The Transit Coalition eNewsletter, Mon. Oct. 22, 2007
Weekly Transit eNewsletter
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Volume 3, Issue 43
The accident on the Interstate 5 truck lanes the week before may very well affect transportation policy in more ways than one. Caltrans is now reviewing whether it was proper to raise the speed limit on the truck lanes some years ago. Praise was given to the swift response and even swifter reopening of Interstate 5, albeit without the truck lanes. However, the incident also reminded drivers of their dependence on this critical mountain pass.
Meanwhile, Metrolink announced that it would continue running the two additional train trips that were launched in response to the closure. The truck accident is a stark reminder of the valuable service Metrolink provides by connecting disparate areas of Los Angeles County.
The Expo Line to Culver City hit several obstacles last week. Some residents along the line are now demanding a grade separation near Dorsey High School . Metro contends that the request would add $25 million to the already strained project budget. Critics retort that Metro willingly spent money to add a station at USC/Exposition Park and make improvements at Los Angeles Trade Tech College . Also, an investigative report revealed that Culver City is the only municipality that has yet to contribute cash for the project.
How can walking, of all things, create traffic? As it prepares its annual holiday lighting display at Griffith Park , the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power contends that there is not enough parking spaces to park cars and allow passengers to walk through the display. Presumably, searching for scarce parking space would create traffic jams. For now, however, the DWP will make it a trial pedestrian-only event from November 21 through 25.
Don't Forget: Tonight is the monthly Transit Coalition Dinner Meeting. Transit Coalition Board member Robert Leabow will give a presentation on fast-growing public transportation in China . See our complete newsletter for details.
I've been asking people publicly to slow down on the freeways.
I've been asking Council to make some move to request State action on it.
you can find the German research online that proves most motor vehicles operate best at 60mph. every 5mph over that you lose 10% effficiency.
so at 80mph ur really hosing that gas down.
go Iraq. pump me some more gas.
not to mention the inefficiency results in higher smog-causing 'unburnt fuel' (inefficient remember).
ur just blowing that unburnt fuel straight out the tail pipe.
and straight into the LAUSD school window.
so first step to improve ALL the results at LAUSD schools:
slow down on the freeway when ur driving thru this City!
Looking to Germany, with its fabulous autobahn which has no speed limits and cars gun it to over 100 MPH, for a model in how to go slow on freeways is like asking Jenna Jamison for tips on celibacy.
But we all have to do something with out lives, so there you are.
Driving as fast as you car will go is great and safe in Germany. Everyone sees the car behind them gaining and gets out of the way if its a beaner or better. The jerk who won't move gets the idea soon.
Don't buy a Porsche or Ferrari if your main worry is gas mileage.
Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Dowd has been "asking people to slow down" (what an idiot)? Why doesn't Dowd ask the LAPD to enforce the speed limit (that'll slow drivers down)?
Hymon is correct in pointing out DWP absurdities. Theirs isn't a mis-spoken statement. Theirs isn't an error in factual measurement or logic. This is just absolute absurdity in defense of an argument. They'll say anything.
How often does our City Representatives lie, misrepresent, mislead in order to get what they want? They do it all the time! Such is the life of a bureaucrat. Write a book. It's high comedy. There's plenty of absurdity out there. And again, I'm not talking about mistakes. I'm talking about deliberate falsifications and absurdity, to the max.
Did anyone notice that Mayor "Subway to the Sea" was out front last week in announcing that the intersection of the 405 and 101 freeways had been completed and that it was going to improve our lives. Someone needs to point out to him that he had nothing to do with that project. It was put in motion before he ever became Mayor...that won't stop him from trying to take credit for it!!!
That was in the works for 5 years. As Weiss says, It takes five years to add (or just switch for rushhour) a lane in Los Angeles. With all the studies and whatever it took. And we wonder why things don't change overnight.
About the synchronized lights being added -- it's stop and go which is the most polluting, not going at a consistent speed.
Matt, leave our speed limits alone. Since you never have to get anywhere that requires timeliness, like a job or meeting, you wouldn't know what it's like.
I'm not touching the speed limits.
nowhere did I mention them.
you know what? pretty soon you won't be able to drive faster than 30 on a los angeles freeway anyway so ha fucken ha.
I said it was German "RESEARCH" idiot. nowhere did I say they were smart enough to follow it, or to take any kind of lead from them.
furthermore, LAPD doesn't even have jurisdiction on the freeways, that's why I haven't asked them.
freeways are state highway.
and finally, oh yes, that WAS Matt Dowd entering John Ferraro council chambers at 10 a.m.
well before many council members, thank you.
Hoody hoo for you, matt, being there so early. What a loss your absence would have been, not haranguing them again for not agreeing to your own terms for Venice beach peddling.
Of course, when someone has no where else to go or anything else to do, it's pretty easy to show up just to bother people.
Those lazy CM's, with all their boring committee meetings and staff responsibilities, and then there's those other pesky constituents -- you know, the millions who don't show up and bother them at City Hall or sue taxpayers, because they're busy working, raising their kids and all that timewasting stuff.
And yeah, too bad the German's aren't smart enough to run their society according to your principles. IF only they were half as smart and industrious as you.
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