that he worked for Alarcon.
As far as going to college - if he can't make it through college to get even a BA, he must be really dumb or really lazy. My dog could get a college degree these days!
I had a longer resume by the time was old enough to drink!
Alarcon never fired Alger...
more lies from team hilfenhaus.
So Ethelyn "Lyn" Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus (fuck I have a headache) is using the name of her last husband? Not her maiden name and not her current husbands name? What the hell is that all about?
They have 3 failed marriages between them, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, narcotic charges... AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO ATTACK ALGER?????????
And what is with this current "marriage"? They supposedly got married at the Democratic Convention was that all a sham?
Why so many names Lyn?
Why do your people not show the same candor as Algers? (He issued press releases about his problems)
Why do you continue to attack Alger with false and misleading allegations?
Way too many questions with Lyn whatever her name is.
Obviously you don't know anyone at Alarcon's office. Alger was there 4-5 months tops and was let go.
Lets see Jim Hilfenhaus is covicted in 1982 for hashish(pot)possesion and does not have it expunged. Jim Alger is convicted of felony perjury in 1994 has it expunged and then claims it was over turned on appeal.
Lyn is married to a high school sweetheart and is known as Lyn Shaw for decades in Valley activist circles. Marries Jim at the 2000 Democratic Convention in LA is on the front page of USA Today and the Today show and Camp Alger claims they can't find a Marriage Certificate on file. Meanwhile Jim Alger or Jim Wolf or any of the other aka's he goes by raises a rukcus about an explainable use of choosing which name to run under(check the DMV, Lyn's DL says Shaw)opps shouldn't say name and DMV when including Alger's names.
Jim Hilfenhaus,
If you know what is on Shaw's license just sign your damn name to your post.
"Algers' Camp" didn't say anything, I did. What I said was there is no record on file... not that a ceremony didn't happen but that if it did why wouldn't she use her married name?
Her name on her business card says Lyn Hilfenhaus so don't give me that crap about where she is known. She is UNKNOWN to anyone in the 38th and is INTRODUCING herself to the voters under a different name.
Also Jim's case was DISMISSED in the interest of justice... the plea of guilty was withdrawn, a plea of not guilty was entered and the case was DISMISSED. (Haven't you fools figured out yet to CHECK YOUR FACTS? I have because I was concerned when I heard the charges. Imagine my shock when I found out you guys were full of shit.
Hilfenhaus's drug charge was not even eligible to be expunged so tell that story walking.
More importantly, you guys keep attacking Alger when your own house isn't in order. I didn't start out an Alger supporter, you have made me one.
Multiple failed marriages, dubious drug convictions, bankruptcies, misleading the voters... where does it end Shaw? You clearly can't keep your own house in order and you want to work for the State?
Not so much fun being on the other side is it?
Oh Mr. Hilfenhaus how deeply you have underestimated your position if you think that Alger has anything to do with what is about to happen. It is actually kind of funny to watch you try and guess.
Think real hard and you may remember, close your eyes and think back.
Payback is a bitch and when I am done with you your going to wish that Alger was your biggest problem.
I understand that this ship has probably already sailed but I would appreciate it if my supporters would stop the attacks on my opponent. This is not helping the party at all.
The attacks being launched against me by her supporters say more about her supporters than it does me.
This campaign will respond in scope and in kind to any attacks launched against my family or myself. But we shall do so at a date, time and location of our choosing. It certainly will not occur on a blog from an anonymous poster.
When and if this campaign chooses to respond, rest assured there would be no doubt where the response came from. Such a response will be swift, public and decisive.
That is not my desire but my patience is thinning.
This type of warfare does nothing to advance our message of local control over land use, protecting freedom of choice, establishing a clean money system, supporting a living wage, protecting our air, ending our use of urban landfills, universal healthcare or the litany of other issues that face this District and the State of California.
While it is obvious that our opposition has chosen to play the card of personal destruction, let us not descend after them. I have done nothing in my life to be ashamed of. Let us not make this campaign change that.
This campaign is about change.
Not about individual candidates but rather individual candidates visions for the District.
Thank you as always for your support and as I say on the trail; Don't worry, I got this.
Ever notice how Lyn supporters can never ever not once ever say anything good about Lyn without taking a shot at Jim Alger?
Now compare that to the numerous posts about Jim that don't take any shots at Lyn.
Even in this thread the first rock was thrown by a Lyn supporter who couldn't stop at the good things he had to say about Lyn... Nope he had to go bash Alger which then started this mess and someone dropped a nuclear bomb on Lyn's head.
You have all gone too far and each of you is paying for it in one way or another. Congratulations on your prospective losses you short sighted bunch of idiots.
Geees I go away for a day and all hell breaks loose and of course if it isn't CD 14 it MUST be AD 38.
Why do you guys keep insisting on bashing Alger? It never works and leaves everyone battle scarred. Can't you just go get a campaign together that doesn't involving launching into attacks against fellow democrats?
Do you really want Jane Lowenthal to win because her entire strategy is to let you two bash each others heads in and she'll walk in. (Not a chance in hell but that is her plan)
Jim is probably going to win the primary (The Santa Clarita Signal has already labeled Lyn too "Liberal" which has been Alger's point since day 1 of his campaign. Why not rally support behind Alger early? Get some union money flowing and really put on a race?
He is the only one who really has a shot at Smyth and let's be serious even Alger is a long shot. Shaw, there is absolutely no way she will pick up one Republican vote.
C'mon guys---enough screwing around. Lick your wounds, thank god it wasn't worse and QUIT ATTACKING ALGER GOD DAMN IT!
Looks like team Hilfenhaus has other problems on the horizon.
Boy did they step in it today.
Kind words there Jim but yea --looks like that ship sailed long before you got home tonight.
There's going to be some fallout for days on this one. It is Hilfenhaus's strategy on everything to attack constantly. Lyn is a much nicer person so try not to hold it against her.
Oh and Jim (Alger), the "swift, public, and decisive" response -- that ship sailed as well.
Whoever it was that returned fire on Hilfenhaus tonight was pretty swift, very public and extremely decisive. Raised many valid points but I will follow your lead and keep my trap shut.
Gonna take a while for this dust to settle.
you people are all crazy.
put down your keyboards and go talk to voters.
From the Daily News:
Has Mayor Villaraigosa bitten off more than he can chew? Or is his honeymooon with the Daily News just officially over?
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa chairs the MTA board and has said transportation is one of the top priorities of his administration.
But a spokesman for the mayor could not explain why there was no representative at the hearing or why city officials had not previously made their position known.
"The mayor does oppose this," spokesman Darryl Ryan said. "There will be an `opposed' position from the (City) Council and the MTA in coming days.
Voting Republican? Vote Barrientos!
As a person who actually did a records search on Jim Alger, I can assure you that Duval County's misdemeanor courts do show that in 2001 Mr. Alger (same dob)took care of four "lesser misdemeanor" (Florida's term) cases for "uttering a worthless check" in 1994. The reason the faxed records search on this post is meaningless is that the Duval County clerk's website has two seperate ways of searching for files. One is for felonies and there is a seperate form for misdemeanors. The form above was a felony search, so it wouldn't show any cases against Mr. Alger. I don't know if this blog owner knows this and is intentionally hiding that fact or if this is an innocent oversight.
Regardless, some problems of writing bounced checks 12 years ago is just not a big deal in the scheme of things.
"That is not my desire but my patience is thinning."
Oh my god, everyone run! Alger's patience is thinning!
What a joke.
Alger, why don't you get a job? How about Starbucks? It ain't public office, but they probably won't care about your past problems with the law.
8:23 AM Once again your information is FALSE.
If you bothered to ACTUALLY CHECK with Duval County Florida there is NO CONVICTION Felony OR Misdemeanor on file.
You people need to learn to CHECK YOUR FACTS before you throw around claims.
"Lyn" isn't even Lyn. She is Ethelyn L. Williams who married Dale Shaw in 1979 giving her the name Ethelyn L. Shaw. Since Ethelyn sounds ridiculous she uses Lyn. Can't blame her there.
She then re-married Jim Hilfenhaus. (although here is the interesting part... their is NO RECORD of a divorce or marriage but we'll just assume that was some type of error)
There are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying 18 year old Sally J. Wilson (File# 6F5D16F3)and there are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying Margo E. Cash (File# 6984F470) but now marriage to Lyn... hmmmmmmm??? ANYWAY
As we go snooping back in the lives of our Democrats in arms we find wait, what's this? A criminal case? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!
Sad to say it is.
CASE# SA 087741
(This would be a narcotic charge.)
As we continue down we find... HOLY SHIT A CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY!!!
Case Number: 9827573
Attorney Phone: 3104461383
Attorney Address: 10951 W PICO BLVD 3RD FLR
Attorney City: LOS ANGELES
Attorney State: CA
Attorney Zip: 90064
Court Code: CA002
Judge Initials: AA
You fuckers want to throw rocks... better move out of your glass houses.
No, I don't work for Alger. Don't even know the guy but I am fed up with the bullshit.
So Ethelyn "Lyn" Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus (fuck I have a headache) is using the name of her last husband? Not her maiden name and not her current husbands name? What the hell is that all about?
They have 3 failed marriages between them, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, narcotic charges... AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO ATTACK ALGER?????????
And what is with this current "marriage"? They supposedly got married at the Democratic Convention was that all a sham?
Why so many names Lyn?
Why do your people not show the same candor as Algers? (He issued press releases about his problems)
Why do you continue to attack Alger with false and misleading allegations?
Way too many questions with Lyn whatever her name is.
Boy have the tables have turned.
Lyns' "people" (If you call Stuart, the Stonewalls and the SODC her people) have been beating Jims' brains in for months with all sorts of wild allegations. Now they are complaining because someone had the nerve to fire a shot back? Granted the "shot" back was more of a cannon but that is besides the point.
It was bound to happen. If you attack someone long enough they're eventually going to fire back. Even though this shot may have come from someone other than Alger, it was still bound to happen.
Maybe you three Lyn supporters will now focus on ISSUES of the district rather than play the politics of personal destruction.
Never gonna happen. The only thing team Hilfenhaus knows is how to attack people. You need look no further than the Roberta Gillis fiasco for evidence of that.
If these facts are true, neither Alger nor Shaw deserves support. Switch parties and vote Republican.
The 38 Assembly District needs a representative who can stay out of jail and who can manage their own checkbook.
I am a voter in the 38th District and I have never been arrested, never declared bankruptcy, never passed worthless checks and never used narcotics. I am still married and never been divorced. Lets see, I have been gainfully employed for 40 years and have a college degree. My resume is better than both of these candidates. None of these accomplishments were particularly hard to do. Most of the folks in the 38th Assembly District have more in common with me than Alger and Shaw.
When I look at a candidate, I look to the candidate that reflects my views and values.
Goodbye Democrats, Hello Republicans.
Nice post Greig.
OK well first of all IT IS A DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY... your degree obviously didn't give you the ability to read.
"If these facts are true, neither Alger nor Shaw deserves support."
Really? You see no value in redemption? No forgiveness? No room for mistakes made in life?
How sad it must be to be so narrow minded.
This argument isn't about a candidates mistakes, it is about their candor.
Candor is not a debate Greig would wish to discuss but be carefull when you claim to be holier than thow... the REPUBLICAN in the race has his share of skeletons that will make this look like a minor skirmish.
If they want redemption, run in another district. These failings indicate a lack of values and poor decision making. I would prefer candidates without this type of baggage.
Perhaps the Democratic Party is so comfortable with their control of this state that they think voters will accept candidates of low character and accomplishments.
If these are the Democratic front runners, change parties and vote Republican.
These individuals both have many accomplishments and have each served their community well.
Alger was just named "Outstanding Young Californian" by the California Junior Chamber and was honored at a banquet this past weekend.
To try and act like any candidate is squeeky clean is begging to be lied to.
"It is not that a man falls, but what he does when he gets up that shall judge him" - Nelson Mandella
Maybe people have issues in their past, in Alger's case he defended his wife from an attacker and got the short end of the stick from her attacker's friend who so happened to be a police officer. There is a reason why the case was dismissed in the intrest of justice.
I am sure that Alger will stand behind what he did and didn't do regardless of your attempts to spin it.
Doing what is right regardless of cost IS character my friend.
And political spin shows yours.
This is not spin. Most candidates have not been arrested let alone convicted of anything. Most candidates have never filed for bankruptcy.
No spin here, just truth.
Jim Alger is no Nelson Mandella.
Here is one example I do not understand and I am sure Nelson Mandella would not understand. Mr. Alger is still paying back his creditors as he agreed to for his bankruptcy. Okay, so why own an airplane. Sell it and finish paying of your debt.
An airplane is not a necessity for raising a family. I does not shelter you, cloth you, or feed you. It is a luxury.
What kind a value system is that. My creditors can wait because I am not giving up my airplane.
Give it up Stuart.
Creditor: Mr. Alger I need to be paid. Please fulfill your obligation.
Alger: I do not have any money. Don't you understand 911 happened and my business is failing.
Creditor: I need to get paid. I have employees and a family.
Alger: I have a family also. They need to be taken care of.
Creditor: While how about selling your plane to pay me.
Alger: Are you kidding, there are just somethings a man can not live without. Get lost!
Get the point!
Don't you get tired of it? Just let it go.
Yep. The point is diversion.
Once again talking straight out of your ass... as usual.
Anonymous said...
"Lyn" isn't even Lyn. She is Ethelyn L. Williams who married Dale Shaw in 1979 giving her the name Ethelyn L. Shaw. Since Ethelyn sounds ridiculous she uses Lyn. Can't blame her there.
She then re-married Jim Hilfenhaus. (although here is the interesting part... their is NO RECORD of a divorce or marriage but we'll just assume that was some type of error)
There are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying 18 year old Sally J. Wilson (File# 6F5D16F3)and there are records of Jim Hilfenhaus marrying Margo E. Cash (File# 6984F470) but now marriage to Lyn... hmmmmmmm??? ANYWAY
As we go snooping back in the lives of our Democrats in arms we find wait, what's this? A criminal case? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!
Sad to say it is.
CASE# SA 087741
(This would be a narcotic charge.)
As we continue down we find... HOLY SHIT A CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY!!!
Case Number: 9827573
Attorney Phone: 3104461383
Attorney Address: 10951 W PICO BLVD 3RD FLR
Attorney City: LOS ANGELES
Attorney State: CA
Attorney Zip: 90064
Court Code: CA002
Judge Initials: AA
You fuckers want to throw rocks... better move out of your glass houses.
No, I don't work for Alger. Don't even know the guy but I am fed up with the bullshit.
April 26, 2006 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...
So Ethelyn "Lyn" Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus (fuck I have a headache) is using the name of her last husband? Not her maiden name and not her current husbands name? What the hell is that all about?
They have 3 failed marriages between them, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, narcotic charges... AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO ATTACK ALGER?????????
And what is with this current "marriage"? They supposedly got married at the Democratic Convention was that all a sham?
Why so many names Lyn?
Why do your people not show the same candor as Algers? (He issued press releases about his problems)
Why do you continue to attack Alger with false and misleading allegations?
Way too many questions with Lyn whatever her name is.
April 26, 2006 12:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Boy have the tables have turned.
Lyns' "people" (If you call Stuart, the Stonewalls and the SODC her people) have been beating Jims' brains in for months with all sorts of wild allegations. Now they are complaining because someone had the nerve to fire a shot back? Granted the "shot" back was more of a cannon but that is besides the point.
It was bound to happen. If you attack someone long enough they're eventually going to fire back. Even though this shot may have come from someone other than Alger, it was still bound to happen.
Maybe you three Lyn supporters will now focus on ISSUES of the district rather than play the politics of personal destruction.
April 26, 2006 1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Never gonna happen. The only thing team Hilfenhaus knows is how to attack people. You need look no further than the Roberta Gillis fiasco for evidence of that.
These attacks are really regrettable...
...but it's really telling that Alger and his cronies are overreacting so on this blog. It's beyond ugly, no matter what kind of whisper campaign is being mounted.
Please, Jim et al.: Stop the furious mudslinging and start raising a little money. You need a real campaign, not a massive presence on a two-bit blog.
Rise above it. Please.
Mr. Alger sell your plane and pay your bills.
How long do your creditors have to wait?
While you fly around the country they wait to be paid.
Everyone else has moved on, but this guy doesn't quit.
No, he has no life. Kind of funny though, his claims as usual are false and baseless. (stunning huh?)
(Alger pays 165 bucks a month for his plane and 271 to the 13 which will be paid off in 2 months years early because he has been OVERPAYING the Chapter 13)
Then again, truth never matters with the Ethelyn Lyn Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus clan... its all about attacks LET THE TRUTH BE DAMMED.
Hey Stuart, last time I checked 30K was still more than 8k. Lyn got 7,700 bucks from her husbands union... she has collected a total of 300 bucks outside her own house.
She doesn't even have a website and your going to yap about campaigns? Just worry about your own.
It is amazing how some individuals attempt to show self-righteous indignation in the name of politics.
In this case acting as if they give a rats ass about a "creditor" in a Chapter 13. A chapter 13 where, if they had done their homework (as I did) they would have discovered all the creditors have been paid with the exception of the attorney who handled it.
Of course they don't care about facts or truth, which is why they make claims of Alger "flying all over the country" which of course he doesn't.
If someone were interested in facts, a cursory check of records would show he couldn't if he wanted to as he hasn't had his flight review and would need to get one to fly again. But these individuals are not interested in facts.
Nor are they interested in discussing the accomplishments, qualifications or vision of their secretive candidate Ethelyn Hilfenhaus aka Ethelyn Williams aka Lyn Hilfenhaus aka Lyn Shaw.
They talk of her "Valley Leadership Institute," a group that except for one speaking engagement months ago she not "volunteered" one single moment.
They talk of her raising so much money, except upon further examination we find she has only raise a little over 8,000.00 of which her husband has "donated" the hard earned money of his union members to the tune of 6,700.00. (She can only use $3,300.00 for the primary so the rest is just money to inflate the books and was conveniently donated ON the filing deadline) Another 1,000.00 comes from a different local of her husband's union so the grand total of union cash is 7,700.00. For those who are keeping track that is over 95% "special interest money."
Lyn has thought so much of her campaign she has given her campaign a total of 400 bucks. Wow.
Then we have money from her mom, Lois Williams so when you remove her own household and her husbands’ union cash Lyn has a grand total raised of $300 bucks.
Jim Alger has spent more than she has risen no matter how hard you try and spin the numbers.
They talk of her endorsements and yet Lyn has not received a single endorsement from any group that has heard Jim Alger speak as well. In fact virtually all of her endorsements have been her and her husband cashing in markers. Some of her "endorsers" have even apologized saying that they "owed her." Now I think that is a bs reason to put your name as supporting someone for a job as an Assemblyperson but what the heck do I know?
They point to her work with the disabled... except she gets paid a tidy sum for that work as evidenced by her driving around in her fancy brand new gas guzzling Jaguar.
What they never talk about is her stand on any of the issues in the district. Lately she has been repeating what she has heard Alger say publicly and taking it as her own but that's pretty much it.
It really isn't her fault, she hasn't been around the district to know what the issues are.
On Sunshine Canyon she was and remains absent.
On the Simi Valley Landfill she was and remains absent.
Las Lomas she was and remains absent.
Newhall Ranch she was and remains absent.
Wal-Mart she was absent.
Home Depot in Sunland Tujunga she was and remains absent.
The Cemex mine she was and remains absent.
On the DWP Rate Hike(s) she was and remains absent.
On the increase in city trash fees she was and remains absent.
The list goes on and on and on. Jim Alger remains involved and visible in each of these issues.
This is why she and her supporters are left to do nothing but attack Jim Alger, his wife and his family.
It is despicable, shameful and wrong. They should all be embarrassed.
Very well put.
You saved me the trouble of writing that all out because that is precisely what I was thinking.
Didn't Jim Alger use to own a gas guzzling Jag.
Didn't Jim Alger call for an increase in trash fees?
How petty yet very sad to hear all this negative stuff. We all make mistakes and move on. It seems the Lynn camp are perfect. Alger has done things for this city as a VOLUNTEER not a paid employee. I've never heard of Lynn or what she has done except being married to a union guy. Alger has shown his dedication of caring and involvement to help his community. It far surpasses any mistakes he has made in the past. Grow Up and get over it Lynn camp. People know Alger citywide for his accomplishments. Now they are beginning to know you are a very mean spirited woman who has her people attacking because you don't have anything else.
Be careful when you challenge someones fundraising when you have done nothing....$30,000 for Alger??? Come on, $24000 of that was loans including $10,000 from Dawn Alger and $6,000 from his "chief of Staff". In the last period he raised an impressive $200. Way to go Jim!!
Stuart-- you're the only person on the planet who thinks 30K is less than 8K.
Loans can only be paid back if not spent. The bottom line is Jim has PEOPLE (Not connected special interests) who wrote him checks for thousands.
As for the trash fees, Jim supported raising fees by one whole dollar, to which he was lambasted on this blog for trying to get us out of Sunshine Canyon.
Now the Mayor is trying to raise trash fees 150% and not a peep from the Ethelyn Lyn Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus camp.
As for the attacks on Jim's car, he drives around in an Insight. Quite envirmentally friendly if you ask me.
It isn't about what someone USED TO do, it is about the example they are setting NOW.
Oops, wait someone hasn't checked finances. Jim loaned his campaign 10K.
Looks like he has more cash on hand than Lyn has even raised.
Better head back to Norwalk Stuart.
Hey Stuart, since Laura Ingalls couldn't make Rocky's event, maybe she will do one for Lyn.
Just please don't try to hug her okay?
Thanks for all the attention, but it's not me. I am not blogging about Jim Alger. I am not spreading false rumors about Jim. I am not spreading true rumors about Jim. I haven't made a single call about him. And there is not one person on this blog who can honestly say that I have told them something negative about Jim. If you can claim that I did, please leave your real name, the place we talked, and your phone number.
I got CC'd on an email you sent to a Dem organization about Jim, very much along the same lines as the comments here. If you insist I could copy+paste it in here as a followup.
I hope you'll understand that I'd prefer to leave my phone number off of Mayor Sam, however.
Matt Waggner
You received my response to an e-mail accusing me of saying things that I did not say. I replied to Jim's staffer. Jim's staffer included you on the list and you were therefore cc'ed. Everything I said in my previous post was in that e-mail. I spoke to Jim regarding the e-mail his staffer sent to me. If you would like to discuss it further, my e-mail is stuart@stuartwaldman.com
Yes he did use to own a gas guzzling Jag. Gold in color I think. He still owns his gas guzzling status symbol airplane.
Oh yes you are right, he did call for an increase in trash fees for all households.
Ms Shaw built a career serving those that were least able to help themselves, the developmentally disabled. For many she work for very little money.
Mr. Alger failed in business selling high end custom cars to rich folks (probably gas guzzlers).
What do Jim Alger and the Mayor have in common?
They both called for an increase in trash fees to pay for basic city services.
Does anyone in the 38th read Mayor Sam besides the six or seven bloggers that anonymously post abck and forth?
It would seem that Lyn Shaw outraised Jim Alger 35 to 1 in the last reporting period.
That does not include $3,300. from Majority Whip Dario Frommer, $2,000 from the California Professional Firefighters, the endorsements of LIUNA CWA, AFSCME, UFCW, UAW, The LA Couty Federation of Labor and The State Federation of Labor all of which came with money and notice to their membership.
Of every endorsement that Lyn Shaw and Jim Alger have competed for and spoken to, Lyn has won all but one.
Lyn owns a certified pre-owned X- type Jag, hardly a gas guzzler. What kind of Jag did Jim own before he bought the Pious (South Park fans wil get it)and reinvented his beliefs in cars?
Anyone who know anything about "Clean Money Campaigns" knows that loans to candidates are the dirtiest form of fund raising as you never know who the candidate will take money from to repay them after the election.
But if Ager believes in his heart that Union money is "Special Interest" money and that elected union Officials are "Union Bosses" that makes a statement about his beliefs and character far greater than any outside attack could muster.
Anyone ever see any financial reports about the distribution of funds for the Katrina Victims by Alger? You know the required IRS and City Charitable reports that you break the law by not filing.
Just asking cause his campaign has cash, he has a new car,paying off bankruptcy debts, flying a plane and can loan his campaign 10 grand but outside of 3 months on Senator Alarcon staff he hasn't worked in 5 years. Didn't know his SSI paid that well.
BREAKING NEWS: Jim Alger kicks Lyn Shaws ass in debate.
Despite Lyn bringing her "supporters" to heckle and just generally act like fucking fools Alger stayed on message, discussed the issues of the district and won an overall approval from the audience that attended.
Of course, Ethelyn Lyn Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus still came off as whiny, pretentious and disengaged to local issues.
Big shocker.
Wasn't that pathetic? Lyn says she promisses not to attack and what do they do... they try to heckle Jim like the trailer trash they are.
Alger just ignored them, like the voters will do on June 6th.
But the funniest thing of the evening wasn't even Lyn and Jim... it was Jane Lowenthal claiming she has raised 30 grand. AS IF!
(Of course Lyn made the same claim, not bolstered by any evidence and Jim has been getting that loan money back so the only candidate that actually has 30K is... yep... Jim.)
Hey 5:54... lets compare your statements to REALITY shall we?
"Of every endorsement that Lyn Shaw and Jim Alger have competed for and spoken to, Lyn has won all but one."
What happened to SFV Young Dems?
How about LA County Young Dems?
How about Valley Grassroots for Democracy?
How about DPSFV (Which you guys have been screaming about because Alger got the recommendation?)
How about the Sierra Club?
Shall I continue?
With Lyns' connections these should have been a lock.
"Lyn owns a certified pre-owned X- type Jag, hardly a gas guzzler.
OK Once again, if your going to say you know this kind of detail, JUST SIGHN YER NAME MR HILFENHAUS!
ANYWAY... Edmunds rates a Jaguar x-type as 18 MPG. AND THAT ISN'T A GAS GUZZLER? (We won't even discuss your car)
"What kind of Jag did Jim own before he bought the Pious."
Well, you mean Prius but no he owns a Honda Insight. Not too swift on the details huh? Put the pot down you'll pick it up a notch.
Lyns group heckled Jim? What do you expect from some unionistas? Bunch of drug dealing skip out on their bills cant figure out what their name is trailer park ghetto trash making their money on the backs of disabled people.
When you live in a sewer you begin to smell. The Hilfenhaus clan has been sewer rats for some time. Don't be surprised when they act it.
I don't know that Jim won the debate, not sure anyone did. But I did think that Jim showed the most candor.
When asked what the Republicans would use against them Lyn said that they would use her work against her. Yes, but they'll use all the stuff above this post as well Lyn, and your failure to disclose while allowing these attacks on Jim will cost you dearly.
That was a prime time to just lay it all out there and you failed miserably.
Stuart - don't write checks with your mouth that your ass can't cash.
You've been talking about Alger whereever you can, people know, but obviously as your friends we weren't going to say anything.
But if you keep it up...
One other thing Stuart...
You have a lot going for you. Don't let Lyn fuck it up for you. Give her your moral and financial support, but let them wallow in the dirt, not you.
Lyn Shaw works for Tierra Del Sol. This non-profit organization provides services to developmentally disable people. It recieves funding from a variety of sources including the state.
There are good non-profits and bad non-profits.
I contacting an organization that oversees non-profits catering to our developmentally disable community. According to my source Tierra Del Sol is considered one of the best in the region.
I do not know how much Credit Ms. Shaw deserves for the success of this agency but she is working at a highly regarding agency that helps those who can not help themselves.
Mr. Alger and team should recognize that she is a successful person working in a successful organization that has worked to benefit our community for decades.
This non-profit organization recieves funding from a variety of sources including the state.
So what your saying is that not only does she pay for her gas guzzling shiny Jaguar on the backs of disabled people, but the State is paying for it too?
That is the problem with "non-profits" there actually is a pretty good profit for the people that run their campaigns from one.
My favorite part of last nights debate was when the candidates were asked what deficits they had in the 38th... Ethelyn Lyn Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus actually said she had NONE!
WOW. Failed marriages, Bankruptcies, narcotic charges and assaults on disabled people in the household, running for office under an alias and she has none?
That doesn't even begin to discuss her attacks on Alger.
That is just the crap that has been dug up on a "2 bit blog." What comes out when a republican who is well funded decides to go digging?
Way to much dirt and not enough candor at the Hilfen House.
A gas guzzling Jag may be part status symbol and part practical transportation.
A gas guzzling Airplane is all status symbol.
At least she earned the money to buy her car.
Where did the bankrupt, failed businessman, get the money to by his airplane, His Wife or his mommy and daddy? Or maybe money previously hidden from bankruptcy court. Maybe he sold his own gas guzzling Jag for the downpayment.
Maybe Maybe Maybe... Maybe your an idiot.
Look up the FAA website and you will find no record of Alger "owning" an aircraft. He is a fractional owner (has a partner) and uses the aircraft to VOLUNTARILY transport sick children for medical care through Operation Angel Flight.
I am sorry that the Ethelyn Lyn Williams Shaw Hilfenhaus camp doesn't see sick children as anything less than a "status symbol."
Then again, considering she makes her money on the backs of these people anyway I guess that wouldn't matter to her anyway.
Please review Mr. Alger's work history listed below.
Didn't see anything?
Well you are not alone.
Boy when one attack doesn't work you just go straight to another attack huh?
If what you say is true (and it isn't of course) why would it matter? It wouldn't as campaigns are about a vision of a future.
But since your candidate obviously has no vision for the district all that is left is attacks.
Lyn works for Tierra del Sol, which is great. The question is, can she put in the time she'd need to get to the Assembly? I don't know if 90 minutes a day between work and bedtime is going to win the 38th from GOP control.
Her job is perfectly noble, but does she really want this new one, or is it just a put-on?
Noone mentioned Hilfenhaus people tearing down Alger signs in the neighborhood.
Now thats class
Vision... or work for the future? It's an important distinction.
Prior to work, you must have a vision.
In the Neighborhood Council election in which Mr. Alger was elected to the Northridgewest Neighborhood Council, Mr. Alger ran unopposed in the renter category.
Best information available is that he got 78% of the vote. (That means 22% prefered to vote for nobody) This district has about 20,000 residents. The total numbers of persons casting votes was 216 (Per DONE). Mr. Alger received approximately 168 votes with no opposition and in an election in which only 1% of the residents voted.
Not actually a mandate. If he could not even get 1% of the vote in his own neighborhood, is he really a viable candidate.
What a stupid ass batshit fucked up crazy ass comparison obviously made by an individual who has absolutely no idea how Neighborhood Council Elections operate.
Many people in NC elections, just as in general elections, vote for one candidate only... a friend or relative. Alger was the highest vote getter, led a slate of candidates and the entire slate of 9 candidates won.
The fact that some intirim board members recognized Algers' leadership skills and did not oppose either his candidacy for the Council, or the Council Presidency speaks volumes for his abilities.
That is still 168 times more votes than Lyn whatever her name is ever got.
Still attacking huh?
LISTEN CAREFULLY... Once, JUST ONCE... TRY and pump up Ethelyn WITHOUT attacking Jim... can you fools even do it?
Your entire campaign is "Jim sucks vote for Lyn."
4 weeks to election day and still no answers.
These questions aren't that hard people!
Cameron Smyth, in a three way race, received 40% of the vote his last election. The last vote in Santa Clarita approximately 15,000 voters participated. That would be about 6,000 for Smyth.
Alger's election to a local Neighborhood Council with 216 voters and only 168 for Alger is nothing compared to Smyth. And Smyth does not have the baggage Alger does.
Comparing a City Council election to a Neighborhood council election is to compare chess to jumprope.
The question at hand is not whether Alger is the bestest candidate in the whole wide world, the question is is he the best candidate out of the 4 Democrats.
The answer is quite obviously an uncontested yes. I say uncontested because even now, no alternative has been presented.
Oh and one more thing. Alger has always exceeded expectations. The biggest mistake one could make is to underestimate him.
It was a quiet couple of days there, eh? Welcome back from Sacramento, everyone.
Hmmm Alger gets 78% Smyth gets 40%.
Your right, not even close.
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