Morning Briefs on the Los Angeles Political Machine for Friday
This blogger like City Clowncil Dictator Herb "Mini Amin" Wesson and the rest of the Clowncil Central Committee, are bugging out early. For the Clowncil Central Committee, its the National League of Cities Conference in Washington D.C. and for this blogger its ......
This is a great living history presentation centered on the old Vallecito Butterfield Stage Station at San Diego's Vallecito County Park within the larger Anza-Borrego State Park. But back to the local political scene ....
** We have a surprise in store for CD 14's Councilman Jose Huizar. Here's a hint, he may need the services of the City Attorney in the near future as more attention is being paid to his stonewalling on the status of the CLARTS Community Amenities Fund. Our recent request under the California Public Records Act has gone unanswered. Thus, an outside organization is paying close attention to this latest episode of "CLARTS Fund Transparency Held Hostage", now in Day 22. Thus, we tie this yellow ribbon in the hope that Tranparency and Open Government return soon to CD 14.
Councilman Huizar, release the records on the CLARTS Fund!
Your thoughts ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14
Labels: "COUNCILMAN LAST SEEN AS JOSE HUIZAR, City Council President Herb Wesson, CLARTS Fund
The direction of protest are somehow distructive to organization that truly want to improve our communities, and are not political involved, Jose aguilar want to protest our meeting of the 15th, a meeting that is geared to inform and educate our communities of the impact of alcohol sales and advertisement to our youth, that has continue to be the cause for crime, drunk driving, domestic violence, addiction, and the high school drop rate of 66% from Roosevelt high. why would anyone that pretends to look after the community would do such a protest, wrong time, wrong meeting, and wrong place, only to promote his campaign for State Assembly running against John Perez, jose is a joke for the republicans.
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