Whistleblower hotline: (213) 785-6098

Sunday, January 17, 2010


After a long five and a half years this blog is going on a hiatus and will not publish new stories nor take new reader comments for the time being.

The reasons for this are many and won't be gone into.  And quite frankly we think we need a break.

When we started Mayor Sam there were few if any blogs covering the inside baseball of local politics. Now there are at least a few that are all doing great work and are run by great people.  Therefore this is a good time for a rest.

There have been many people who have more than contributed to this effort and I could not adequately acknowledge and thank them all in a single post. Let me just say I am truly grateful.  However I must give as many props, kudos and thanks as humanly possible to JoeB, Solomon and Red Spot as the longest and most prolific contributors to this blog, as well as for their friendship.  I do hope they find some place while we are down to continue to share what they have to offer.

While my interest in and passion for LA politics has hit it's nadir I do hope to see many of you "on the road."  At some point I will be back blogging in some form once I figure out what I want to say next.

In the meantime I suggest you turn to Griffith Park Wayist, Village to Village and Ron Kaye LA for a daily dose of excellent reporting and blogging on municipal affairs.

Blog away dum dums (well somewhere else),
Michael Higby
Mayor Sam


